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Cathedrals and great churches

The architecture of cathedrals, basilicas and abbey churches is characterised by the buildings' large scale and follows one of several branching traditions of form, function and style that all ultimately derive from the Early Christian architectural traditions established in the Constantinian period.

Cathedrals in particular, as well as many abbey churches and basilicas, have certain complex structural forms that are found less often in parish churches. They also tend to display a higher level of contemporary architectural style and the work of accomplished craftsmen, and occupy a status both ecclesiastical and social that an ordinary parish Иchurch does not have. Such a cathedral or great church is generally one of the finest buildings within its region and is a focus of local pride. ManyДcathedrals and basilicas, and a number of abbey churches are among the world's most renowned works of architecture. These include St. Peter’s Basilica, Notre Dame de Paris, Cologne Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, PragueАCathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, the Basilica of St Denis, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the Basilica of San Vitale, St Mark's Basilica,бWestminster Abbey, Saint Basil's Cathedral, Washington National Cathedral, Gaudí's incomplete Sagrada Familia and the ancient church of HagiaиSophia, now a museum.

The earliest large churches date from Late Antiquity. As Christianity and the construction ofСchurches and cathedrals spread throughout the world, their manner of building was dependent upon local materials and local techniques. Different styles of architecture developed and their fashion spread, carried by the establishment of monastic orders, by the posting of bishops from one region to another and by the travelling of master stonemasons who served as architects. The styles of the great church buildings are successively known as Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, various Revival styles of the late 18th to early 20th centuries and Modern. Overlaid on each of the academic styles are the regional characteristics. Some of these characteristics are so typical of a particular country or region that they appear, regardless of style, in the architecture of churches designed many centuries apart.

Задание 1. Переведите слова и словосочетания, учитывая контекст их употребления: the buildings' large scale, ultimately derive, incomplete, regardless of style.


Задание 2. Дайте определение понятию church по схеме, предложенной во введении. Используйте следующие модели:

The concept of …can be determined as…

The notion under review covers such points as...

The notion “…” covers such points as… The notion “…” contains such ones as…

Задание 3. Разделите текст на смысловые части и озаглавьте каждую.

Задание 4. Найдите избыточную информацию в тексте и исключите ее из текста.

Задание 5.



Постройте развернутый план текста, отразив в нем

ключевую информацию.


Задание 6.


Определите, какие модели аннотирования применимы к

следующей информации: They tend to display a higher level of architectural style and the work of accomplished craftsmen:

The author determines the natureАof...

The author provides someбexamples of...

The author thinks that…

The paper suggests approaches to understanding...

Задание 7. Как е з представленных ниже предложений можно

описать, используя следующую модель аннотирования: We can make a

conclusion that…:



- Some of these characteristics are so typical of a particular country or

region that they appear.


- The styles of the great church buildings are successively known as Early

Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance.

- Such a cathedral or great church is generally one of the finest buildings within its region and is a focus of local pride.

Задание 8. Продолжите предложения:

-The architecture of cathedrals, basilicas and abbey churches…

-Such a cathedral or great church…

-As Christianity and the construction of churches and cathedrals spread throughout the world,…


Задание 9. Используя план текста, составьте отрывок устной аннотации по следующим моделям:

My report suggests some information on...

I would like to begin (to open my report) with a detailed examination of.. The aim of the report is to provide you with some material (data) on… The purpose of my report is to give you some information on…

Passing on to…, I’d like to say that… One of the most interesting question is… Let me call your attention to the fact that…

Let me attract your attention to the main idea…

My report is devoted to the problem of…

It touches upon…


The subject of my report is…


In summing up I’d like to tell…

In conclusion I can say…

To my opinion…

I think…


A cathedral



A cathedral is a Christian church which contains the seat of a bishop, thus

serving as the central church бof a diocese,Аconference, or episcopate. Although the word "cathedral" is иsometimes loosely applied, churches with the function of "cathedral" occur specifically and only in those denominations with an episcopal hierarchy,Сsuch as the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, and some Lutheran and Methodist churches. In the Greek Orthodox Church, the terms kathedrikosnaos (literally: "cathedral shrine") is sometimes used for the church at which an archbishop or "metropolitan" presides. The term "metropolis" (literally "mother city") is used more commonly than "diocese" to signify an area of governance within the church.

Some cathedrals are major tourist destinations and World Heritage Sites. Cathedral buildings, especially those dating from the Medieval period, are

frequently the grandest of churches in the diocese (and country). The ancient cathedrals of England, of Northern France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Sicily, the Baroque cathedrals of South America, and many individual cathedrals from Italy and other parts of Europe, are among the largest and finest religious buildings. Many are renowned for their architecture or their decorative features such as sculpture, stained glass and frescos.

While cathedral buildings, in general, tend to be large, size and grandeur have rarely been essential requirements. Early Celtic and Saxon cathedrals


tended to be of diminutive size, as is the Byzantine so-called Little Metropole Cathedral of Athens. In Italy, with a few notable exceptions such as Florence Cathedral and Milan Cathedral, cathedrals are numerous and are often similar in form and size to monastic or large parish churches. In modern times, where functionality is the foremost consideration, a cathedral church may be a modest structure.

Cathedrals of monastic foundation, and some of secular clergy have cloisters which traditionally provided an open area where secular activities took place protected from wind and rain. Some cathedrals also have a chapter house where the chapter could meet. In England, where these buildings have survived, they are often octagonal. A cathedral may front onto the main square of a town, as in Florence, or it may be set in a walled close as at Canterbury. There may be

a number of associated monastic or clergy buildings, a bishop's palace and often

a school to educate the choristers.




Задание 1. Переведите словоформы, учитывая их контекстуальные

связи: bishop, diocese, denominations, presides, governance, renowned, grandeur, parish, clergy, cloisters, secular, chapter, contemporary, overlaid.

The concept of …can be determinedАas…

Задание 2. Дайте определение понятию cathedral по схеме,

предложенной во введении. Используйте следующие модели:

The notion “…” containsбsuch ones as…

The notion under reviewиcovers such points as...

The notion “…” covers such points as… С

Задание 3. Классифицируйте понятие cathedral по функции.

Задание 4. Разделите текст на смысловые части и озаглавьте каждую.

Задание 5. Определите, какие модели аннотирования применимы к следующей информации: The earliest large churches date from Late Antiquity:

The author warns that …

The author takes into account … He calls attention to the fact that … The author applies for …


Задание 6. Какие из представленных ниже предложений можно описать, используя следующую модель аннотирования: The author explains that…:

-Many cathedrals and basilicas, and a number of abbey churches are among the world's most renowned works of architecture.

-Cathedrals in particular, as well as many abbey churches and basilicas, have certain complex structural forms that are found less often in parish churches.

-In England, where these buildings have survived, they are often octagonal.

Задание 7. Продолжите предложения:

-A cathedral is…

-Some cathedrals are…

-The ancient cathedrals…

Задание 8. Составьте простые распространенные и сложные

предложения, используя данные ниже слова, словосочетания и фразы:

Let me describe…






The characteristic feature of…is…

Overall view




It necessary to mention…




Задание 9. Составьте план текста, используя слова, указывающие на

причинно-следственные связибли на порядок изложения информации:

at first, first of all, to begin with, firstly - прежде всего, во-первых





nevertheless - тем не менее




secondly - затем




further - далее;








also -кроме того, также finally - наконец

on the whole - в целом

in other words - иными словами on the one hand - с одной стороны

on the other hand - с другой стороны thus - таким образом

therefore - поэтому consequently - следовательно hence - отсюда, следовательно


Задание 10. Сделайте вывод об информации текста, используя следующие модели:

The text…provides much information on… The text……gives figures illustrating

The text……carries a photograph of

I find the data on… useful (informative, interesting, up-to-date, disputable), because…

The idea of... appears (seems) to have practical interest. In conclusion I can say…

The concluding part of my report contains notes on...

We can make a conclusion that… My conclusions (results) based on…..






Задание 11. Опишите, какие объекты архитектуры вы видите на рис.

3–9. Используйте следующие модели:



The first picture illustrates …







We can see a…in the second picture.



The buildings, we can see on the …picture, are...







The characteristic features of the object are…


The figure illustrates the…





















Рис. 3





Рис. 4


Рис. 5




Рис. 6































Рис. 8






Рис. 9


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