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I threw back my head and wailed. "nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo, Daddy

PLEASE, I'll do ANYTHING, I'll be grounded for a month...a


He grabbed my arm, pulled me away from the stove, and cracked my bottom

twice, very hard, with his hand. I wailed and wiggled frantically.

"NOW, Darla. Go to your room..NOW!!!"

They let me sit in there at least 15 minutes...it seemed like an hour. I

tried to think of how to escape...I actually thought about crawling out

the window and jumping from the second story back porch. I was crying, I

was frantic...but in my heart I knew I deserved it. The look on my

Mother's face, her wet eyes...I felt like dying of shame and remorse.

When at last they knocked softly on the door and came in, my stomach

twisted and I began to cry again.

"Do you have anything you want to say to us, Darla Lynn?" my Mother asked

as she sat down hard in the straight-backed chair from my desk.

I looked up at her, and the words came straight from my heart. "I'm so

sorry I shamed you Mom...I promise nothing like this will ever happen

again. I feel so bad..."

"Yes, I'm sure you do, Dar" she said softly, "and the second part is

feeling your spanking so that the lesson sinks in. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom" I sobbed.

"Come over to me, young lady!"

I walked to her side, she tugged my corduroy pants down to mid-thigh, and

with one swift movement she took hold of my wrist and pulled me down

across her knees. I felt my face redden as my white nylon panties pulled

tight across my upturned bottom...I knew from bitter experience that they

wouldn't offer any protection.

"I...I'm sorry Mommy..." I managed to choke out before her right hand

slapped down across both cheeks. I yelled and my leg kicked up...I had

forgotten how much her hard hand could hurt. Twenty times it rose and

fell, me crying after spank number 3 and not stopping even after she

stopped. She held me in place across her knee, letting me cry it out for

a few minutes.


"Yes, Mommy?"

"I'm going to pull down your panties, young lady, and begin your


"Mommy, no please...it already hurts a lot, I think I've learned my

lesson, Mom, ..."

"That's enough, Darla. The simple fact that you are still arguing shows

Daddy and me that you haven't learned anything yet."

My Father had been so quiet that I'd forgotten he was in the room. I

blushed furiously at the thought of him seeing my bare behind. It was as

if she read my thoughts.

"You may stay in position, Dar, you don't need to get up. Just lift your

tummy a little...there, good girl!"

I groaned in humiliation as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my

panties and pulled them down to keep my corduroys company. She patted my


"You're nice and pink after your spanking, Darla, but you evidently have a

long way to go to learning your lesson!" I heard movement, and realized

Daddy was probably handing her the hairbrush.

"Mommy, no please, don't paddle me Mommy, I'll be a good girl, I'll never

steal anything again, Mom, please...not the hairbrush, Mommy, it stings so


I was already twisting and crying, and she grabbed my flailing right hand

as a precaution and pinned it to the small of my back. She re-arranged my

bottom so it was at the highest possible point over her right knee, and I

heard her raise the brush.

It cracked down hard on my tender right cheek, then left, then center,

then the place where bottom meets thigh, then back to my right cheek and

the cycle began again. I howled and bucked and begged and pleaded and

kicked to no avail. The hairbrush came raining down, leaving angry red

oval imprints all over my 13 year old fanny. By the end of the paddling,I

was broken and sobbing in complete submission.

"Mommy, I'm sorry" I wept, laying limply over her lap as she stroked my

flaming cheeks with a cool hand.

"Ssshhh, baby, I know you are. But what you did was very very bad...you

know that, don't you?"

"Yes, Mommy" I sobbed, gasping for breath.

"And you know your punishment is not over yet, don't you?"

"Yes, Mommy" I groaned, all fight gone.

"Five minutes, Darla Lynn" I heard my Father say. "You may have five

minutes to rub your bottom and get ready for the strap. Understood?"

"Yes, Daddy"

They both left the room, and I threw myself down on the bed, crying as if

my heart would break. I had glanced at my rear in the mirror...it was

flaming red and I had no idea how I was going to be able to take the

strap. I massaged it tenderly, trying to remove some of the sting before

my next punishment, but the five minutes were up in a heartbeat. They

both came back into my room and I turned my head to look at them...with my

red bottom and tear-streaked face, I must have been quite a sight.

My Dad had rolled up his right sleeve, and was flexing the strap as he

entered my room. He doubled it, holding the loose ends firmly, and

stroked it across his left palm.


"Yes, Daddy?"

"Time for the strap, young lady. You may stay on the bed...just swing your

legs around so they are over the side, and let's get some pillows under

your tummy so your fanny is up nice and high for Daddy."

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