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Jane Addams

Jane Addams was a Nobel Peace Prize winner and perhaps the most famous social worker from the United States. Jane Addams was born in 1860 in Cedarville, Illinois. She has been described as a sickly child, with a spinal curvature. Her mother died when she was two years old. She was close to her father, her three surviving sisters and her brother. Three children in her family died in infancy. Jane was a smart young girl who dreamed of attending Smith College in Massachusetts. Her father would not allow her to go. Instead she attended a school closer to home. At the all-female boarding school Jane would learn the importance of female friendships. She began her life-long friendship with Ellen Gates Starr, co-founder of Hull House.

Jane Addams went on to study medicine after college. But she found the work hard and uninspiring. She returned to Cedarville, as women of her era did, to take care of her family. After her father died, Jane fell into a depression. A brilliant woman with nothing to do, she felt her life had no purpose. Jane desperately wanted to make a difference in the world. Her stepmother took her to Europe to recover and study art. Some of Jane's vigor returned, but she questioned her purpose in life.

Starr and Addams travelled to London together and there Jane visited Toynbee Hall, the settlement house that inspired her to start Hull House. Hull House's purpose was two-fold. Its primary purpose was to serve the poor inner city residents. Its other purpose would be a cure for the uselessness she and other educated women of her time experienced. Addams founded Hull House on Halsted Street in Chicago in 1889. Previously, social work was based on a "Friendly Visitor" model. Rich would visit the poor and model for them behavior that would help them better their situation. Addams came to see that poverty was not due to character deficits, but social conditions that needed to be changed. Thus, in addition to helping people meet their immediate needs, Hull House worked for social change, addressing such issues as child labor, public health reform, garbage collection, labor laws and race relations.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of Addams's life and the one which won her the most notoriety was her involvement in the peace movement. Addams declared herself a pacifist and spoke out against World War I. Although she would eventually win a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. Addams believed women had a social responsibility to work for peace because working men would never be against war. She took on a leadership role in the Woman's Peace Party. In March 1915 Addams was invited to speak at an International Congress of Women in the Netherlands. Jane Addams won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. True to her cause, Jane gave all her prize money away.

Jane had a heart attack in 1926. She never fully regained her health. As a matter of fact, she was being admitted to a Baltimore hospital on the very day, December 10, 1931, that the Nobel Peace Prize was being awarded to her in Oslo. She died in 1935. The funeral was held in the courtyard of Hull-House.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

a Nobel Peace Prize winner, a sickly child, all-female boarding school, life-long friendship, to fall into a depression, purpose in life, city resident, a "Friendly Visitor" model, character deficits, public health reform, the peace movement, a heart attack, Hull-House.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Who was Jane Addams?

  2. Where did she study?

  3. Why did she return to her native town?

  4. What did she start? What was her purpose?

  5. What did Hull House work for?

  6. Was Jane Addams a pacifist?

  7. What did she win the Nobel Prize for?

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

I wonder about…..

In connection with….. I’d like to say that…..

I’d like to add that…..

I have doubts about….. because…..

As far as I know…..

I’d like to add in connection with…..

I am puzzled by…..

I’d like to stress the fact that…..

The following conclusions are…..

Without going into details I should say that…..

5. Работа над лексикой и устная речь

Лексический минимум, стр. 38-39

Лексические упражнения: упр. 3-7, стр. 37, упр. 12, 13, 15, 28, 38 стр. 42-43, 52-54

Речевые упражнения: упр. 17-18, стр. 44; упр. 24, стр. 46

6. Cамостоятельная работа студентов.

Перевод: текст The origins of psychology (www.wikipedia.com)

текст Role of the professional social worker (www.wikipedia.com)

текст The roots of social work (www.wikipedia.com)

Формы и содержание контроля.

лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа:

  1. Ответьте на вопросы (3 вопроса):

  1. In what field of science would you like to specialize in?

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык (5 предложений):

  1. Clinical psychologist must be attentive to people.

3) монологическое высказывание по темам A Course of social work and clinical psychology; My Future profession.


1) I would like to specialize in clinical psychology because I am eager to help people to cope with difficulties, to solve their problems.