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Alternatively, some find it desirable to create a "breathing home" with lots of air flow, rather than "finish" a crawl space. There are contrary opinions as to what is healthier with many suggesting that vapor barriers simply create a new space where mould and mildew can flourish, trapping moisture below it and still creating a problem inside the home.

Задание 2. Составьте устную аннотацию, обобщив в ней представленную ниже графическую и визуальную информацию.


In architecture, a hall is fundamentally a relatively large space enclosed by a roof and walls. In the Iron Age, a mead hall was such a simple building

and was the residence of a lord and his retainers. Later, rooms were partitioned






from it, so that today the hall of a house is the space inside the front door

through which the rooms are reached (рис. 199, 200).



























Рис. 200

Рис. 199





Deriving from the above, a hall is often the term used to designate a British or Irish country house such as a hall house, or specifically a Wealden hall house, and manor houses.

In later medieval Europe, the main room of a castle or manor house was the great hall.

Where the hall inside the front door of a house is elongated, it may be called a passage, corridor, or hallway.

In a medieval building, the hall was where the fire was kept. With time, its functions as dormitory, kitchen, parlour and so on were divided off to separate rooms or, in the case of the kitchen, a separate building.


The Hall and parlor house was found in England and was a fundamental, historical floor plan in parts of the United States from 1620 to 1860.

At colleges in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Hall is the dining hall for students, with High Table at one end for fellows. Typically, at "Formal Hall", gowns are worn for dinner during the evening, whereas for "informal Hall" they are not.

Many Livery Companies (e.g., in the City of London) have a Hall or guildhall that is their headquarters and meeting place.

In general a large and important place such as mentioned above and a hall of fame.

A hall is also a building consisting largely of a principal room, that is rented out for meetings and social affairs. It may be privately or government-

owned, such as a function hall owned by one company used for weddings and



cotillions (organized and run by the same company on a contractual basis) or a

community hall available for rent to anyone.



In religious architecture, as in Islamic architecture, the prayer hall is a

large room dedicated to the practice of the worship. A hall church is a church with nave and side aisles of approximately equal height.

atrium, a name sometimes used inАpublic buildings for the entrance hall, was the central courtyard of aиRoman house (рис. 201).

Following a line of similar development:

In office buildings and larger buildings (theatres, cinemas etc.), the entrance hall is generally knownбas the foyer (the French for fireplace). The


Рис. 201

Corridor is another sense of the word "hall". In architecture, the head "double-loaded" describe corridors that connects to rooms on both sides.


Conversely, a single-loaded corridor only has rooms on one side (and possible windows on the other). A blind corridor doesn't lead anywhere.

Задание 3. Дайте определения словосочетаниям и словам, представленным ниже, опираясь на информацию текста «Hall»:

Moot hall


Convention center


City hall


Exhibition hall


Parliament building




Dining hall


Meeting hall


Prayer hall, such as the sanctuary of a synagogue

Reading room


Waiting room (in large transportation stations)

Concourse (at a large transportation station)

Great room or great hall




Задание 4. Подготовьте презентации и устные доклады на основе

данных ниже текстов.





Blenheim Palace, Oxfordбshire: an enfilade of nine state rooms runs the

length of the palace (marked "N" to "G" at the top of the figure) note alignment of doors between rooms (рис. 202).

Рис. 202


In architecture, an enfilade is a suite of rooms formally aligned with each other. This was a common feature in grand European architecture from the Baroque period onward, although there are earlier examples, such as the Vatican stanze. The doors entering each room are aligned with the doors of the connecting rooms along a single axis, providing a vista through the entire suite of rooms. The enfilade may be used as a processional route and is a common arrangement in museums and art galleries, as it facilitates the movement of large numbers of people through a building (рис. 203).





























Рис. 203


Noblemen's houses, especially if a visit from the monarch was hoped for, also often feature enfiladed suites, as at Chatsworth House, Blenheim Palace, the Château de Louveciennes, or Boughton House. The bedrooms in such suites were often only slept in on royal visits, although as with many grand bedrooms before the nineteenth century, they might be used for other purposes. Other enfilades culminated in a room used as a throne room. The Palace of Westminster, shown below, comes into this category, as the monarch sits on a


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