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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

affects our emotions, emotions result from, interpret some stimulus, level of arousal, how to respond to the experienced emotion, how we think about or interpret a situation, emotional response, people express certain basic feelings in the same ways, the overwhelming majority, part of our biological inheritance, to express resentment, everyday emotional reactions, emotions are responses of the whole person, emotions are appropriate in certain circumstances, children are learning an emotional culture, emotions result from mental processes, emotions derive from physical changes.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

субъективное ощущение, иметь больную важность для человека, эмоции воздействуют на физическую активность человека, направляет организм, внешнее выражение эмоции, язык мимики и жестов, которая в свою очередь воздействует, радостный, разъяренный, не находиться под воздействием средств массовой информации, определенная базовая мимика является врожденной, определять эмоциональное состояние людей, умерить эмоции детей; эмоции, соответствующие ситуации.

  1. Say if these statements are true, if not, correct them:

  1. An emotion is an objective feeling.

  2. All emotions have three parts: the physical, the behavioral, and the cognitive parts.

  3. The physical aspect has to do with how the emotion affects the mental arousal of an individual.

  4. The behavioral part is the inner expression of the emotion.

  5. The cognitive aspect concerns how we interpret a situation, which affects our emotions.

  6. All people express certain basic feelings in the same ways.

  7. Certain basic facial expressions are acquired.

  8. Many of our everyday emotional reactions are the result of social expectations and consequences.

  9. We can separate an individual’s physical or biological experience of emotions from that person’s thoughts or actions associated with those emotions.

  10. Children are taught which emotions are considered appropriate in different situations.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

consequences, squinted, behavioral, significance, infuriated, youngsters, occurrences, overwhelming, outbursts, body language

1) An emotion is a subjective feeling provoked by real or imagined objects or events that have high …………. to the individual.

2) Emotions result from four …………..

3) All emotions have three parts: the physical, the ……………., and the cognitive parts.

4) The behavioral part is the outward expression of the emotion, such as .....…..., hand gestures, and the tone of a person’s voice.

5) Without knowing a person’s language, you can tell whether he or she is amused or …………… just by looking at that person’s face.

6) The …………. majority of the participants identified the emotions as the researchers expected they would.

7) Our everyday emotional reactions are the result of social expectations and …………..

8) Parents modify their children’s emotions by responding angrily to some …………...

9) Parents modify their children’s emotions by ignoring their …………… on occasion.

10) Anger is indicated when a person’s eyebrows are sharply lowered and drawn together, and the eyes narrowed or ……………. .