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I pressed the bristles to her throbbing bottom. Aren't I incorrigible-

"Uhm...well, okay," she said dubiously.

"Good. Since you've already said you think this little spanking will help you be a good girl, I probably should let you know I am very inclined to reinstate spanking as my number one punishment for serious misbehavior. Would you have a problem with that-"

"Well, geez...I don't think...well, no, I guess not."

"Very good! I'm glad you agree. That being the case, and knowing how I feel about it, would you also agree that any and all spankings will be with this hairbrush and on your bare bottom-"

Cindy sighed, then took a couple of quick breaths. I could almost see the wheels spinning. Dare she risk a confrontation while still bare bottom and over my knee- Plus, she had another spanking due at bedtime. Discretion always is, especially when your bottom is at stake, the better part of valor.

"Yeah..." She grumped. I tapped her with the brush. "Don't! I mean yes, Mother."

"Good! Excellent! Now, say it all for me so we will have no doubt next time you're in trouble and I decide to spank you."

Cindy sighed again, but she is a smart kid.

"Okay, Mother. Yes, when I am bad, if it is something really bad, not just being a little late or something, you can spank me...with the hairbrush...on my bare bottom. Okay-"

I considered her qualifier, and accepted it.

"Good. Okay, then, young lady, you know what's next..."

"Yes, Mother," she said.

Cindy clambered off my lap and headed straight for the corner. Once there, she pulled her shirt up so as to leave her bottom totally bare, and clasped her hands before her, snuggling deep into the corner.

"Very good," I said, admiring my candy-apple red handiwork. Never had Cindy's perfect, little bottom been redder, nor, I'm sure hotter. "Remember, half an hour...and don't you dare rub your bottom. Got it-"

"Yes, Mother."

I left the room, secure in the knowledge my daughter was a well spanked little girl who would not dare rub her bottom no matter how itchy, tingly nor hot.


I'm sure there are at least two things you would like to know. Did Cindy get spanked again that day, and did she get any more spankings after that day- Well, the answer is yes...to both. If you are real nice I'll share a bit of detail, okay-


Of course Cindy got spanked again that day. In our family, a spanking promised is a spanking given. She knows that. Thus, after watching Aly McBeel, when I told her to get ready for bed, she simply sighed, kissed her dad goodnight, and went upstairs, saying she'd call me when she was ready.

Her father asked if I had to do it, and I assured him I did. He leaves Cindy's spankings to me, but he is very supportive. When she called down to me, I got up and he said, "She's a good kid, Honey, just remember how it felt when it was you on the other end of that hairbrush."

"I will, Dear, promise," I said.

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