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In what is she doing home what should we do they ask each other as their

mother walks up the sidewalk. "Play sick Kelly" Deborah says it is are

only chance. Quickly the twins shed their shirts and put on just ther

pajama tops and dive into their beds.

There mother hears them and comes up the stairs to investigate.

She opens the door to her daughters room and asks them why they are not

at school."we’re sick mom we both don’t feel well" Lesley their mother

feels their foreheads and says she’ll be right back with the

thermometers.So far so good Deb maybe we can fool her kelly says. lesley

heads down the hall and notices the bathroom still all steamed up she

wonders and then gets the thermometers out and heads back to her

daughters room.

Mean while the daughters franticly remve their jeans and dive back

under the covers before their mother returns."I hope she doesn’t find

out Deb " Kelly muses " How do we fake a temperature though Kelly , Mom

Is a nurse she can tell"" I have a plan you get her to leave and I’ll

get some warm hot water to stick the thermometers in"The two teenagers

hope they can pull this off.

Lesley their mother comes in and silently notices two pairs of jeans

where there weren’t a minute ago. "What are you home for anyway mom I

thought your flight left at 8:00 this morning" Deborah asks.

"The flight was canceled and we have to take a later flight your father

went to the store he should be back soon now be quiet and put these

under your tongues" "Now don’t move I’ll be right back I have to use the

phone"Quickly Kelly gets up and sneaks down the hall to the bathroom she

gets a cup of hot water and hurries back the twins put the thermometers

into the water and Deborah listens for there mothers return,

"here she comes hurry up" The twins put the instruments back under their

tongues and sit innoccently on the beds.

As there mother withdraws the thermometers the twins look at each

other nervously.She reads the temperature to herself 108 why thats

impossible ahe then eyes the glass of warm water and figures it

out."there seems to be something wrong with these thermometers girls it

says you have a temp of 108 that is impossible I guess I will have to

get the other thermometers for you two" the twins cringe " but mom we’re

to old for that way please" Their mother was adamant " if you really are

sick you won’t mind having your temperature taken that way now I’ ll be

right back" "now what do we do Kelly"I don’t want mom taking my temp in

my bottom" deborah whines to her sister. "relax she is just bluffing and

besides if she takes them rectally we might show a temp and get away

with it"

Lesley walked down the hall amused at her daughters thinking they are

fooling her.She opens the medicine chest and thinks back to the last

time these were used.Lesley worked in a hospital where it was policy to

take rectal temperatures of all children under 10 yrs. old.She figured

If was good enough for the hospital it was good enough for her home.So

the two teens had grown up accustommed to having rectal thermometers up

there bottoms whenever they were feeling a little poorly.She grabbed the

thermometers and the jar of vaseline and went down the hall again. She

enters the girls room and says " ok you two drop your pajamas and roll

over on your tummies we will take care of this sickness" The two

teenagers reluctantly roll over.First Kelly she feels her moms hand on

her butt and cringes when her cheeks are parted and vaseline dabbed on

her rectum and then the glass tube is slid into her butt.As lesley walks

over to take her other daughters temp the door slams "honey I ‘m back

where are you" "Up here honey" she answers as she parts young Deborahs

cheeks and slids the thermometer into her bottom. The young twins are

shocked when in walks their father "daddy please’ they wail. "What have

we here honey" he asks as he looks at the two bare bottoms with the

thermometers sticking out of them.The twins are embarrassed but really

it is nothing new to their father who has seen their bare bottoms many

times for spankings or when changing clothes while out camping. " these

two claim they are sick but I think they are faking it" the angry mother

says."no mommy we really are sick you’ll see" whines Deborah and Kelly

in unison.After waiting the full five minutes Lesley says to her husband

get me Kellys thermometer and I’ll take out Deborahs. Kelly buries her

head in the pillow as her father parts her cheeks and withdraws the

thermometer from her little bottom.After reading the instruments Lesley

announces the sad fact "you two have no fever I think you are lying"The

twins wail "but we are sick mom our stomachs hurt"their mothers answer

shocks them" well then maybe you two each need an enema to cure your

tummy aches" "honey go get the enema bags ready" "noooooo mom " the

twins cry they don’t want to be given enemas they weren’t sick they knew

they had to confess or they would soon have that awful tube up their


"Mom Dad we ummm we a skipped school today we wanted to go to the mall

with our friends who all have the day off Kelly confesses

"Well then why didn’t you just ask us we might have let you miss we

understand teenagers you know But since you chose to act like a couple

of children you can be treated as such you both are going to get your

bare butts spanked for lying to us"

"But mom we are to old to be spanked especially bare bottomed"

Their mother walks over to Kelly and sits down on her bed their father does

the same thing only he goes to Deborahs bed.The twins find themselves

standing at their parents sides each parent reaches out and slides a

pair of panties down and places a naughty teenager over their laps.

Deborah and Kelly are helpless and sorry little girls as they lay

bare bottom over their parents knees. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK

SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK The spankings begin and the young

girls cry out with each slap to their naked bottoms SMACK SMACK SMACK

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Both mom and dad spank at a brisk pace and

the spanks connect in unison on the reddening btooms of their


SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK the spanking seems to light a fire in the

girls bottoms, "Please stop we won’t do it again" "You bet you won’t

young lady we will see to that"is her fathers answer SMACK SMACK SMACK

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK The girls kick their legs and cry out as

their tender bottoms redden and begin to really sting. SMACK SMACK SMACK

SMACK SMACK SMACK The kicking legs cause both pair of panties to fly

completely off their bare bottoms are bright red and their pink pussy

lips peek out but they are to worried about the heat in their bottoms to

care. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK a few final spanks and the tearful

girls are allowed to stand they rub their burning bottoms not caring

that they are naked from the waist down. " Now you two go and face the

wall some corner time will straighten you both out" Their mother

orders.Tearfully the twins walk over to the corner and stand ther red

bottoms glowing and stinging. "we are sorry mom and dad we won’t lie to

you again" "Very well you to but you keep those bottoms on display for

an hour or you will get the hairbrush understand" The two parents leave

the room knowing that when they leave later that day their twins would

not think of playing truant again.

Kelly And Deborah comfort one another as they stand side by side in the

corner bare bottoms still stinging they won’t be sitting for a while.



It was 1973, and back in those days, which I call the spanking

years, corporal punishment could be found everywhere. In schools, at your

neighbors house, family gatherings, and of course, at home. But not at

my home. Well not really that is. Sure my sister and I got the

occasional smack on the butt from time to time, but we never received

the good old fashioned, over the knee bare bottom spankings like some

of our friends told us about. Our parents tried to use the more

refined style of discipline, such as being grounded or having

privileges taken away instead of the brutality of a spanking. Even

though they were both spanked when they were younger.

I guess they just thought they were being smarter than the other parents who blistered

their kids bottoms at the drop of a hat. Who would think this could

possibly change my life in such a dramatic way.

It was in my third year of high school, when this dramatic event

occurred, an event that I will never forget. My two friends,Helen and

Jennifer, and I went out on a saturday night and partied it up,ending

up at the beach ,where some of our other friends from school had made

a bonfire. There was some beer, although I never had any being the good

little girl I was. But I was dumb in the fact that I completely lost

track of the time. My curfew, which was law at our house, was 11:30pm on

weekends, and when I finally arrived home it was almost 1:00am!

My parents hit the roof, mom was practically in tears and dad, oh boy,I

had never seen him so mad. He started yelling at me about how I

worried them, and they thought I was dead or in the hostpital,you

know they always think the worst. If there had ever been a time in my

life where I truly needed to go over someone knee it was now. But did

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