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самостоятельное государство южных славян. Еще он сказал, что Дунай по-английски будет Danube.

Передай привет маме от меня, до свидания.


3.Когда мама уходила, она сказала, что вернется позднее, чем обычно, потому что у нее накопилось много работы.

Папа сказал, что он, возможно, также вернется позднее, так как у

них будет собрание и потому он слишком занят, чтобы приходить вовремя.

Я сказал, что я приду позднее всех, потому что у нас соревнование по шахматам, но, если я приду раньше их, я приготовлю ужин.

Мама вздохнула и сказала, что она постарается прийти пораньше.

Exercise 61.

You’ve had a bad day today. Everyone kept telling you to do things. Recollect what they asked you to do and tell your class about it.


When it was only 7 o’clock Mother told me to get up. I wanted to have breakfast, but my sister told me to wash my face first. Then Mother ordered me to make my bed and come to the kitchen to have breakfast.

Then Grannie told me to eat porridge which I didn’t want to, etc.

You may use the following if you wish:


1.Сделай гимнастику.

2.Пожалуйста, открой окно и дыши свежим воздухом.

3.Вымой посуду после завтрака.

4.Не забудь учебники.

5.Не забудь ключ.


1.Возьми деньги на завтрак.

2.Не потеряй деньги.

3.Не забудь позавтракать в школе.

4.Надень теплый свитер.

5.Купи хлеба по дороге домой.

6.Не забудь сделать уроки.

7.Не разговаривай много по телефону.


8.Погуляй после обеда.

9.Не играй слишком много в хоккей.

10.Убери в квартире.

11.Накорми кошку.

12.Выпусти кошку.

13.Проветри комнаты.

14.Не включай телевизор.

15.Вынеси мусор.

16.Запирай дверь.

Exercise 62.

You have interviewed Mr. Kelly. Write a report of the interview.

-Are you English?

-Yes, I am. I come from Leeds.

-Is it your first visit to Moscow?

-No, I’ve been here once before. I visited Moscow and St. Petersburg two years ago.

-Are you here on holiday?

-No. I have come to Moscow on business.

-How long are you staying?

-I shall be here for three weeks.

-Are you going to visit St. Peterburg again?

-I’m afraid not. I’ve been very busy. And we are flying to England from


Exercise 63.

You are at home with Mother. Father is at his office, your sister is at her friend’s. Act a telephone call to your father or sister and tell them what your mother says.


Is that you, Dad? Alice calling. Mother asks when you will be back tonight. She wants to know if you have a meeting again.


1.Do they have a meeting again?

2.Has he paid for the flat?

3.Will he buy bread on the way?


4.Did he ring up the doctor?

5.When will the doctor come?

6.Has she had lunch at school?

7.Will she buy tooth-paste and soap?

8.When will she come back? Who should do the flat today?

9.Is she feeling better? Is she wearing her warm cardigan?

10.Has she bought that expensive dictionary? Did she have enough money? 11. Hasn’t he forgotten to take his lunch?

12.How is he? Is he feeling better or worse? Is he coming home earlier tonight? 13. Will he buy some pills for the headache on his way?

14.What would he like to have for supper? Would he like to have meat or fish? 15.Will she buy some mineral water on the way?

Exercise 64.

Report the question and give an answer. If you don’t know the answer read the list below.


Student 1: Stratford-on-Avon in England was the birthplace of a famous person. Who was he? When was he born?

Student 2: You ask me (you want to know) whose birthplace was Stratford-on- Avon and when that famous person was born. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon, unfortunately I can’t tell you the date of his birth.

1.Which city is nearest to the equator – London, Moscow or New York?

2.What is the Great Barrier Reef?

3.What is the saltiest of all seas?

4.What is the largest of all freshwater lakes?

5.Which is the highest mountain in Britain?

6.Which is the longest river in the world?

7.Which is the largest planet?

8.Which is the most densely populated territory in the world?

9.What was the first artificial satellite?

10.Odense in Denmark was the birthplace of what famous person? 11.When is All Fools’ Day?

12.What language do they speak in Holland?

13.What is the Russian for Flying Dutchman?

14.How much is a baker’s dozen?

15.What is a pound?

16.How many eggs are there in a dozen?

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