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Section III. Networking lesson 17

Text A. What is a Network?

Text B. How are Networks Categorized?

Text C. How Does P2P Work?

Text D. Information Transmission Media.

Ex.1 Read and memorize the following words:

  1. wave [weıv] – волна

  2. metropolitan [ˏmetrƏ´pɔlıtƏn] - городской

  3. backbone [´bækbƏun] – магистраль, магистральная линия связи

  4. campus [´kæmpƏs] – амер. кампус, территория университета, колледжа или школы

campus network- университетская сеть

Ex.2 Read and translate into Russian:

What is a network?

What is a Network? A network is simply a group of two or more Personal Computers linked together.

What Types of Networks Exist?

There are many types of networks , but the most common types of networks are Local-Area Networks (LANs), and Wide-Area Networks (WANs). In a LAN, computers are connected together within a "local" area (for example, an office or home). In a WAN, computers are quite far from each other and are connected via telephone/communication lines, radio waves, or other means of connection. An intermediate form of network is a metropolitan area network (MAN).

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a city into a single larger network (which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide area network). It is also used to mean the interconnection of several local area networks by bridging them with backbone lines. The second usage is also sometimes called as a campus network.

Ex.3 Say in English:

  1. A LAN is … . It is used … . 2. A WAN is … . It is used … . 3. A MAN is … . It is used … .

Ex.4 Read and memorize the following words:

  1. property [´prɔ:pƏtı] – свойство

  2. arrangement [Ə´reınʤmƏnt] – расположение, организация

  3. ring [rıŋ] – кольцо

  4. star [sta:] – звезда

  5. token [´tƏukƏn] – маркер

  6. Token Ring – маркерное кольцо, эстафетное кольцо

  7. peer-to-peer [´pıƏ tu´pıƏ] – одноранговый, равноправный

  8. dedicated [´dedıkeıtıd] – выделенный, назначенный, специализированный

  9. responsible [rıs´pɔnsƏbl] – ответственный

  10. (to) launch [´lɔnʧ]– запускать

  11. (to) belong [bı´lɔŋ] – принадлежать

  12. (to) seek [si:k] – искать, просить

  13. (to) protect [prƏ´tekt] – защищать

  14. rule [ru:l] – правило

  15. adequate [´ædıkwıt] – соотвествующий, достаточный

Ex.5 Read and translate into Russian:

How are networks categorized?

Networks are usually classified using three properties: Topology, Protocol, and Architecture. Topology specifies the geometric arrangement of the network. Common topologies are a bus, ring, and star. Protocol specifies a common set of rules and signals the computers on the network use to communicate. Most networks use Ethernet, but some networks may use IBM's Token Ring protocol. Architecture refers to one of the two major types of network architecture: peer-to-peer and client/server (or server-based ). Sometimes they are used in combination.

In a peer-to-peer network, there are no dedicated servers or hierarchy among the computers. Normally, each computer functions as both a client and a server, and there is no one assigned to be administrator responsible for the entire network. The user at each computer determines what data on their computer gets shared on the network.

Peer-to-Peer networks are also called workgroups. In a peer-to-peer network, there are typically fewer than 10 computers. In an environment with more than 10 users, a peer-to-peer network will not be adequate. A dedicated server is one that only functions as a server and is not used as a client or workstation.

It is usual for modern networks in business environments to combine the best features of both peer-to-peer and server-based networks. In a combination network, two kinds of operating systems work together to provide ‘complete network’.

Ex.6 Complete the sentences:

  1. Networks are usually classified

using three properties: …

  1. Topology specifies …

  2. Common topologies are …

  3. Protocol specifies …

  4. Most networks use …

  5. Architecture refers to …

Ex.7 Read and translate the text:

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