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Местоимения each и every

Местоимение each каждый употребляется по отношению к ограниченному числу лиц или предметов.

1. Each употребляется в качестве местоимения-прилагательного перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе.

There are new houses on each На каждой стороне улицы имеются

side of the street.

новые дома.

Each student in our group has Каждый студент нашей группы

a Russian-English dictionary.

имеет русско-английский словарь.

2. Когда each употребляется в качестве местоимения-существительного, за ним часто следует предлог of:

There were four students in the room, В комнате было четыре студента, and I gave a ticket to each (of them). и я дал билет каждому (из них).

Each of us received a ticket to Каждый из нас получил билет на the concert.


Each в сочетании с местоимением other образует взаимное местоимение each other (друг друга):

They see each other very often. Они часто видятся (видят друг друга).

Местоимение every (каждый, всякий), в отличие от each, употребляется в том случае, когда не имеется в виду ограниченное количество лиц или предметов. Every употребляется только в качестве местоимения-прилагательного перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе.

Every big plant in Russia Каждый большой завод в России has its polyclinic. имеет свою поликлинику.

I see him every day. Я вижу его каждый день.

Русское выражение каждый из нас (вас, них) не может быть переведено на английский язык посредством every. В этом случае употребляется местоимение each или everyone: each of us (you, them), everyone of us (you, them).

Every в сочетании с body, one и thing образует местоимения everybody, everyone (каждый, всякий, все) и everything (всё). Everybody, everyone и everything

употребляются только в качестве местоимения-сушествительного и служат подлежащим или дополнением. Когда everybody, everyone и everything служат

в предложении подлежащим, глагол ставится в единственном числе:




Everybody (everyone) is here.


Все здесь.

Everything is ready.

Всё готово.

I saw everybody (everyone) there.

Я видел всех там.

Не told me everything about it.


Он рассказал мне всё об этом.

Every в сочетании с where образует наречие everywhere везде:

You can get this book everywhere.

Вы можете достать эту книгу везде.

Exercise 40. Complete these sentences with both/neither/either, using “of” if necessary.

1.Ed and Jim were ______ big men.

2.These are very gloomy rooms. I’m afraid _______ will suit me.

3.There are two ways to the city centre. You can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the main road. You can go _______ way.

4._______ these pullovers are very nice. The problem was that she liked ______

them. She didn’t know which one to chose.

5._______ my parents is English. My father is Polish and my mother is Italian.

6.“Which of these two newspapers would you like?” – “Oh, will do.”

7.“Is today the 18th or 19th?” – “________ . It’s the 20th.”

8.By that time ________ his sisters had got married.

9.When the boat started to sink, we were really frightened because _______ us could swim.

Exercise 41. Make sentences with ”both … and …”, “neither … nor …” and “either … or …” using the words in brackets.

1.We didn’t like the hotel. It was ________ (clean/comfortable).

2.I didn’t like the film. It was __________ (boring/long).

3.I couldn’t remember his name. He was _________ (Richard/Robert).

4.I wasn’t able to go on holiday that year. I had _________ (time/money).

5.We have tickets for Saturday or Sunday concert. Which do you prefer? – I don’t care, I can go (Saturday/Sunday).

6.He is an ideal husband. He _________ (smoke/drink).

Exercise 42. Use both, either, neither in the following sentences.

1. There oak trees on _______ bank of the river. 2. The man held an axe in _______

hands. 3. The veranda stretches on ________ side of the house. 4. The first apple-pie of the season was on the table and a large dish of purple grapes. Muriel was too angry


to touch _______ . 5. I could hear them ________, but saw ________. 6. ________ of the two could sing. 7. _______ of them was of the same opinion. 8. ________ his legs were broken in the accident. 9. You may take _______ of the two dictionaries, but not

_______ of them. 10. She had brown shining hair which hung down on _______ sides of her face. 11. “What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke?”– “ ________, I’m not thirsty.” 12. “Which job are you going to take?” – “I’m afraid ________.” 13. Nick and Tom are _______ my friends. But _______ is in town now. 14. “_______ the jars, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take ________ of them.” – “I’m afraid ________ will do.” 15. _______ of the statements is true.

Exercise 43. Insert every/each or either.

1. ______ day he comes here, and _______ time he asks me the same question. 2. There was a huge building on ________ side of the square, _______ having massive arched gate. 3. There were huge buildings on _______ side of the street and _______

had rows of balconies as its only decorations. 4. Which would you prefer, the Webster or the Oxford dictionary? – _______ will do. Thank you. 5. He shook hands and had a few minutes’ talk with _______ of us. 6. He gave _______ of the children a small gift. 8. I see Jack at work almost _______ day. 9. There was a prize for ______ one of the competitors. 10. ________ country is subdivided into several districts. 11. Give the delivery-men $5 _______. 12. Not _______ house on the island has electricity. 13. Almost _______ building was damaged in the earthquake. 15. Here are two dictionaries, you may take _______ of them.

Местоимение other

Местоимение other имеет значение другой. В функции определения other не имеет множественного числа:

Have you got any other colours? У вас есть какие-нибудь другие цвета? В функции подлежащего или дополнения other имеет форму множественного числа others, которая обозначает other ones - другие люди или другие вещи:

Some metals are magnetic, others

Некоторые металлы обладают

are not.

магнитными свойствами, другие



Other с определенным артиклем в форме единственного числа имеет значение «второй из двух», в форме множественного числа – все остальные:

The other brother was a footballer. Второй брат был футболистом.



Could you tell the others I’ll be late?

Вы не могли бы сказать


остальным, что я опоздаю?

Местоимение another

Местоимение another употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе и, помимо значения другой, имеет значение ещё один, добавочный:

Can I have another cup of tea, please?

Можно мне ещё чашечку чая,



В этом значении another может употребляться с существительным во множественном числе, если ему предшествует числительное или few:

Another three pints, please.

Ещё три пинты, пожалуйста.

I’ll stay here for another few

Я пробуду здесь ещё несколько недель.



Вместо another возможно употребление more, но не other: Three more pints…

но не three other pints.

Exercise 44. Supply the appropriate word out of those given in brackets.

1.The shoes do not fit me. Will you kindly give me _______ pair? (another, the other)

2.They haven’t met for twenty years; neither of them has seen even a photo of

_________ . (another, the other)

3.I read the novel by O. Henry one after _______ . (another, the other)

4.There were many people on the beach; some were bathing, _______ were basking in the sun. (others, the others)

5.I met him at the club _______ night. (other, the other)

6.I see only five copies here. Where are _________ ones? (the other, the others)

7.I have lost my pen. I must buy ________ one. (another, other)

8.They are going to get punished one way or ________. (another, other)

Exercise 45. Use (the)other(s) or another.

1.Here are two stories. One is about tigers, _________ is about dogs.

2.It was not a large garden, but it was long and narrow. John and I walked right to

_________ end of it in silence.

3.Would you like _________ cup of tea?

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