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Министерство общего образования Российской Федерации Уральский государственный университет

им. А. М. Горького

Настольная библиотека аспиранта Основана в 2000 г.

Т. Я. А ндреева

НАУЧНЫЙ а н г л и й с к и й язык

Выпуск 4


Екатеринбург Издательство Уральского университета


Практическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков

Андреева Т. Я.

Научный английский язык. Практ. пособие. Вып.4: Ситуации обще­ ния. Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал, ун-та, 2001. 38с. (Настольная библио­ тека аспиранта).

Ответственный за выпуск М. И. Демьянова

© Т. Я. Андреева, © Уральский государственный университет, 2001


Одной из целей, стимулирующих студентов к активному изу­ чению иностранного языка, служит подготовка к вступительному экзамену в аспирантуру и сдача кандидатского минимума. Для многих изучение языка на этом не заканчивается, а перерастает в насущную необходимость использования его как средства для получения информации, которая является надежным помощни­ ком в научной деятельности, дает представление о развитии кон­ кретной области знаний, о степени изученности проблемы.

Практическое пособие "Научный английский язык. Выпуск 4 Ситуации общения" является логическим и тематическим про­ должением серии "Настольная библиотека аспиранта” (См.: Вып. 1: Грамматика в речевых образцах (Екатеринбург, 2000); Вып. 2: Речевые образцы (Екатеринбург, 2000); Вып. 3: На пути к речи (Екатеринбург, 2000). В нем представлены наиболее часто встре­ чающиеся в научной среде жизненные ситуации. Пособие помо­ жет аспиранту подготовиться к речевому поведению в различных ситуациях, что предполагает понимание собеседника и адекват­ ную речевую реакцию, насыщенную научной информацией. От аспиранта ожидается не только воспроизведение реалий, но и их интерпретация и оценка.

В зависимости от базового языкового уровня аспирантов и достигнутых ими результатов в ходе изучения научной пробле­ мы, материал данного пособия может быть проработан полно­ стью или частично. Во время аудиторных занятий количество ситуаций, ориентированных на отработку коммуникативных на­ выков, определяется преподавателем.

При самостоятельной подготовке ситуации, представленные в нашем пособии, могут стать предметом для размышления о рече­ вом поведении аспиранта в каждом конкретном случае.

Пособие предназначено для аспирантов, соискателей и маги­ странтов.



1.Discuss*with your friend secondary and higher edu­ cation you have had. In what ways could your education ibe better?

2.You speak of a person who is really educated. What is your idea of an educated person?

3.In many countries students have die opportunity to teach themselves. Express your opinion on this subject and listen to your friend's one.

4.Make up a dialogue on the topic "My interest to the elementary research during the University course”.

5.Speak to your friend and express your opinion on the quotation "Education is the ability to meet life's situations". (Dr. John Hibbon, Princeton University President).

6.Arrange a TV-'bridge" between British and Russian students in this final year.

7.The Urals State University has celebrated its jubilee. The local TV decided to put on a programme about the University. They have invited to the studio different pro­ fessors and students for a round table talk. Say a few words on the past and prospects for the future.



1.You have taken entrance examinations to the Post­ graduate Courses in the Urals State University. You have done wonderfully well in all the subjects. You will soon be a post-graduate student of the Urals State University and are now looking forward to the time. You are trying to guess what your life will now be like.

2.You are now preparing for the coming candidate ex­ amination in English. I dare say, you are working hard. But you are not strong in English. Ask your friend to help you.

3.Your friend told you the other day he didn't want to take after you. He said he was going to take up history as

his major. He said it was his dream' and he hoped it would come true. Tell him you didn't expect he would make up his mind to become a teacher of history. You hoped he would go into art.

4.Try to persuade your friend to take up philosophy for thorough study.

5.You want to speak to your pen-friend on the phone. In Ekaterinburg it is 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Find out what time it is now in New York. Make out a chart for yourself so that you could easily see what time it is and whether it is con­ venient to make a telephone call not to disturb your penfriend. Ask him several questions about his research.


6. Since you are a post-graduate student you are always pressed of time. We recommend you to make a list of things you had done by the end of your working day yes­ terday. It may help you to see how efficient you were yes­ terday and to realize in which way you can save time in the future.

7. Tell your friend what you do and what you do not do at your English lessons in order to pass Candidate exami­ nation.

8. You are going to be interviewed about the intensive English course. Think of some questions you may be asked.

9. Here are some advertisements for different courses of foreign language learning. Please study them and write which of die courses you would recommend to your friends. Give your reasons.

10.You're telling a group of scientists from London you've lived in Ekaterinburg all your life and can certainly show them round. They didn't know that and are quite sur­ prised. They say they will be pleased to have you as their guide.

11.Your fellow-worker has got a letter from one of his colleagues abroad and is supposed to answer it right away. However, he can’t manage it by himself. He obviously needs you to help him with the task.


12.1 wonder why the work is so poorly done. I know it is always properly done. This time, however, it is beneath any criticism. Give your personal arguments.

13. First you observed the phenomenon in studies of a different kind. Then you took up the problem. Tell your friend about this fact.


1. One of your colleagues and a well-known American professor haive known each other for a long time. It was . many years ago since they met. Try to find out when it was and how long they have known each other.

2.The man I am now talking about is a botanist from the Botanical Garden of the Urals State University. You are curious to know how long and since what time he has been with the University.

3.Professor Ivanov is a reader in history of Russia at the Urals State University. You wish he would tell you how long he has taught the subject there.

4.Try to find out from your colleague what he (she) knows about the most famous Prof. Priestly i's monograph*

5.Meet your foreign colleague. Discuss your future in­ vestigation. Express your hope that your cooperation will be useful and mutually beneficial.

6.Discuss with your friend the most popular works of your scientific supervisor.


1.Speak about the founder in your field of science. Re­ call some scientists of the past whose fundamental discov­ eries were epoch-making in the science they worked in. What was their contemporaries*opinion?

2.Describe a discovery in the past that might be called epoch-making. That was, undoubtedly, die greatest and the most outstanding discovery ever made in the field.

3.You were the speaker and gave a comprehensive ac­ count of the studies performed in recent years.

4.Speak of the major unsolved problems in the branch

of science you deal with stating the progress that has been Imade in the past few years and is being made at present, also of the questions that still remain obscure.


5.Think of the time when the branch of science you work in was just coming into being. What was going on in the field then?

6.Have a round-table discussion on the responsibility of science for the future of mankind.

7.My colleague is angry. Nobody can guess why. I think something is wrong with the problem of his investi­ gation.

8.My fellow-worker is unusually excited. I believe he is going to talk to the professor about the newly obtained data..

9.You would like your friend, a physicist, working in the field of nuclear physics to tell you what's going on in his science nowadays.

10.It's commonly known that rapid advances in modem technology are creating increasing demands for special materials with exceptional properties. Think of some such materials that are being exjtiensively used nowadays.

Some various categories of research will be examined in the light of recent information.

12. The talk on recent developments in science and technology is given by two distinguished scientists.


13.Describe the progress that has been m^de in your {field for the last ten years and speak of the possible ad­ vances that can be made in succeeding years.

14.You were recommended to read die book that was written as an introduction to the basic concepts, aims and methods of science.

15.As is known the discovery o f ... and the analysis of their properties has been one of die most notable ...

achievements for the la st... years. How did the discovery o f... come about and who made it?

16. It’s commonly known that the foundations for this science were laid in ... . Speak of the fundamental discov­ eries that provided a sound basis for die science, and some recent advances in its rapidly developing branch.

17. As more and more gaps in our knowledge of the subject were being{filled in, the situation was gradually be­ coming normalized.

|18. Arrange a cocktail party,circulate around the room, meet strangers, introduce yourself and your colleagues to strangers, show that you are a good mixer. Speak of the vital problems in your field of science.

19. You are going to do some research in the field o f ...

Make a plan of what should be done.