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  1. Ознакомиться с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. Тренировать грамматические модели

  3. Тренировка навыков аналитического и информативного чтения, перевода, устного высказывания

Материал для изучения:

  1. Куликова, 2003, стр. 176-198

  2. Murphy Unit 44

  3. Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 312

  4. www.free-ed.net Essentials of General Psychology

Этапы занятия:

1. Аналитическое чтение:

Text Arousal and Emotion, Куликова, стр. 176

предтекстовые задания: упр.1, стр.176

Text Motivation, Understanding Psychology 2003, стр. 313

1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

batting average – средний уровень

hang out – постоянно бывать где-либо, гулять, тусоваться

intensely – сильно, внимательно, напряженно

originate – порождать, исходить


Why did Davis play football so intensely? Why do people try to climb Mount Everest or cross the Atlantic in a balloon? Why do some people spend every waking moment memorizing batting averages, while others do not know the difference between the New York Yankees and the Toledo Mud Hens? As the song asks, why do fools fall in love?

Although all psychology is concerned with what people do and how they do it, research on motivation and emotion focuses on the underlying whys of behavior. Motivation includes the various psychological and physiological factors that cause us to act a certain way at a certain time.

We see Kristin studying all weekend while the rest of us hang out, and since we know she wants to go to law school, we conclude that she is motivated by her desire to get good grades. We see Mikko working after classes at a job he does not like, and since we know he wants to buy a car, we conclude that he is motivated to earn money for the car. Movies often have motives or emotions as their central theme. On the street, you hear words like anger, fear, pain, starving, and hundreds of others describing motives and emotions. Conceptions of motivation in psychology are in many ways similar to those expressed in everyday language. Because motivation cannot be observed directly, psychologists, like the rest of us, infer motivation from goal-directed behavior. Behavior is usually energized by many motives that may originate from outside of us or inside of us.

2. Find English equivalents in the text. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

различать, психологи заинтересованы, исследование мотивации, лежащий в основе, действовать в определенной манере, мы заключили, мотивироваться, повседневный язык, мотивацию нельзя наблюдать непосредственно, мотивы порождаются.

3. Say if these statements are true, if not, correct them.

  1. Research on motivation and emotion focuses on the subsequent behavior.

  2. Motivation is the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior.

  3. Movies often have motives or emotions as their secondary theme.

  4. Motivation and goal-directed behavior is the same.

  5. Behavior is usually energized by many motives.

4. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What does research on motivation and emotion focuse on?

2) What is motivation?

3) Why do psychologists infer motivation from goal-directed behavior?

5. Retell the text.

Text Expressing Emotions, Understanding Psychology, стр. 329

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

amused – довольный, радостный

arousal – возбуждение, активность

body language – язык мимики и жестов

clench – сжимать, крепко держать

consequence – следствие, результат

depicted – изображаемый

exposure – подвергание, воздействие

fists – кулак

frown – хмурить брови, морщиться

infuriated – разъяренный

mocking – насмешливый, глумливый

observable – заметный, наблюдаемый

occurrence – случай, явление, наличие

outburst – взрыв, возглас, всплеск

outward – внешний, наружный, видимый

overwhelming – огромный, непреодолимый, превосходящий

pout – надутый вид; дуться

remote – дальний, непохожий

resentment – возмущение, обида, недовольство

significance – значение, смысл, важность

squinted – смотреть украдкой, коситься, прищуриваться

youngster – подросток