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5. Работа над лексикой

Лексический минимум: Щедрина, стр. 21-22

Лексические упражнения: упр. 2-6, стр. 20, упр. 9, 10, 12 стр. 24-25, упр. 35, стр. 33-34

Речевые упражнения: упр. 14-15, стр. 25-26;

6. Cамостоятельная работа студентов

Реферирование текста: The Origins of Psychology, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 14 – 15

Перевод текста: Profiles in Psychology. Mary Whiton Calkins, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 19

Формы и содержание контроля

лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа:

  1. Ответьте на вопросы (3 вопроса):

  1. When do students of Medical University have exams?

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык (5 предложений):

  1. Medical students attend the lectures regularly.

3) монологическое высказывание по теме University Life in Great Britain


1) Students of Medical University have their exams after each term (in January and June).

2) Студенты-медики посещают лекции регулярно.



Факультет социальной работы и клинической психологии, I семестр

Тема раздела: A Course of social work and clinical psychology. Expectations for my future profession.

Время изучения темы: 8 часов

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний на тему A Course of social work and clinical psychology. Expectations for my future profession


  1. ознакомиться с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. тренировать грамматические модели

  3. тренировка навыков аналитического и информативного чтения, перевода, устного высказывания

Материал для изучения:

  1. Щедрина, 2004, стр.36-54

  2. Murphy

  3. Великие медики5, стр. 2-5

  4. Аудиокурс по учебнику Headway Pre-Intermediate

  5. Wikipedia

Этапы занятия:

  1. Фонетическая и речевая разминка и аудирование :

Аудиокурс, Unit III

а) упражнения на правила чтения 1-2, стр. 36

б) беседа по Pre-listening task

в) аудиотекст: Т.8; ввести лексику: millionaire banker, Foreign Office, to feel bored, stockbroker, Naval Intelligence, MI5, to have a bad heart

г) проверка понимания: Comprehension check

2. Аналитическое чтение: Text Social Work (ww.Wikipedia.Com)

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

application – применение

to incorporate – объединяться

pursuit – стремление, поиски; занятие, дело, профессия

enhancement – повышение, увеличение

impact – стремление, влияние

societal – общественный, социальный

settlement – урегулирование, соглашение

advocacy - пропаганда, активная публичная защита, поддержка; отстаивание

to rely – полагаться, надеяться, доверять

myriad – бесчисленный, неисчислимый; разнообразный

setting – окружающая обстановка

body – организация, сообщество

Social work

Social work is a discipline involving the application of social theory and research methods to study and improve the lives of people, groups, and societies. It incorporates and uses other social sciences as a means to improve the human condition and positively change society's response to chronic problems. Social work is the profession committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the enhancement of the quality of life, and to the development of the full potential of each individual, group and community in society. It seeks to simultaneously address and resolve social issues at every level of society and economic status, but especially among the poor and sick. Social workers are concerned with social problems, their causes, their solutions and their human impacts. They work with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

Social work as a defined profession began in the 19th century. This was in response to societal problems that resulted from the Industrial Revolution and an increased interest in applying scientific theory to various aspects of study. Eventually an increasing number of educational institutions began to offer social work programs. The settlement movement's emphasis on advocacy and case work became part of social work practice. During the 20th century, the profession began to rely more on research and evidenced-based practice as it attempted to improve its professionalism. Today social workers are employed in a myriad of pursuits and settings. Professional social workers are generally considered those who hold a professional degree in social work and often also have a license or are professionally registered. Social workers have organized themselves into local, national, and international professional bodies to further the aims of the profession.

  1. Translate the words into Russian and say, if they have the same meaning:

a discipline, social theory, group, positive, chronic problems, the profession, potential, individual, economic status, organization, the Industrial Revolution, interest, institution, practice, professionalism, a license, to register, local, national, and international.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

дисциплина, включающая; методы исследования; улучшить жизнь людей; жизненные условия; среди бедных и больных; социальные работники озабочены; общественные проблемы; различные аспекты; обоснованный; социальными работниками считаются лица, диплом и лицензию; цель профессии.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

a discipline involving the application of social theory, to improve the lives of people, social justice, to resolve social issues at every level of society, various aspects of study, to emphasis on advocacy, to improve its professionalism, professional bodies.

  1. Complete the sentences:

  1. Social work is a discipline involving…

  2. Social work is the profession committed…

  3. Social workers are concerned with…

  4. Social work as a defined profession began…

  5. The settlement movement's emphasis on…

  6. Today social workers are employed in…

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is social work?

  2. What does it incorporate?

  3. Where are social workers employed?

  4. What does a person need to become a social worker?

  5. What is the duty of social worker?

  1. Retell the text.