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      1. Make disjunctive questions

  1. He teaches English at University, _______?

  2. Julia often plays tennis, _______?

  3. My friends don't like ballet, _______?

  4. You live in New York, _______?

  5. We don't speak Chinese, _______?

  6. They have got a large family, _______?

  7. She hasn't got a mobile phone, _______?

  8. They are from Barcelona, _______?

  9. It often rains in summer, _______?

  10. It is usually cold in winter, _______?

      1. Choose the correct variant of the subject question

  1. My friends tell me a lot of interesting.

a. Who tells you a lot of interesting?

b. Who does tell you a lot of interesting?

  1. Hundreds of students attend the library.

a. Who does attend the library?

b. Who attends the library?

  1. David knows the answer.

a. Who know the answer?

b. Who knows the answer?

  1. Most bars close at 12.

a. What does close at 12?

b. What closes at 12?

  1. My parents are at home now.

a. Who is at home now?

b. Who are at home now?

      1. Make subject question

  1. Maria likes studying grammar.

  2. Carla always drives to work.

  3. Many restaurants close at 11 on Sunday.

  4. He doesn't know Italian.

  5. You are a good student.

  6. She isn't a teacher.

  7. They have got many friends.

  8. I don't like watching TV.

  9. These shops stay open the whole week.

  10. I am from Moscow.

Like, Love, Hate + ing

      1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

  1. I / spiders / hate.

  2. She / like / doesn't / crowds.

  3. You / dogs / do / like?

  4. Playing / Joe / golf / likes.

  5. We / flying / like / don't.

  6. Computer / like / they / playing / do / games?

  7. Like / Irene / her children / taking / to / school / doesn't.

  8. Going / Agnes / likes / English class / to.

  9. Doing / Michael / English homework / hates.

  10. Talking / like / Maria / does / her family / to?

      1. Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct form

  1. I like (to read) magazines.

  2. He hates (to study) economics.

  3. She loves (to meet) her friends.

  4. We don't like (to get up) early.

  5. They don't like (to play) football.

  6. I love (to listen) to music.

  7. Do you like (to read) books?

  8. Does he love (to watch) TV?

  9. Why does she hate (to do) her homework?

  10. What do they like (to do) in their free time?

      1. Translate into English

  1. Мне нравится играть в футбол, но я никогда не смотрю его по телевизору.

  2. Эмма живет рядом с пляжем в Санта Розе, поэтому она ходит плавать каждое утро.

  3. Что ты думаешь о погоде и жителях Лос Анджелеса? — Погода действительно хорошая, дожди идут не часто и люди очень открытые.

  4. Что ему нравится в вашей стране? Он говорит, что рестораны и ночная жизнь изумительны.

  5. Тебя когда-нибудь навещает твоя двоюродная сестра? — Она навещает меня каждый месяц.

  6. Моника ненавидит летать, потому что слишком нервничает в самолете.

  7. Бруно родом из Испании, но сейчас он живет в Америке. Он говорит на английском с испанским акцентом.

  8. После завтрака Джесика отвозит детей в школу, а затем читает журналы в саду до обеда.

  9. Дэвид не ходит на работу: он занимается покупками и продажами по интернету.

  10. Утром я обычно просыпаюсь в 8, принимаю душ, чищу зубы, одеваюсь и завтракаю.

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