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6. Study the italicized phrases. Recall how they were used in the text. Make sentences with each.

1. She all but died during the operation. 2. You mustn't let yourself go like that. Pull yourself together and face up to life. 3. He was out for a settlement at any price. 4. Work seems to be the only thing that keeps him going. 5. Passions were running high and the argument went on well into the night. 6. I promised to let them know immediately, should anything go wrong. 7. Though he doesn't hold any official position, he is, in effect, the man who runs the business. 8. He wasn't prepared to make any promises, yet. 9. A holiday at the seaside is quite within your reach.

7. Express the following using phrases from Exercise 6.

1. It was failure, yet he took himself in hand and prepar­ed for another try. He wasn't that easy to beat. 2. She seemed willing enough to make the necessary acknowledgements. 3. It was her duty as hostess to see to it that the conversation

didn't flag for a moment. 4. The plan had seemed to him fool­proof. 5. We all wondered what he would be trying to achieve next. 6. A little slip and he nearly lost the game. 7. The place is a stone's throw from your house. You can easily walk there. 8. It was actually the best piece of professional advice he had ever received. 9. It was a stormy meeting, with feeling and emotion voiced without restraint.

8. In the following groups of sentences, explain the meaning of the italicized words or substitute another word; say which phrase is used literally and which has a figurative meaning.

1. a) She picked up the receiver and dialed a number. b) He seems to have picked up a very nice accent during his stay in the country, c) He promised to pick me up in his car, d) I wonder where he picks up such friends. 2. a) He ran his hand through his hair. b) It took her but a second to run through the letter, c) They ran through the money sooner than they expected. 3. a) The girl ran out of the house in tears. b) The lease wouldn't run out for quite a while yet. c) She was clearly running out of patience. 4. a) A fence had been put up between the two houses, b) He wasn't going to put up with such behaviour any further. 5. a) Who's put you on the job? b) She was putting on her hat and smiling at me through half-closed lids. c) I .don't see why he should put on airs. d) He was trying to guess who had put the police on to him. 6. a) He put the matter to us in careful measured tones, b) I put his failure down to his own inefficiency.

9. Give the meaning of the italicized words. Translate the senten­ces into Russian.

1. a) A fire was blazing in the stove and the kettle was sighing softly on the hob. b) His eyes were blazing with. pas­sion. 2. a) The matches were too wet to burn. b) It was one of the burning issues of the day. 3. a) The iron had been too hot, and now the shirt collar was scorched beyond repair, b) The scorching tirade seemed to have little effect on the listeners. 4. a) The firebrigade had arrived too late. There was nothing left of the house but a few logs that were smouldering lazily. b) She was smouldering with hatred. 5. a) The girl struck a match and fired the wood piled under the kettle, b) Their imagination was fired.