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2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

Industrial organizational psychology, branch of psychology, improving productivity, the quality of work life, deal with issues, work morale, involves interaction between humans and machines, information-processing, be facilitated by the proper design of equipment, concentrated upon, performance appraisal, organizational issues, employers perspective, attempt, compatible with, negotiations.

3. Find English equivalents from the text:

Применяет теории и принципы психологии; область, отрасль; проектировать оборудование; хотя; получение информации; принятие решений; действие; удобства, благоприятные условия; порядок работы; внутри отрасли; выполнение обязанностей работниками; удовлетворение; урегулирование конфликта; руководство, управление; безопасность рабочего места; тесная взаимосвязь с нашей повседневной жизнью; воздействует; снизить текучесть рабочей силы; снизить прогулы; средства маркетинга; а также; предупреждение несчастных случаев; в известном смысле; лекарственное средство; грань, аспект; условия труда; профессиональное консультирование; производственный отношения; переговоры между предпринимателями и профсоюзами; урегулирование споров.

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word:

improving, leadership, absenteeism, fields, conflict, apply, working environment, issues, is concerned with, industrial relations, turnover, decision-making, employee training, dealing with, job satisfaction.

1. Industrial and organizational psychology (I/O) is among the newest ……. in psychology.

2. Industrial Psychology focuses on …….. , evaluating, and predicting job performance.

3. The application of psychological concepts to the …….. and problems that arise in business, industry, and other organizational settings.

4. ………. is the planned effort of an organization to help employees learn the job related behaviours and skills they will need to do their job properly.

5. ….. is the ability to inspire confidence and support among people in a group that need to use competence and commitment in order to perform some task.

6. Any organization that is larger than one person is a group, and anywhere where there is more than one person there is bound to be different ideas, behaviours and interests, which can create ……. .

7. ……….. is an employee's thoughts and emotions towards their job and how they evaluate their job.

8. Satisfaction with job prevents ……… and retirement intentions.

9. …….. is behavior done in order to avoid performing ones work tasks.

10. Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology ……. the study of workplace behavior.

11. I-O psychologists often ……. research to increasing workplace productivity, selecting employees best suited for particular jobs, and product testing.

12. Many I-O psychologists work in business in positions ……….. worker productivity, employee training and assessment, and human resources.

13. I/O studies actions, behaviors, interactions among people, motivation, ………… .

14. It makes sense that people that are happy within their ……….. will work far more effectively and happily than those who are uncomfortable

15. The field of ……… looks at the relationship between management and workers.