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It was after prep that there was another knock on the door. "See who it is Nix," Deborah said wearily, "and ask them to go away."

Nicola Jane swung open the door. "What do you want?" she snapped.

"I came to see Morton," came the response, "I just wanted to ...".

"Just go away," Nicola Jane barked, "we're closed for the day."

"I'm sorry Nixon I..." THUD! The door closed in the Gals face.

Deborah grinned kindly, "Steady Nix, who was that anyway?"

"It was only the Minxster, but she's gone now."

"Oh Nicola come on she's one of us, call her back."

"You said..."

"I know darling, but please call her."

Nicola Jane shrugged and opened the door.

"Sutters, hey, Sutters," she shouted after the retreating Gal, "Deborah wants to see you."

Lisa Sutton stood in the doorwell and looked sheepish. "I'm sorry to bother you Morton, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about what happened. That was really over the top. You were just so brave. Look I'd better cut along, I shouldn't have bothered you."

Lisa Sutton began to back out of the door.

"Don't be a chump Lisa, thank you for coming. It's kind of you. I appreciate it," Deborah smiled.

"I would have come earlier but I had an appointment." The Minxster blushed.

Deborah raised an eyebrow archly, "Whops?"

Lisa continued to crimson.

"I'm sorry to hear that, how was it?" Deborah asked amiably.

Lisa shrugged, "Well it was nothing compared to you of course but it was hot enough. It was Mitch the Bitch. You know after prep she was just waiting to swag someone and when she couldn't find anybody she just picked on me. She hates me anyway. So she tells me I'm going to get for and I say what for and she says for rubbishing her and I say I hadn't been rubbished nobody, and she says I have been now and how would I like to take it up with the Beak. So I go with her to the library and she's just horrible and she's going on about you being caned and how there ought to be more Heads Floggings and she's just about salivating. So anyway I bend over and she lays it on thick. Then I give her my book and she says I haven't apologized, so I say I'm sorry and she says it's a bit late for that and tells me to bend over again and I get another two. So I apologize for not apologizing and give her my book again and she rights down four. I say that's not fair you gave me six, which we know is again

st the rules, and she says she can only give me four at anyone time and these were two separate punishments one for disobedience and one for insolence. Now I should of shut up of course but I ask her why she doesn't make two entries then? I say that we'll see what the Beak thinks when she does the count on Thursday and if she asks me I'll tell her the truth and take my chances."

"So anyways she goes crazy and says that if I go around telling people that she gave her six she'll make trouble for me and to make sure I remember she tells me to bend over again. So I get another two and only get written up for four and, well, that's why I'm late."

She blushed again, "I'm sorry. What am I thinking about giving you my troubles? I'll just cut along." Then as an afterthought she said, "Look, I expect you've already got some but I bought you a jar of cold cream, and well," She closed the door conspiratorially, "please don't grass me up but sometimes when I've really caught it hot I find this helps." She reached behind her and hidden under her blazer in the waist of her skirt was a hip flask. "It's vodka, doesn't smell."

Deborah smiled again, "You're a good egg Sutton, where the hell did you get that from?"

"I have my sources, but look you keep it and I'll leave you alone."

"Oh rot, come in and sit down," Deborah giggled, "or maybe you'd prefer to stand, I must admit I'm not much in the mood for sitting myself. I'm sorry you got whopped because of me. Still, no good crying over spilt milk," said Deborah, "lets have a swig of that vodka and then maybe you'd do the honors with that cream Nix. I'm sure Lisa could do with some cooling down."

The Gals swigged deeply on the flask, the alcohol going immediately to their heads setting them chuckling.

"Well knickers down, bottoms up Lisa," giggled Deborah, "I don't know about you but my arse is on fire, lets get busy Nicola."

So Nicola Jane Nixon one of the naughtiest Gals at Woody's found herself with a pot of cold cream in her hand and her best friend and fellow troublemaker bent over one end of the sofa and the current enfant terrible of the school bent over the other. With two striped and throbbing bottoms just waiting to be cooled down. Nicola Jane Nixon dipped into the pot.


Aimee's First Spanking

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