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31.These results are reliable enough. They can be used for further work.

32.The conditions are favourable enough: die process may occur.

33.The controversy of opinions is too great: the question cannot be settled now.

34.These facts were taken into account when we were planning our experiment.

35.lt is such a large problem that it goes far beyond the scope of a concise paper.

36.We shall solve this problem if we work out a good approach.

37.Much attention is being given to theoretical studies but they do not satisfy the experimenter's needs.

38.The problem is too pressing to be put off.

39.These facts are too convincing to give rise to any doubt.

40.These difficulties are too great to be ignored.

41.He made a substantial contribution to science.

42. The inconsistency of his idea is obvious. 43.The author's conclusions are surprising.

44.lt is the most convincing evidence for this relation­ ship.

45.The data are in full agreement with the theory.


46.A short version of this paper to be published in May will be limited to a brief treatment of die experimental findings.

47.The literature to be reviewed in connection with this problem should primarily be concerned with theoretical treatments ofthe above mentioned phenomena.

48.We should re-examine this conception. The necessity for this is great.

49.There is no evidence when this mechanism comes into action.

50.It is essential to give a detailed analysis of the results obtained.

51.Some people find it essential to have a broader knowl­ edge of the field.

52.Joint efforts by many researchers may culminate in a discovery.

53.It became known a little later that the condition had not been strictly observed.

54.It was soon proved that this hypothesis had been based on the wrong assumption.

55.It is clear that the experiment has failed.

56.The future work is expected to clarify this obscure point.

57.It is expected that this approach will give a better result.

58.There is a pressing need for a new theory.

59.There was much disagreement between these scientific schools.

60.Lack of valid data makes it difficult to predict further events.


61.Availability of valid criteria ofjudgement makes it pos­ sible to draw far-reaching conclusions.

62.Absence of a united theory for these phenomena makes it difficult to interpret correctly the available results.

63.This approach makes it easier to conduct direct obser­ vation and the reach a higher level of data accuracy.

64.This approach makes it possible to overcome some dif­ ficulties.

65.One of our principal difficulties lies in minimizing ex­ perimental errors.

66.1am convinced that intuitive thinking is an integral part ofresearch.

67.1know that there are a lot of new trends in modem sci­


68. We believe that scientific achievement should not be misapplied.

69.1 admit that it is not easy to achieve a balance between experiment and theory.

70.Our theory will be confirmed by observation.

71.We expected that the new conference regulations would stimulate informal discussion and exchange of ideas.

72.They admitted that even after the research was com­ pleted, the nature of these changes would still remain open of question.

73.He pointed out in his paper that lack of experimental evidence would stand in the way of further work/

74.He pointed out that die question had been raised long before any actual work was started in this direction.

75.Change and progress go hand in hand.


76.Changes in our approach to nature seem inevitable.

77.One witnesses an ever-increasing accumulation of new data.

78.The dangers and difficulties of this research fall into two main categories.

79.The new facts we have must be applied objectively in our considerations.

80.We believe that this case is an exception to the general rule.

81.We can show that the agreement between these results is a mere coincidence.

82.We are convinced that such cooperation will be fruitful.

83.We expect that the "round table" talks will be mutually useful.

84.We believe that the conference will encourage active contacts among scientists.

85.We expect that the papers will be both interesting and informative.

86.Not only do scientists explain well-known facts but they also make long-range predictions.

87.Scientists develop theories and solve practical prob­ lems.

88.Scientists explain well-known facts and look for new


89.A researcher must collect new data and interpret them.

90.The conference will help renew old ties and develop new contacts.


91.The latest developments in this area of science are of special interest.

92.The discovery laid the foundation for a new science.

93.Perhaps we have overestimated this method.

94.They must have postponed the further work.

95.It would be most timely to renew our old contacts with that research group.

96.A researcher has at his disposal today an increasing number df publications.

97.Assessment of a scientific discovery requires per­ sonal involvement in the research.

98.More accurate research methods have appeared in the last few decades.

99.An investigator has to consume today large amounts of professional literature.

100.The newly derived information requires an expert analysis and profound consideration.


Тамара Яковлевна Андреева


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Выпуск 3


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