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I peek back over my shoulder, only to see an angry woman leaning over me with her hairbrush poised in mid-air...


Boo-Hoo!! "Mom, please!! I really mean it this time, Mom, please no more!!!" In desperation I reach back and place one hand protectively on each bare cheek. "Pleeease, Mommy....I'm soo sorry, please no more!!"

"No more?" She asks in mock surprise, "No more?? Young lady, I haven't even started spanking you yet!"

Spank! One of the problems of being a thirteen year old girl is that my bottom has rounded to the point where there are still places to plant the hairbrush on my bottom or thighs, even with both of my hands back there!

"I don't like being lied to, little lady, and you make and break promises too easily, don't you?"

Spank! She finds yet another of those uncovered places.

"Owwee, Mom!! I won't Mom, Please, Mom, I won't break any more promises, I promise....pleassee???" The irony of promising to stop breaking promises is lost on me at the time.

"Before I leave here today, Pamela, you are going to have a well spanked bottom to help you to remember all these promises that you have been making, and you are going to know what happens to girls in this family who break their promises! Now move your hands, little lady."

I reluctantly and slowly uncover my bottom again, and clutch my pillow in anticipation of what is coming.

She starts spanking me for real. The lecturing is over. The seemingly random and indiscriminate spanks are over. Now that hairbrush is rapidly smacking all over my bare bottom and down onto the tops of my thighs. I am bawling at the top of my lungs - surely loud enough to wake the neighbors, if not the dead, and trying my best to squirm my tender rear away from her burning spanks. It doesn't occur to me, and wouldn't have mattered to me anyhow, that everyone in the family can't help but hear the smacks of the hairbrush on my bare bottom and my carrying on like a baby behind my closed door.

Mom does nothing half-hearted, especially spankings. My bottom is burning up, and I am kicking, squealing, squirming and bawling long before she is done spanking. My carrying-on has no effect on her, and she is determined to give me a spanking to remember. She's no novice at this task, having tended to my bottom for me so many times before, and she has not gone through the effort of retrieving her hairbrush, supervising the removal of my dress and the lowering of my panties just to let me off with a few birthday-style spanks. No, she wanted my underpants down and wanted me stretched out on the bed in order to give her darling, 'kinda cute and kinda popular ', but 'too-big-for-her-britches' thirteen year old daughter a real, live, honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned, bare-bottomed hairbrush spanking. And that is precisely what she did.

When the long and vigorous spanking was over, Mom stepped back to survey her handiwork as I squirmed and continued bawling the hard tears of a well-spanked girl. An hour ago I would have sworn that I was too big and too old at thirteen to be spanked, and especially too big and too old to have my panties pulled down for it. Now I understand how false those thoughts were, for I have just been given a spanking and I am proving that I'm just a girl who still needs, still gets, and still benefits from having her little panties taken down and her bare bottom soundly spanked for her when she's bad.

Mom patiently stands next to the bed waiting for my sobs to subside, probably looking with grim satisfaction at the bright red bottom cheeks she has given to me. As I calm down a little, Mom feels the need, as she does after every spanking, to reinforce the lesson that she has just taught to her nearly naked and bawling 'kinda cute and kinda popular' thirteen-year-old daughter.

"If your grades don't improve on your next report card, Pamela Joan, we will be right back here again for another spanking with your underpants down, and I promise you that I will spank your bare bottom even longer and harder than I did today. Do you understand me, young lady?"


"Yeeesss, Mommy, pleasee stop...whaah! I'm sorry!!"

"Will I be seeing EVERY test from now on, little miss?"


"Oowwee....please Mom, I promise!!! Please no more!!"

Each of these new spanks of her hairbrush on my so well spanked and still bare bottom are burning more than the spanking itself, or at least so it seems at the time.

"If you ever take anything from the mail that isn't addressed to you again, little lady, you will be spanked. Am I making myself clear, Miss Pamela? You will be spanked, and I do mean spanked!"


"Ohhh, booo-hooo!!" I don't even respond anymore, I simply cry and bury my face in my pillow.

I hear the door to the bedroom open, and look back over my arm at her again. She stands in the open door, looking right at me (and holding the door wide open for anyone in the hallway to see, though there is nobody there). "You may get dressed again, Pamela, but don't you leave this room again until every bit of your homework is done and you are bringing it to me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," I cry, hoping against hope that she is closing that door while I am laying there on my bed wearing the results of my spanking and very little else.

The door quietly closes, and I take the next half-hour to cry and soothe the red bottom that she has given to me with her hairbrush. I've already done most of my homework, thank heaven, since it is almost impossible to do it lying on my bed, but also nearly impossible to do it while sitting on my chair.

There is one major difference between the promises that I have made this day and the ones I made nine weeks ago when the last report card had been issued. That last time I had promised Mom and Dad that I'd bring my grades up. Now, after this spanking, I not only promised my parents that my grades would improve, I also promised myself. And you know what? I kept those promises - every single one of them!



The first warning was calm.

My mom came down the stairs when our playing was getting a little out of control. At the time there was only three of us, our fourth and final sister came some years after this event. As a group we never played well with eachother not because we didn't get along but we all vaired in ages, from teen child to toddler and soon baby. This was a good moment for us sisters, for about an hour just before diner time we were all horsing around, somehow after a while we felt it was ok to play with a soccer ball in the livingroom.

"I don't hink playing with that ball is a good idea girls" mom cautioned but we agreed with smiles and giggles that we were doing ok and continued to play. It wasnt long before one of us gave the ball a good kick that caught another girl off guard and the ball whirled past knocking over some picture frames and a lamp...nothing broke though.

This was the sound that becond mom down to the scene.

"Did no one hear me say that playing ball in the house isn't a good idea?"

None of us answered so she picked a spokes person

"Jenna?" I look up at her " did you hear me say that, you're the oldest I hope you know better"

" yes mom" I mumble

"Should you be playing ball in house?"

" no mom" I huff annoyed that she still has to talk to me like this

"What happens when we play ball in the house"

"Something brakes"

"Very good, let's see if you know the answer to the next question. What happens when something brakes?"

My mind thought of many possible answers, grounded, yelled and lexured at, no allowence and right when my mind jumped to the possiblity of all three and a spanking my mom said it aloud.

"You will get a spanking" her tone left no room for question or doubt, all our jaws dropped in shock. "So you can keep doing what I told you not to do and get in trouble but you will all be sorry little misses if you do, understand." We all nodded and mumbled something that sounded like yes mom.

For a moment we didn't know what to do next, stupid mom killed our fun.

It was the littlest and youngest one who has yet get a taste of mommys real spankings that started up the games again by kicking the ball.

"No" I said " we can't kick the ball anymore"

"We were doing fine before mom came" middle stupid sister states positively kicking the ball back.

"Mom is right we will brake something"

"Oh come"

" fine you can play around but I'm not" and I sat down on the couch turninig on the tv

"Mom said we'd all get in trouble"

I pressed my lips together reissting the urge to argue with her. Suddenly I am the kill joy and now my sisters greatest annoyance.

In two seconds the ball wized past my head and the lamp that was knocked over earlier was now shattered on the floor.

"You were supposed to catch that" my sister called out

"You're a real jerk you know that..."

We were busy feuding to notice mom coming down the stairs heading towards the kitchen to the utensil jar where the thin whipping rod was. A lick was applied to each of our behinds.

"What did I just done telling you?" She yelled hands on her hips and evil mom eyes.

My sister and I started fighting again talking over one another we were silenceed again with another lick or two.

"All of you are to go to your rooms and get ready for a spanking "

"No mommy I didn't do anything I tried to stop her."

"Say another word any of you and I will spank you now and in your room. MOVE!!!"

With heads hanging and heavy feet we all walked up stairs and to our rooms. Mom followed the youngest to her room.

"When mommy tells you to go to your room for a spanking this is what you're going to do. You are going to pull down your pants and panties."

The little girl starred blankly up at her mother.

"Do it little miss get them down"

Quitely and timidly the child took down her cloths like her mother instructed

"And then you sit on your bed and wait for me to come in."

Mom took a seat on the bed and took a breath.

"I know you're still a little girl, but what you did with your sisters wasn't right and mommy told you all to stop didn't I?"

Mom guided the girl in a nod and brought her across her lap.

"You're going to get five and when its done mommy still loves you."

Another breath and mom lifted the stick up and sent it down solid on the helpless childs exposed skin which ruptured a loud girly shrill. Strike number two came suddenly and the girl begins to kick and want to put her little hands in the way, but mom was skilled enough to keep them out of the way and land number three on the tightening cheeks.

"No more mommy please it hurts" she begs

The last one came down rather hard and the child was a mess with tears. After a moment mom lifted her baby girl up and cradled her in her lap.

"You love me now mommy?" She sobs into her mother arms.

"Shhhh ok ok, yes mommy loves you because now you will be a good girl."

Mom leaves the room with a hug, grabs the stick and heads over to the next room.

"If I have to reteach you how to get ready for a spanking young lady I rpomise you you won't like my teaching methods. My paticents is thin as it is,"

Quickly dropping her jeans my sister takes a seat on her bed and boldly asks if she is only getting five whips too. My mom gets her ready for the punishment by putting her over her lap and says that my sister bottom is not as tender as the youngests and therefore can take a bit more punishment. Mom dosent give her as much care as she did with the last spanking. This one was more brisk, applying a dozen or so quick blows not letting up until my sister was crying begging and remorceful.

Now its on to my room of course I wasn't ready for my spanking either because just dreftful to have sit bear bottomed on your bed awaiting your own fate while listening to others cry and get theirs. But when I heard my mothers foot steps head towards my door I hurried to get em down and sit on my bed.

"You weren't ready were you" my mom came in just as I was sitting down

"Its one thing to have a toddler disobey me or even fight my authority, but you should definatly know better by now shouldn't you."

Mom took me by the arm and lead me over to a fat yellow chair I was instantly in tears as I fell over her lap.

"No mommy please"my hands reach behind "I did listen to you, I told them to stop it was sara who kicked the ball and broke the lamp not me, oh mommy please don't spank me please" I was a reck because I honestly felt wronged by getting a spanking. She found away to get my hands out of the way and wailed the rod into my bottom filling the pale white skin with dozens of red hot stripes. I hollowed and kicked to the point of exhaustion especially when she finished my spanking with whips to the back of my thighs.. when she was done tanning me good she lead me to my bed where I cried myself to sleep like my sisters had already done.

For a change my parents got to have dinner alone and cuddle close on the sofa watching their favorite tv shows with no children distractions.

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