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Infrequent, but also more severe and she was spanked with a ruler.

Since she had been in high school, she had only been spanked a few

times, but on those occasions, part of her punishment had been given

with a school cane.

Anne felt the sting of her mother's palm as it landed against the

bare right cheek of her bottom. Her mother alternated cheeks, angrily

spanking Anne, hard and fast. The slaps rang out in the closed

room, along with Anne's cries. Finally the stinging slaps stopped

raining down. For a moment Anne thought that her mother would let

her up, but then she saw her reach over to the coffee table and pick

up the ruler.

Anne squirmed more, pressing her thighs together.

"No, no, please Mommy, I'll be good! Don't spank me more!"

"You should have thought about being good earlier, young lady. You

deserve a long, hard, spanking and that is what you will get."

Anne felt the ruler come down sharply across her cheeks, and she

started crying again. In the six months that had passed since

Anne's last spanking, she had forgotten how much it hurt and how the

strokes of the ruler stung. As she lay across her mothers lap,

squirming as she was punished, she pressed her thighs together and

started to get excited, without really being aware of it. She and

Jeff had been kissing and petting for a couple of hours. Anne was

still aroused when she got home. The firey pain of her punishment

seemed to enflame her lust, as well as her bottom. When her mother

finally stopped spanking her with the ruler, Anne lay across her

lap, breathlessly crying.

She felt the slap of her mother's palm on her bottom.

"Up you go, young lady."

Still crying, Anne stood up. Her mother got up from the couch and

placed a straight backed chair in the middle of the room.

"Take off your skirt and blouse and kneel in the chair", her mother


"Please, Mommy, I've learned my lesson. I won't be late again.

Please don't spank me more. I promise I'll be good."

"Undress and kneel on the chair! Now!"

Anne, bowing to the inevitable obeyed, hoping that obedience would

minimize any further punishment. She knelt in the chair, as her

mother ordered, in her bra and panties, which were bunched down around

her thighs. She leaned her upper body against the back of the chair

forming her body into a vee, with her crimson bottom at its apex.

Anne watched fearfully as her mother opened the closet door and

took down a school punishment cane that was hanging on a hook from a

leather thong. Anne started sobbing softly, promising her mother

that she would never misbehave again, if only her mother would not

spank her with the cane. Her pleas were to no avail. Her mother

crossed the room and stood behind her. Anne flinched as she heard

the cane cut the air, but it came lightly across her cheeks as her

mother took a few practice swings. The light touch of the cane

brought both fear and a strange excitement, which she did not


Anne felt the cane again, feather light. It drew away and then

swished through the air, comming down hard across her buttocks.

Anne cried out, her body quivering under the stroke. There was a

swish and another stroke landed, this time on the soft skin where her

bottom joined her thigh. Her mother administered the strokes slowly,

allowing the burning from the last stroke to fade, before

administering the next. The anticipation, as she waited for the next

stroke, made the punishment even worse. She bucked and cried under the

strokes, but she did not dare try to move her bare cheeks from the

cane's path. Anne knew that this would only result in additional

punishment. Finally, when the sobbing girls bottom and upper thighs

where lined with welts, the caning stopped. Anne lay draped over

the chair, crying, while her mother comforted her, petting her hair.

Finally she was able to get up, somewhat stiffly.

"I hope that you have learned your lesson, young lady", her mother

said sternly.

"Yes Ma'am, I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry I was bad. I will

not be late again."

"Good. Now, off to bed"

Anne gingerly pulled her panties up, gathered her cloths and went

up stairs to her bedroom. As she was changing into her nightie, she

looked at her bottom in the mirror. Her cheeks were blushed crimson,

beneath the deeper red of the welts left by the cane. She knew that

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