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I hope you aren’t too upset.” Upset, was she kidding? No she wasn’t, there

was no trace of humor, but then how could she know? She couldn’t. I was

thrilled. Right down to my twitching toes I was thrilled, scared, excited,

flustered and did I mention scared?” Was he going to spank me right then?

My mind floundered. Were my pajama bottoms about to come down right then and

there in the living room? I noticed the drapes were closed, it was still

light outside. Not a good sign I nervously noted.

They looked at each other and satisfied I understood I was dismissed to go to

bed, just like that it was over. Back in my room thoughts flooded my mind. I

took a deep breath. I knew darn well that sooner or later and I suspected

sooner, I would cross over some foggy parental line and earn a spanking in my

mother’s opinion. I was confident of that seeing how almost as regular as

clock work I managed to do it once a month. It was just a matter of time.

But the next time it wouldn’t be Mom, it would be Daddy. I recalled the

school paddling he had given me with the ruler as I pondered my future. I was

happy enough to escape the living room with out a second spanking in one day,

but now safely back in my room I was almost disappointed.

I began my wondering all over again. “Would he spank me with Mom there?” I

hoped not, just me and my Daddy seemed so much more personal, I hoped that

when he spanked me we would be alone. “When he spanked me.” It had a tingling

ring to it. I played with that in my head and was mildly surprised I was

easily accepting the fact that he was going to give me a spanking, I was even

more surprised as the realization dawned on me that I wanted him to. I gave

a few minutes of delicious thought to doing something to provoke a spanking

then decided that would almost be cheating. I would get one soon enough, of

that I was confident.

Almost a month passed and things seemed dull, I was the model of good

behavior. Everything I said was Yes Sir, No Sir, Yes Ma’am and No Ma’am. It

wasn’t a conscious decision on my part, it was just the way things came out.

My prefect comportment even surprised me, I know it perplexed Mom who

probably kept wondering what happened to her smart mouth daughter.

I considered again setting up a situation that would earn me my first

spanking sine he had become my new Daddy. Ideas popped into my head, I could

swipe some of Ms. Duggin’s cigarettes and get caught smoking, that would do

it. I could swear and cause a scene, I even considered swiping something

from a store but that seemed too serious. Nothing seemed quite right.

Then as often seems the case the unexpected happened. It seemed so easy at

the time, no way could we get caught. But we did, and my first attempt at

cutting a class was a bust. A study hall class at that. They never took role,

until the day Heather and I skipped. We sat outside the principal’s office

two pictures of dejection. Heather looked at me when no one was around “I’m

in so much trouble, my Dad’s gonna burn my bottom for this, Oh, oh I can’t

believe it, I’m in so much trouble.” She said again, repeating herself. “Oh,

my goodness.” I thought “My Dad’s gonna burn my butt too.” My stomach formed

a new knot as I realized that I was about to find out what a spanking from my

Dad was going to be like. I had wondered, and now I was going to find out. I

suspected I had only a few hours at the most to wait.

The calls home were made and arrangements were agreed on. We were released

from the principal’s office with his stern warning. “I’ve talked to both of

your parents and we have agreed your punishment will be a one day suspension

from school and what ever course of action they wish to take at home.” A

small smile slipped across his face as he said the last part. Both Heather

and I could guess what waited for us at home.

Mom sent me to my room as soon as I entered the house, she didn’t care to

hear any explanations, which was just as well as I had none to offer. I lay

on my bed staring at the ceiling. I wondered what would happen when Daddy

came home. “Would he come up the stairs and spank me right then? Or worse

would he forget that he was the one doing the punishments and Mom would come

up with her paddle? I rolled over on my tummy and continued thinking about

what was to come that night. “Maybe Mom and Dad would think the one day

suspension was enough and not do anything.” That caused a swell of hope and

then almost disappointment intermixed in a confusing sea of thoughts and

hopes. I was perplexed about what I really wanted to happen.

I heard the door downstairs open and close as Daddy arrived home.

An hour later I was called down for dinner. I went down unsure of what my

immediate future held. I picked at my food. The possibility of getting a

spanking at any moment has never done much to improve my appetite. Dad spoke

first. “Understand you had some trouble at school today.” He opened. I

nodded, looking at my half picked at food. “Yes Sir.” He continued. “Skipped

class, got suspended for a day I understand.” “Yes Sir.” And that was it.

Some small talk between Mom and Dad.

Dinner was over and not a mention of anything other than my suspension. The

talk had been so casual It seemed to me as if that was to be the end of it.

I asked to be excused from the table, Mom nodded her assent.

As I got up from the table I felt a tear in the corner of my eye. “So that

was it. My new Daddy the school teacher cared so little for his Daughter she

could skip school and he would make no effort to get involved.” My lower jaw

quivered, I felt on the verge of bawling, but was determined to hold in my

heartbreak and disappointment until I was alone in my room where I could cry

my tears of sorrow and self pity.

My eyes glazed with increasing tears, with my vision a blur I made my way to

the living room and approached the stairs that would take me up to the

isolation that was my room. Just as I was about to take the first step I

realized Daddy was walking next to me, his arm was laid gently on my


“Jenny, I think you and I have something to take care of alone.” With that I

felt myself being guided towards his study. His large hand had now taken my

hand and I followed obediently, wiping away the tears that were streaking

down my face.

We were in the den and the door was closing before it dawned on me that maybe

earlier when I had decided I wasn’t going to be punished beyond the

suspension I had miscalculated. Such was the depth of my earlier feeling

that I was still feeling the dejection.

Daddy sat down on a chair that had been pulled away from his large shiny oak

desk. He pulled me to stand in front of him. For the first time he realized

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