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2. Paraphrase or explain.

1. "We can't make it, sir. It's spoiling for a hurricane..."

2. "The Old Man'll get us through," they said to one another.

3. Walter Mitty drove on toward Waterbury in silence, the roaring of the SN 202 through the worst storm in twenty years of Navy flying fading in the remote, intimate airways of his mind. 4. "We're having the devil's own time with McMillan ..." 5. "The new anaesthetizer is giving way!" 6. "If you would take over, Mitty?" 7. The attendant vaulted into the car, backed it up with insolent skill, and put it where it belonged. 8. Walter Mitty raised his hand briefly and the bickering attorneys were stilled. 9. ... Mitty let the man have it on the point of the chin. 10. "A bit of a near thing, "said Captain Mitty carelessly. 11. "Things close in," said Walter Mitty vaguely. 12. ... he faced the firing squad: erect and mo­tionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.

3. Find in the text the English for

парадная форма; лихо заломленная фуражка; экипаж;

причесываться (в парикмахерской); красный свет (светофо­ра); на пути к автомобильной стоянке; операционный стол;

побледнеть; белый халат; поправить маску; натянуть пер­чатки; поспешно нажать на тормоза; ключ зажигания;

цепи намотались на ось; носить руку на перевязи; талый снег; с коробкой подмышкой; судебный процесс; освежить в памяти; произвести выстрел; поднять руку; огнестрель­ное оружие; зал словно с цепи сорвался; лучший в мире стрелок; парикмахерская; вестибюль отеля; блиндаж; двум смертям не бывать; осушить рюмку; огнемет; измерить температуру (поставить градусник); вращающиеся двери;

Квартал; закурить; мокрый снег; расправить плечи; затя­нуться сигаретой в последний раз; гордый и презрительный


4. Study the following phrases. Recall how they were used in the text. Make sentences with each.

make it

e. g. 1. The train's leaving in fifteen minutes. You'll never make it unless you have a taxi at the door waiting to take you there. 2. He was preparing for his university en­trance exams. We hoped he would make it.

look smb., smth. over

e. g. 1. I wish you'd let the doctor look you over for once properly. 2. He looked me over carefully before answering my question. 3. We looked the car over to see if we had pol­ished it well enough.

take over

e. g. 1. Will there be anyone to take over should I sud­denly make up my mind to retire? 2. When did the new head of the department take over? 3. I have arranged that my col­league will take over my duties a week after I leave.

be through (with)

e. g. 1. She said she was through. There was nothing to hope for any more. 2. He said I could have the book as soon as he was through with it.

pick up a newspaper (a bargain; an accent; a passenger^ etc.)

e. g. 1. She seems to have picked up quite a lot of French. 2. I wonder where he picks up such friends. 3. The bus stop­ped to pick up the passengers.

handle machinery (people, requests, etc.)

e. g. 1. It's a very delicate matter. I shouldn't know how to handle it. 2. Such people want careful handling.

occur to smb.

e. g. It never occurred to him that he could have been wrong.