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17.Whose theory is the Theory of Relativity?

18.What is Hobson’s choice?

19.What is Package Deal?

20.What is sci-fi?


1.New York.

2.The World’s largest Coral Reef.

3.The Red Sea, the Dead Sea and the Caspian Sea are much saltier, but they are inland lakes.

4.Lake Baikal.

5.Ben Nevis, in Scotland.

6.The Nile.


8.The Principality of Monaco.

9.Sputnik-1, October 4, 1957.

10.Hans Chrictian Andersen, the famous writer who was born there on April 2, 1805.

11.The first of April.

12. Dutch.

13.«Летучий Голландец».


15.a) A measure of weight, b) A unit of money. 16.Twelve.


18.An offer that must be taken because there is no other choice.

19.A set of proposals in which the bad has to be taken along with the good. 20.Science fiction.

Exercise 65.

Write the following in Reported Speech.


A sickly lady, who was visiting a health resort in the mountains on the advice of her doctor, was seated at the table next to a red-faced, healthy-looking young man.

“Have you improved much since you came here?” the lady asked. “Wonderfully, ma’am”, replied the young man.


“And were you in the very bad health when you came?” she persisted.

“Bad health? Why, ma’am, when I first came here, I was probably the weakest person you ever saw. I had practically no use of my limbs”.

“Dear, dear! And you lived?”

“I certainly did, ma’am. Although you really have no idea of how bad I was when I first arrived. I was absolutely dependent upon others for everything. I was entirely without power to help myself. But I began to gain immediately upon my arrival, and haven’t experienced a serious setback since.”

“Wonderful, wonderful!” murmured the lady. “But do you think that your lungs were really affected?”

“Well , I suppose you could call them sound, but only the most careful nursing helped them to gain their functions entirely.”

“I trust you found kind friends here, sir?”

“ Indeed I did, ma’am. It is to them and to the pure air of these mountains that I owe my life. My father’s family were with me, but unfortunately, my mother was suffering from a severe illness during the time of my greatest weakness.”

“How said! Surely, you must have lost weight when you arrived here?

“Yes, ma’am. They tell me that I only weighed nine pounds at the time of my birth here.”

Exercise 66.

Translate into English.

1.Он спросил меня, где работает мой брат.

2.Я спросил секретаря, когда придет директор.

3.Он только что спросил меня, в котором часу будет лекция.

4.Он сказал, что он должен сделать это сам.

5.Я спросил его, где ближайшее почтовое отделение.

6.Доктор не велел мне выходить несколько дней.

7.Он сказал нам, что переговоры ведутся около двух недель.

8.Я спросил, придет ли он сюда вечером, и он сказал, что придет.

9.Он сказал ей, чтобы она перепечатала этот контракт в трех экземплярах.

10.Он только что сказал, что он вполне удовлетворен результатом нашей работы.

11.Я спросил его, был ли он когда-нибудь в Средней Азии. Он сказал, что не был.

12.Он попросил секретаря, чтобы он принес ему каталоги, полученные из Москвы.

13.Я спросил ее, знает ли она профессора А. Она ответила, что знает.


14.Я спросил ее, идет ли дождь. Она ответила, что идет. 15.Он велел сыну не ходить никуда вечером.

16.Я спросил секретаря, могу ли я поговорить с директором. 17.Он сказал им, чтобы они пришли сюда в семь часов. 18.Я спросил его, давно ли он работает на этом заводе. 19.Доктор сказал ему, чтобы он бросил курить.

20.Я только что спросил его, будет ли отменено собрание, и он ответил, что не будет.

21.Спросите его, согласится ли он помочь нам. 22.Я спросил его, когда начнутся переговоры. 23.Он спросил меня, когда открываются магазины.

24.Они сказали, что в настоящее время пароход подготавливают к новому рейсу.

25.Он сказал, что покупатели хотят, чтобы товары были отправлены железной дорогой.

26.Он сказал мне, что поставщики прислали образцы товаров. 27.Он спросил меня, куда я положил счета.

28.Он сказал мне, что он пошлет инструкции агенту. 29.Он говорит, что погрузка закончилась в 6 часов.

Exercise 67.

Choose the most suitable word underlined.

a)The government spokesperson denied/refused that there was a crisis.

(“denied” is right)

b)Jane said me/told me there was nothing the matter.

c)Peter persuaded me/insisted me to stay for dinner.

d)The director of studies advised me/suggested me to spend more time in the library.

e)Sheila explained me/warned me not to leave the heater on all night.

f)The chairperson mentioned us/reminded us that time was extremely short.

g)Bill answered them/replied them with a detailed description of his plans.

h)Michael and Sarah announced/reported that they were going to get married.

i)Paul accepted/expected that he had made a mistake, and apologised.

j)The manager confirmed/reassured that our room had been reserved.

Exercise 68.

Match each report 1) to 10) with the actual words spoken from a) to j). 1) Jim admitted that he might have taken it. (e)


2)Sue denied that she had taken it.

3)Harry doubted whether he had taken it.

4)Diana explained that she had taken it.

5)Bill insisted he had taken it.

6)Mary suggested that she had taken it.

7)Ted confirmed that he had taken it.

8)Ruth claimed that she had taken it.

9)Charles repeated that he had taken it.

10)Sally reassured us that she had taken it.

a)No, I’ve definitely taken it.

b)I don’t think I took it.

c)Don’t worry, I’ve taken it. It’s all right!

d)What about me? Perhaps I took it?

e)OK, perhaps I did take it after all.

f)Yes, I took it. I took it, I tell you!

g)Yes, that’s quite correct. I took it.

h)No, I certainly didn’t take it, I can assure you.

i)You may not believe me, but actually I took it.

j)You see, it’s like this. I’ve taken it.

Exercise 69.

Match each report 1) to 10) with the actual words spoken from a) to j).

1)Ann told me that I should take a holiday. (d)

2)Ann expected me to take a holiday.

3)Ann insisted that I should take a holiday.

4)Ann invited me to take a holiday.

5)Ann agreed that I could take a holiday.

6)Ann reminded me to take a holiday.

7)Ann proposed that I should take a holiday.

8)Ann asked whether I would take a holiday.

9)Ann reassured me that I could take a holiday.

10)Ann preferred that I take a holiday.

a)Would you like to come on holiday with me?

b)Don’t worry. Of course you can take a holiday.

c)Don’t forget to take a holiday, will you!

d)You should take a holiday.

e)Are you going to take a holiday?

f)It’s all right by me if you take a holiday.

g)Actually, I’d rather you took a holiday.


h)I thought you were going to take a holiday.

i)Taking a holiday would be a good idea.

j)You really must take a holiday.

Exercise 70.

Complete each sentence with one suitable word. Do not use “say”.

a)I thought Jim would say something about his new job. But he didn’t mention it.

b)Sorry, I wasn’t being insulting. I simply _____ that you seem to have put on rather a lot of weight lately.

c)The police _____ that the crowd was under 50000, although the organizers of the march put it at nearer 100000.

d)The children _____ that their parents were always checking up on them.

e)It has been _____ that by the year 2050 some capital cities will be almost uninhabitable because of the effects of air pollution.

f)During the months before Smith’s transfer from City, it had been _____ that he and the manager had come to blows in the dressing-room, though this was denied by the club.

g)Brown _____ that the arresting officers had treated him roughly, and that one of them had punched him in the eye.

h)An Army spokesman stressed that all troops patrolling the streets had been

_____ to issue clear warnings before firing any shots.

i)Although he didn’t say so directly, the Prime Minister _____ that an agreement between the two sides was within reach.

j)The witness _____ her name and address to the court before the crossexamination began.

Exercise 71.

Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.

1.… he said patiently.

2.… he commented derisively.

3.… he observed sarcastically.

4.… he said agreeably.

5.… he said pompously.

6.… he whispered shyly.

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