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1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Michael Lowes hum as he shaved that morning?

2. Why did he decide against telling his wife about his plans for the evening? 3. How was he going to let her know that he wouldn't be home till late? 4. What was the usual routine of such an evening? 5. What did he think of his bridge game com­panions? 6. How did the conversation turn to impulse? 7. What did each of them have to say on the subject? 8. What made Michael think of putting the impulse to test? 9. How did he plan to carry out the theft? 10. What made him believe that he could get away with it? 11. How was Michael caught? 12. What explanation did he offer? 13. Why did his friends of the evening refuse to support his story? 14. Why did his wife turn against him? 15. What had actually prompted Michael's action?

2. Paraphrase or explain.

1. ...—cheap fellows, really—mere pick-up acquaint­ances. 2. ... Michael never could remember which one of them it was who had put in the first oar — about impulse.

3. ... civilization is only skin-deep. 4. To know that this was a kind of universal human inclination came over him with something like relief. 5. ... it would be bad business. 6. ... why not be a Columbus of the moral world ...? 7. Everything was propitious. 8. He thought of wrenching his arm free, but feared it would make a scene. 9. Michael's hand was yanked ' violently from his pocket, the fatal snakeskin box was pulled out by the detective, and identified by the manager and the clerk. 10. A clerk had been dispatched, also, to look up Mi­chael's record, if any. 11. Hurwitz had added that he knew Lowes was hard up. 12. Dora was cold, detached, deliberate. 13. They had drifted apart. 14. This is the last straw. 15. Mi­chael, you must learn to be orderly,

3. Say what is meant by

an asymmetrical face; a bi-weekly day of escape; a row about unpaid bills; a snapshot; an impulse; a temptation;

a fair chance; a precise mental picture; a prescription coun­ter; an appalling turn of events; an improbable lie; a tipsy


desire; harmless experiments; intense curiosity; chilly ab­ruptness; a testimony; a college man; a state of complete stupor; a plain fact

4. Express the following in literary English.

1. Jeez, what a life. 2. Let the bills wait, damn them! 3. ... he trotted out some gin ... 4. And you don't do it, be­cause you know damn well if you do you'll get arrested. 5. I see a nice little thing right in front of me on the counter — you know, a nice little knife, or necktie ... 6. I guess you thought that was pretty slick ... 7. I saw him pinch it ... 8. It ain't far. 9. Prisoner, further, had once or twice jump­ed his rent ...

5. Find in the text the English for

напевать без слов; учитывая; неоплаченные счета; пере­кусить; выскользнуть из дома; неудача преследовала его;

мелкий, сухой снег; встать, чтобы размяться; развивать идею; поддаться искушению; мешать карты; возобновить игру; снова наполнить стаканы; оказаться под подозрени­ем; отвезти на машине; нетвердо держаться на ногах; про­верить на практике; как ни странно; пробиться боком сквозь толпу; товары; бритвенный прибор; в одно мгнове­ние; сердце его забилось; охваченный паникой; недовер­чиво улыбаться; поворот событий; потерять очарование;

замедлить шаг; иметь дело с преступниками; наводить справки; отрицать что-либо; нуждаться (в деньгах); вско­чить на ноги; поднять брови; спокойный голос; опасения оказались обоснованными; запинаться; терять нить; денеж­ные накопления; думать с горечью; потерять работу; ко­вырять в зубах; ни тени сомнения; отказаться давать сви­детельские показания в чью-либо пользу; случай кражи;

состояние полного отупения; начать дело о разводе; быть осужденным за кражу