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5. (K) Recast the following using adjectives with -al instead of the Ital­icized words. Make other necessary changes.

1. The young man has a fine ear for music, and a fine un­derstanding of it too. 2. The situation was worthy of а сот-

edy. 3. It's a truth. It's something that really happened in history. 4. You mustn't be such a cynic at your age! 5. When it came to putting the scheme into practice many difficul­ties arose. 6. She's a great believer in economy. 7. The new developments in technology marked a great step forward.

6. (K) Use nouns with -ance (-ence) for the italicized words. Make other necessary changes.

1. She remembered what had happened but rather vaguely. 2. He was reluctant to accept our help, and we clearly felt it. 3. He found that the dates of the letter and the telegram coincided. It seemed strange to him. 4. I don't see that the new edition of the book is any different from the old one. 5. The matter was most important. There was no denying it.

7. (K) Join the sentences according to the model.

A. Model: The girl can take care of herself. She's big enough. The girl's big enough to take care of herself.

1. You can put the book in your pocket. It's small enough. 2. The wind could have knocked you over. It was strong enough. 3. You mustn't let the girl carry that heavy bag. She isn't strong enough. 4. They said he wouldn't be able to do the job properly and gave it to another man. They said he wasn't experienced enough. 5. He can give us all the details. He is willing enough. 6. The joke made us all laugh till we were weak. It was funny enough. 7. She never believed a word of his story. She wasn't foolish enough. 8. You can read the book. Even with your knowledge of the language it's easy enough. •

B. Model: I don't know. I don't care either. I don't know, nor do I care.

1. The little girl's expression didn't change. She didn't move her eyes from my face either. 2. She didn't notice it. You didn't notice it either. 3. He said he didn't care and wasn't interested in the subject any longer. 4. He didn't come in the morning. As a matter of fact he never showed up at all that day. 5. She didn't speak to me. She didn't look at me either.

8. (K) Rewrite the following using had better.

1. I think it would be advisable for you to apologize be­fore it's too late. 2. You oughtn't to sit up so late every night. It's bad for the health. 3. You must hurry if you want to get to the station in time to catch the six o'clock train. 4. It would be a good thing to wait until the rain stops. To get wet would be the last thing anybody wants. 5. You mustn't eat so much. You're overweight as it is. 6. The doctor said that it would be a good thing for me to take more exercise. 7. What do you think I ought to do in a case like this?

9. Note the effect of through on the meaning of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.

1. Have you looked through today's papers? 2. He was looking through his notes ticking off the points he would be mentioning in his report. 3. He finally got through his exam, didn't he? 4. I never got through to him that day. Every time I picked up the phone the line was busy. 5. She said she was through with him. She hated to hear the sound of his name. 6. He wondered if he'd ever be able to get through with the job. 7. She thumbed through the book on the chance that she might find the letter she had hidden some­where between the pages. 8. His plans fell through. 9. It was a scheme as yet to be put through. 10. He's getting the best of medical-care and there's no reason why he shouldn't pull through.