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7. Express the following using phrases from Exercise 6.

1. The talk had been thoroughly unpleasant. 2. Faced with the evidence, the prisoner lost control of himself. 3. It was an ugly little dog, but I liked it anyway. 4. In the long run he came to regret his words. 5. Their meeting was not pre-arranged. 6. Now that he was on his own there seemed to be fewer difficulties and problems. 7. Nobody ever knows what he wants, I doubt if he knows it himself. 8. She said they could stay as long as they wished, in fact, she was wonder­ful about everything. 9. The arrangement will have to stand as it is for the present. 10. He spent several days putting his affairs in order.


8. In the following groups of sentences, explain the meaning of the italicized words or substitute another word; say which phrase is used literally and which has a figurative meaning.

1. a) He took in a show occasionally, b) The dress must be taken in at the waist, c) I was completely taken in by the story. 2. a) The rinse will take the bitter taste out of the. mouth, b) He took out his disappointment on his sister, c) She hardly knew him at all. True, he had taken her out a couple of times, but that was all. d) He took out an enormous hand­kerchief and started wiping his forehead. 3. a) She took up her sewing and made a stitch, b) The story was taken up by all the newspapers, c) It was just a year or so that he had taken up the subject for serious study. 4. a) The teacher gave out the books and the lesson began, b) He felt that his strength was giving out. 5. a) She pulled the thread through the needle's eye. b) There was one chance in a thousand that he would pull through. 6. a) The car pulled up at the curb. b) He was pulled up by the teacher for talking in class. 7. a) In the evening he came out as usual to take his constitutional. b) The truth was bound to come out sooner or later, c) He came out with a most interesting suggestion, d) How did the dress come out? 8. a) It was a nasty bit of business. He want­ed to get it over and done with as quickly as possible, b) She got over her disappointment in the long run.

9. Give the meaning of the italicized words. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The boy was howling with pain. 2. He barked his or­ders. 3. He never talked any more, he snarled. 4. The chil­dren shrieked with laughter. 5. She was almost purring with satisfaction. 6. The whole place was buzzing with excitement. 7. She didn't answer, she snapped at me. 8. The speaker dron­ed on with his report. 9. He groaned with anguish. 10. She was gibbering with fright.

10. Study the italicized words, discriminate between the shades of difference in their usage or in their meaning. Translate the sen fences into Russian.

A. 1. She threw the letter into the fire. 2. "Heads or tails?" I asked and tossed a coin. 3. She flung herself into his arms. 4. He hurled his whole weight against the door.

B. 1. He disappeared rather suddenly. It was as if he had vanished into thin air. 2. We watched the boat disappear


in the distance. 3. Outside the light was fading, it was time to go home. 4. The fears of the night vanished with the morning. 5. Her beauty faded.

C. 1. Once he had been famous in the role of Othello. 2. John Dillinger was a notorious killer. 3. The whole town was agog waiting for the arrival of the celebrated singer. 4. It was a forum of the most distinguished men of science.