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Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

Charles Dickens was born in Portsea in 1812. His family was lower-middle class and his father was employed by the merchant navy as a pay-clerk. His family didn't have the financial stability, they frequent changed their house. Being a nhild, Charles worked in a factory and his father often was imprisoned for debt in the Marshalsea Prison in London. This was the reality of Charles's early life, that was the formative experience of the boy and the man and the writer.

After a brief period as a short-hand writer, Dickens moved into journalism, working as a reporter on "The True Sun" and "The Morning Chronicle", and from journalism he moved into creative writing, beginning with the publication of Sketches by Boz (1836) and The Pickwick Papers in 1837.

He quickly achieved enormous fame, both in England and in America, for his humorous characterizations, his popular sentimental style and his ability to include contemporary social and political themes in his works. All his novels reveal a keen interest in the social conditions of the day as, for example, A Tale of Two Cities, and Barnaby Rudge.

Unlike his predecessors and most of his contemporaries Dickens did not see writing as a hobby but as a job. He created a business or industry around him which today resembles the modern concepts of marketing, management and promotion. He took a personal interest in sales figures, copyright laws, illustrations, designs and packaging.

Dickens died in 1870. His name, then as now, is a household word.

Вопрос 45. The compound sentence

The compound sentence is built up on the principle of coordination between two or more sentences which can be connected either syndatically or asyndetically. The most distinguished feature of compound sentences is that the clauses composing it don't depend on one another, e.g

Mr. Green came into the room but the host didn't take notice of him.

The 1st clause of the compound sentence is called leading and the next ones are called sequential.

The connectors of such clauses a derived into.

  1. conjunctions proper (but, or, and)

  2. conjunctions of adverbial character (then, yet, so, thus)

The adverbial connections can shift their position in the sentence, e.g. Mr. Green entered the room, however the host didn't take notice of him -> Mr. Green entered the room, however the host, however, didn't take notice of him.

The length of the compound sentence is in principle unlimited and it's determined by the informative purpose of the speaker

But compound sentence formed by more than two clauses are divided into open and closed. If the final sequential is not varied (отличается) from the previous ones such a sentence is called open, e.g. Pleasure may turn hot to stone reaches can make callous so may break it If the final part is joined on an unequal basis with the previous ones such sentence is called closed, e.g. Pleasure may turn hot to stone reaches can make callous but sorrow (или or sorrow) can't break it.

Alliteration – повтор.согл.звуков

Allusion — намек на хорошо извест.факт She didn't like to spend money. She was no Scrooge, but she seldom purchased anything except the bare.

Anaphoraповтор.слова в начале 2-х или более фраз. My heart is in the high lands, my heart is not hear...

Antonomasia – замена имени извест.лица названием предмета к нему относящегося (Обомов вместо лентяя, автор Войны и мира вместо Толстого, Miss Blue-Eyes, Scrooge

Asyndeton – бессоюзие, речь приобретает сжатость

Blend — слияние (musicomedy, cinemactress, smog)

cliché — банальность (rosy dreams of youth)

Climax – It was a lovely city, a beautiful city, a fair city...

Epithet – Ruby lips, hair of gold, snow-white skin

Epiphora – повтор.в конце фразы – If he goes there, he reads the book, if he stays here, he reads the book, if he comes home, he reads the book.

Euphemism — выраж.смягчающ.прямой смысл грубого высказывания (to die – to pass away, to be no more, to be gone...)

Inversion – A good generous prayer it was. /Talant he has, capital he has not./ Down he jumped

Inversion makes one of the members of the sentence more important.

Chiasmus — хиазм, инверсия во 2-ой половине фразы — Down dropped the breeze, The sails dropped down (утих верет, и паруса сники)

Irony – тонкая насмешка, передает негатив.знач. It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one's pocket.

Metaphor — слово употреб.в переносном знач. A green tumour of hate burst inside her. The dust danced. A shadow of smile. The music came.

Metonymy – замена слова или понятия другим словом, имеющ.причинную связь с первым. He was followed by a pair of boots. Dick saw the face as it hurried out. Her Royal Highness will shake hands with many of the big names.

Onamatopoeia – ding-dong, buzz

Oxymoron — сочетание контрасных по значению слов, создающее новое понятие — proud humility (гордая застенчивость), low shyscraper, sweet sorrow, horribly beautiful, a deatening silence

Parallel construciton – syntactical repetition, it is used in poetry. It makes the utterance high flown. Deck is crowing, the street is flowing. The small birds twitter, the lake down glitter.

Periphrasis – замена слова или с/о описат оборотом речи, в котором указаны признаки неназванного прямо предмета, = метонимия – My better half (my wife), the fair sex (women)

Polysyndeton — все однородн.члены связаны одним и тем же союзом – The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast the advantage over him...

Repetition – when the speaker is under the stress of strong emotions – Stop. Stop! - she cried. - Don't tell me. I don't want to hear. I don't want.

Simile – My heart is like a singing bird. The boy seems to be as clever as his mother

Hyperbole – She was a dynamo of activity, she was here, there and everywhere (+metahor)

Lytotes – выраж., в котором содержится худ.преуменьшение величины предмета или явления, противоположна гиперболе. It is not a bad thing – it is a good thing. He is no coward – he is a brave man.

Zeugma – She dropped a tear and her pocket handkercief. /Dora plunged into intimacy and into the middle of the room.

Pan – Have you been seeing any spirits? - inquired the old man. Or, taking any? - added Bob. / What steps would you take if an empty tank were coming toward you? - Long ones.

Personification – All Nature seemed to whisper of hope and happiness.

Enumeration — перечисление.