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I. Answer the following questions.

1. What sort of man was Samuel Bruhl? 2. What was the routine of his life? 3. How was the shoe-shaped scar on his left cheek to affect his whole life? 4. Why did he star being afraid? 5. What was Bruhl's life like while the hunt for the notorious criminal was on? 6. Why did Bruhl come to envy his own dog? 7. What changes were observed both in Bruhl's manner of speech and behaviour? 8. Why did Mrs Bruhl find it necessary to have her husband examined by a doctor? 9. What was the doctor's opinion and advice? 10. How did Samuel Bruhl die? 11. Why did he smile, a pleased smile, before he died?

2. Paraphrase or explain.

1. They had made a comfortable, if unexciting, adjust­ment to life. 2. ... one would have blamed Bruhl for whatev­er anguish an emotional or spiritual flaw laid him open to, but


it is ironical indeed when the Furies ride down a man who has been guilty of nothing worse than an accident in his child­hood. 3. Mr Bruhl rather laughed it off at first ... 4. ... Bruhl, who had mooned about the house all day ... 5. The personnel, comparing notes, decided ... 6. ... and grew extremely fidg­ety. 7. ... he ate his lunch in ... 8. A traffic cop shrilled at him. 9. Mrs Bruhl began to berate him wildly. 10. He talked out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes grew shifty. 11. ... he was mean and overbearing. 12. ... Samuel Bruhl was ame­nable to the idea ... 13. Mrs Bruhl took exception to this ...

3. Say what is meant by

a shoe-shaped scar; a devout wife; tractable (obedient) daughters;

a commonplace malady; a modest stone marker; an extrav­agant and unpredictable end; a general resemblance; a care­ful study; at a glance; remarkable similarity; a prank of Nature; a practical joker; a ferry line; a cruising taxi; wise­cracking; peace of mind; incoherent remarks; a doting hus­band; four abreast; a single file

4. Express the following in neutral style.

1. "I hope this fellow Clinigan doesn't pull through,"... 2. ... until he made enough money to skip out with... 3. Ri­val gangsters ... were sure to seek him out, to hunt him down, to give it to him again. 4. ... the treasurer was afraid of being mistaken for Shoescar and put on the spot. 5. "Get this, Shoescar," said a husky voice. "We trailed you where you are, see? You're cooked." 6. Sluggy was the leader of the gang that had sworn to get Shoescar Clinigan. 7. "Ya bunch of softies." 8. "It's a knockover, kid," he said. "We'll be sitting pretty. To hell with it." 9. "God, what a dumb doll I picked," ... and he added bitterly that if the heat was put to him it would be his own babe who was to blame.

5. Find in the text the English for

заурядный Человек; подковообразный шрам; занимать должность; ходить в кино время от времени; самая обыкно­венная болезнь; недорогие, но приличные похороны; скром­ное надгробие; червоточина; обвинять; быть виновным;

несчастный случай; общее внешнее сходство; бегающие глаза; ясный взгляд; шутка природы; обрести скандальную


известность; отнестись как к шутке; внимательно всматри­ваться в кого-либо; незнакомые люди; конкурирующая банда гангстеров; терять в весе; убирать квартиру; сиплый голос; повесить (телефонную) трубку; добиться признания от кого-либо; душевный покой; свернуть в боковую улочку;

увеличить скорость; замедлить ход; стать самим собой;

поклясться; вздрагивать при малейшем шуме; цедить сквозь зубы; огрызаться на кого-либо; попасть точно в середину;

совершенно случайно; своеобразный защитный механизм;

психиатр; никаких развлечений, кроме...; молчаливые лю­ди; футляры для музыкальных инструментов; держать ногу; четверо в ряд; гуськом; оставить в покое; довольная улыбка

в. Study the Italicized phrases. Recall how they were used in the text. Make sentences with each.

1. He said he was well off where he was and had no use for our advice. 2. At length he came to realize the dangers of such an attitude. 3. When I returned home the place certain­ly looked a mess, but I soon set it to rights. 4. She was always after me to help her with one thing or another. 5. We were warned that for the time being we would have to share the room with two other people. 6. The blow had come too suddenly, she went completely to pieces. 7. The trip was any­thing but exciting. 8. She had come upon the letter by acci­dent while rummaging through some old papers in her desk. 9. He never said a word or anything about my being late. He was just fine about it. 10. The painting was far from per­fect, but he had to praise it just the same. He couldn't afford to quarrel with his bread.