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V.What position is described?

is the head of a business firm.

is a worker who supervises and directs other workers.

is a person who watches or checks what somebody has done to make sure that work is done properly.

VI. Answer the questions.

1.What are the levels of management?

2.What are the common titles associated with top management?

3.What are the common titles associated with middle management?

4.What are the common titles associated with first-line management?

5.Who is at the bottom of the management levels?

VII. Read the stories. What can you say about the narrators according to the text “Levels of Management”?

A)A small motel. I tried to avoid answering the doorbell before 6:30 a.m. Customers were told to leave their keys in their rooms when checking out. But some guests continued to summon me as early as 4:30 a.m. So I had a box put up next to the doorandplacedasignonitsaying“Depositkeys here.”

One morning at about five o’clock the doorbell rang. When I opened the office door, a smiling guest greeted me. “I just wanted youto know,” he said, “Iput mykeyin thebox.”

B)One day an employee approached me to find out how much life insurance he had. “It’s prettysubstantial,” I said, glancing at the figure. “You may want to sleep with oneeyeopen.”


“My wife wouldn’t kill me,” the amused employee remarked. “Who would take out the trash?”

Looking at the figure once more, I replied, “The butler.”

C) New computer equipment raised the temperature in our office to more than 82 degrees, and supplemental air conditioning was being installed. The work crew had been on the job several weeks when I began to notice that they left around 2 p.m. each day. “You know,” I commented to their supervisor, “the job might be finished more quickly if the crew stayed for a full day.”

“They can’t work any longer,” the supervisor said. “It’s too hot in there!”

VIII. What associations do you have with the word “manager”? Make up as many word combinations as possible.



office manager



IX. Follow the career of a manager. Use these expressions.

This job involved…; I reported directly to…; I was employed as…; I worked…; the next position I was held…; I was then promoted to…; in this

role…; I’ve worked….




When I first started working in Guinness


a general worker.

For three years


in the bottling plant as a

machine operator.

_____________ for a period of seven years in the engineering department as a maintenance assistant. This involved working with technically skilled personnel in maintaining plant and equipment. In both jobs a supervisor.

Since then, however, the structure of the company has significantly changed and the supervisor layer no longer exists. General workers now report to a plant manager. _____________ the position of the laboratory officer in the quality assurance laboratory. ______________ carrying out a wide range of analyses on

all aspects of the brewing process. For the past year




in the

personnel department as an Industrial Relations Manager.




directly to the Personnel Manager of the company.




X. Say as much as you can about levels of management.


XI. You are the president of a company. You have been abroad to get acquainted with the work of your partner company. Write down a memorandum for your employees describing everything you saw there and giving your recommendations on the future.



To: John Brown, Managing Director From: Michael McGovern Date: 2 October 2003

Report on visit to partner agencies in Germany Introduction

Last week I visited our partner agency in Berlin. The purpose of the visit was to collaborate on big advertising account for Cola-Taste. This report describes the situation and makes recommendations about how we can work together on this important project.


1.German agency is working on plans for the ad campaign now; it is very positive about an idea of collaborating.

2.We discussed the idea of a pan-European advertisement – using the same ad in several European countries, but using local, well-known actors in each country. Working together would help develop an ad that isn’t too “German” or too “British”.


1.This is a very exciting project; it gives an opportunity to work closely with German colleagues.

2.The Cola-Taste account is very important to both our markets; it is very profitable across Europe.


1.We should invite German colleagues to visit our company.

2.Our Chief Executive Officer should join meeting to discuss budgets.

3.We should begin planning the project as soon as possible, and decide on the schedule.


Note: A memorandum (plural memoranda, abbreviation memo) is sent to people or whole departments inside the organization, never to a customer.

Most companies print their own memos The text is divided into paragraphs. There is no greeting in memos.


Text 6

I. Listen to a native speaker and try to memorize the pronunciation of the words. Try to imitate the pronunciation.




human resources

[´hju:mən ri´sɔ:siz]

людские ресурсы









бухгалтерский учет









ассоциировать, отождест-





процедура, метод



относиться, применять



процентное количество,





покупатель, заказчик






продвижение (товара)

to be in charge of

[tə ´bi: in ´ʧɑ:ʤ əv]

быть ответственным за









работник, служащий, ра-



ботающий по найму


руководство, управление

II. Read the following transcription. What is the difference between the words in each pair?

[fai´næns] - [´fainæns]; [ə´fekt] - [i´fekt]; [fə:m] - [fɔ:m]; [´prɔdju:s] – [prə´dju:s]; [gud] - [gudz]; [ðis] - [ði:z]

Workbook Ex. 17 on page 112.

III. Do you know what an area of management is, what the most common areas are? Read the text and check your answers.


An organizational structure can also be divided more or less horizontally into areas of management. The most common areas are finance, operations,


marketing, human resources and administration. Depending on its purpose and mission, an organization may include other areas as well – research and development, for example, or risk management.






























(e.g. R&D)


























A financial manager is primarily responsible for the organization’s financial resources. Accounting and investment are specialized areas within financial management. Because financing affects the operation of the entire firm, many of the presidents of the largest companies people who got their “basic training” as financial managers.

An operations manager creates and managers the system that convert resources into goods and services. Traditionally, operations management is equated with the production of goods. However, in recent years many of the techniques and procedures of operations management have been applied to the production of services and to a variety of non-business activities. Like financial management, operations management has produced a good percentage of today’s company presidents.

A marketing manager is responsible for the exchange of products between the organization and its customers or clients. Specific areas within marketing are marketing research, advertising, promotion, sales and distribution.

A human resources manager is in charge of the organization’s human resources programs. He or she engages in human resources planning, design systems for hiring, training, and appraising the performance of employees, and ensures that the organization follows government regulation concerning employment practices.

An administrative manager or a general manager is not associated with any specific functional area but provides overall administrative leadership. A hospital administrator is a good example of an administrative manager. He or she does not specialize in operations, finance, marketing or human resources management but instead coordinates the activities of specialized managers in all these areas.

IV. In what paragraph can we find the information

а) о менеджере, занимающемся обучением служащих; б) о менеджере, управляющем процессом превращения сырья в товары

и услуги?

V.Choose the ending that you think fits best according to the text.

1. The most common areas of management are…


a)finance, operations, marketing, human resources and administration.

b)finance, operations, marketing, planning and decision making.

c)finance, marketing, administration, organizing, leading and controlling.

2.Accounting and investment are specialized areas…

a)within operations management.

b)within financial management.

c)within marketing management.

3.Traditionally, operations management is equated with …

a)the production of goods and services.

b)the production of services.

c)the production of goods.

4.A human resources manager engages in…

a)human resources planning, designing systems for hiring, training of first-line managers.

b)human resources planning, designing systems for promotion, financing of employees.

c)human resources planning, designing systems for hiring, training of employees.

VI. Read the speech of a manager from the development department at the presentation of a new drink. But first look through some notes made by one of his colleagues. Correct some of them after reading the text.

We are planning to launch the product next week.

The new product is an orange-flavoured drink.

Citrus Incorporated has not produced a lemon drink for two years.

Everyone thinks that there is a gap in the market.

Market studies prove that the market is shrinking.

We are aiming at a new type of consumer.

The container design is unchanged.

The drink comes in both bottles and cans.

The flavour is rather artificial.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Luis Lopez from the Development Department of Citrus Incorporated. I’m going to talk about a new product, which we are planning to launch in two months’ time; it’s called KOOL-OUT, that’s K-O-O-L dash O-U-T, and it’s a lemon-flavoured drink.

We have been manufacturing mixed-fruit drinks and orange drinks for the last ten years, but we stopped producing lemonade two years ago; I think we all agreed that there was room on the market for a completely new lemon-flavoured drink. Secondly, the market research indicated that more and more consumers are using soft drinks as mixers with alcohol so, in other words, the market itself


has expanded. We have a rather new customer-profile in mind. This product is aimed at the young-professional, high-income, market and not the traditional customer of old-fashioned lemonade. At this point we must consider the importance of packaging and design. We have completely revamped the container itself as well as the label and slogan. We are using both the new-size glass bottle and the miniature metal cans.

So, our KOOL-OUT is designed to be consumed on its own, as a soft drink, or to be used as a mixer in alcohol-based drinks and cocktails. It comes in both bottle and can and this will mean a slightly higher price than we are used to; but the improved flavour and the package design should give us a real advantage in today’s market.”

VII. You are an advertising manager at the automobile plant. Try to present your new equipment. These word combinations will help you.

I’ll begin by describing…; I want to stress…; I’d like to talk about…; feel free to interrupt if you have any questions…; I’d like to return to…; at this point we have to bear in mind…; in conclusion… .

Text 7

I. Listen to a native speaker and try to memorize the pronunciation of the words. Try to imitate the pronunciation.



составлять целое; объединять

to be concerned

[tə´bi: kən´sə:nd

беспокоиться; заботиться






осуществление, выполнение



долгосрочный, длительный



гибкость; эластичность



власть; полномочие; влияние






(конечная) цель



связь; соединение






исполнение; выполнение; произво-



дительность; характеристика


цель, задача (часто краткосрочная)



указания; нормативные сроки



компромисс; взаимные уступки


II. What is a general manager responsible for? What character traits must he have to be successful in his work? Read the text and check your answers.


A general manager’s major concern is improving the overall performance of the company. To do so, he or she must understand what objectives are being sought, what strengths and weaknesses characterize the company; he or she must coordinate all aspects of business into an integrated management program. In other words, general managers are concerned with strategy formulation and strategy implementation.

The meaning of general management varies by circumstances. In a small oneperson business, the chief decision maker has to be an all-round general manager capable of longer-term planning as well as daily “fire fighting” since there is no specialized staff to delegate these responsibilities to. In larger firms, the general management tasks are essentially the same, though a little more complicated. However, there are usually several people who share the general management workload. Even the titles used to describe the individuals responsible for general management vary from company to company: president; managing director; vicepresident; administration; general manager and so on. What are the responsibilities of a general manager? Usually they include the following:

1.Long-term planning for new products, production/operation processes, new markets, financial flexibility, and organizational changes. The planning process involves the determination of the organization’s mission and a hierarchy of strategic, tactical, and operational goals and plans. All managers within an organization need to be involved in the goal-setting process.

Company goals or objectives are essential, both as a guide for activities in all functional areas of the business and as criteria for evaluation. Objectives must be specific enough to provide useful guidelines for planning and act as benchmarks for performance. Objectives that are too general, such as “to make a profit,” do not give much help in planning ways to achieve performance. A more specific objective, such as, “to achieve a 10 percent return on investment after tax next year in the original equipment radial tire market,” generally is more helpful.

Sometimes, difficulties are encountered in identifying what objectives have been established for a particular company, particular in smaller companies where the owner’s personal aims become intertwined with business objectives. In general, there are two common causes of apparent lack of objectives: (a) the objectives simply have not been established or (b) the objectives exist but have not been communicated clearly.


It is often necessary to consider trade-offs among objectives. Often, it is only possible to achieve one objective at the expense of another. For example, one management consultant identified the following trade-offs:

1.Short-term profits versus long-term growth.

2.Profit margins versus competitive position.

3.Penetration of existing markets versus development of new markets.

4.Related versus unrelated new opportunities as a source of long-term growth.

In undertaking case analysis, if you are having trouble evaluating or formulating objectives in a particular situation, we suggest you ask yourself, “What is most important to this company? What are they trying to accomplish?” Choose your answer as the major objective. If after further consideration of the situation you can add to the statement of objectives, come back to this step and do so. The important thing is not to get hung up at this stage of the analysis.

2.Finding and training competent subordinates. The general manager’s goal would be to delegate as much responsibility and authority as possible to subordinates in finance, marketing, production, and human resources in order to be free for the major decisions concerning the overall company.

3.Coordination. The general manager’s goal would be to ensure that the various activities of the company reinforce one another, rather than work at cross-purposes. The general manager would act as a liaison, ensuring that coordination is sought and achieved among the various functional areas of the business.

4.Decision-making. The general manager will make decisions that subordinates cannot make, either because of disagreements or because they lack a sufficiently broad perspective on the issues that need to be considered.

In short, the general manager must understand all functional areas of business and be especially competent in human resources management. As one can see, the general manager is concerned with strategic making (longer-term directions for the business) and operational decision-making (shorter-term specific actions to accomplish shorter-term goals). The general manager delegates, coordinates, and facilitates decisions to the extent possible, and where necessary makes the “big” decisions affecting company welfare. To perform this demanding role adequately, the general manager must be able to appraise the company and its environment thoroughly and objectively.

III.Match the English and the Russian word combinations. Use the English word combinations in the sentences of your own.

1 strategy formulation

a) получить прибыль

2 longer-term planning

b) определить цели

3 to be involved in the goal-setting

c) долгосрочное планирование


d) благосостояние компании

4 to make a profit

e) формулирование стратегии


5 to improve the overall performance

f) быть вовлеченным в процесс по-

of the company

становки цели

6 company welfare

g) получить прибыль на инвестиро-

7 to achieve a return on investment

ванный капитал

8 to identify the objectives

h) повысить эффективность работы



IV. Discuss various human qualities (politeness, the ability to admit your error, the ability to praise somebody’s good work, altruism, sense of group, gratitude) suggested by each of the sentences and words below.

A short course in leadership

1.The six most important words: I admit that I was wrong.

2.The five...

You did a great job.

3.The four...

What do you think?

4.The three...

Could you please... ?

5.The two...

Thank you.

6.The most important word: We.

7.The least important word:


V.Which six factors and personal attributes are the most important in managerial jobs? Why do you think so?

1. Overseas managerial/work experience. 2. Family support. 3. Willingness to take risks. 4. The ability to change managerial style to suit the occasion. 5. Leadership experience early in career. 6. Special on-the-top training. 7. Wide experience in early career. 8. Self-discipline. 9. Administrative skills. 10. Sound technical training. 11. Drive and initiative. 12. Ability to work with a wide range of people. 13. Ability to negotiate and make deals.

VI. Discuss the following problems.

1.Big jobs require big people, but “little” people who just want to go to work and do what they are told won’t have any place to go, will they?

2.When the directors of a company are discussing the problems facing the company they primarily have to consider


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