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Module 6 Countable and uncountable nouns. There is / There are

  1. Put in is or are paying attention to countable and uncountable nouns

  1. Where ___ sugar?

  2. There ___ 5 oranges in the fridge.

  3. The pepper ___ on the table.

  4. Fruit ___ good for your health.

  5. There ___ some cheese in the fridge.

  6. There ___ bananas in the plastic bag.

  7. Cereal ___ my favourite food in the morning.

  8. ___ there any glasses on the table?

  9. ___ there a glass of water?

  10. There ___ some meat in the frying pan.

  11. The food ___ excellent at this restaurant.

  12. Green tea ___ very tasty.

  13. Hamburgers ___ bad for your health.

  14. Yoghurt ___ not expensive.

  15. Where ___ my CD player?

      1. Answer the questions

  1. Is there a café in your university? → __________

  2. Is there a library in your town? → __________

  3. Are there any computers in your university? → __________

  4. Is there a cinema near your house? → __________

  5. Are there any parks in your town? → __________

Some or Any

      1. Put in Some or Any

  1. There are ___ grapes.

  2. Would you like ___ cheese?

  3. There isn’t ___ coffee.

  4. Is there ___ salt on the table?

  5. I haven’t got ___ free time.

  6. Have you got ___ mineral water?

  7. Is there ___ wine?

  8. Can I have ___ cake?

  9. There aren’t ___ eggs.

  10. Is there ___ meat in the soup?

  11. Can you give me ___ fruit juice?

  12. Are there ___ apples in the shop?

  13. There are ___ bread rolls on the table.

  14. Are there ___ cinemas near your house?

  15. There aren’t ___ theatres in my town.

How much or How many

      1. Put in How much or How many

  1. ________ books are there on the shelf?

  2. ________ are these books?

  3. ________ do these books cost?

  4. ________ pizza do you want?

  5. ________ sugar is there on the table?

  6. ________ friends have you got?

  7. ________ students are there in your group?

  8. ________ jam do you need?

  9. ________ do you usually drink in the morning?

  10. ________ cups of tea do you usually drink in the morning?

      1. Translate into English

  1. На столе много бананов и яблок.

  2. Если вы хотите быть здоровым, вам нужно есть много фруктов.

  3. Могу я принять ваш заказ?

  4. На столе нет супа.

  5. Если вы хотите похудеть, вам нужно сесть на диету.

  6. Не ешьте жареную картошку на ужин.

  7. Принесите мне счет, пожалуйста.

  8. Сколько студентов в вашей группе?

  9. Сколько стоят эти апельсины?

  10. Рыба, приготовленная на гриле с овощами, действительно полезна вам.

  11. Оставьте себе сдачу.

  12. Сколько дней в январе?

  13. Я бы хотела заказать пиццу.

  14. Сколько это все вместе стоит?

  15. Будете есть здесь или возьмете с собой?

  16. В нашей семье двое детей.

  17. Сколько времени в день вы работаете на компьютере?

  18. Сколько мяса вы едите в неделю?

  19. На автоответчике есть несколько сообщений для вас.

  20. В холодильнике есть какой-нибудь салат?

Module 7 To be in the Past Simple

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to be

  1. Mary _______ the only daughter of Mrs. Green.

a. was

b. were

  1. Bob and Paul _______ great friends.

a. was

b. were

  1. There _______ a round table in the centre of the room.

a. was

b. were

  1. We _______ in the park when it started raining.

a. was

b. were

  1. They _______ in Sochi in summer.

a. was

b. were

  1. Their house _______ not very large.

a. was

b. were

  1. ______ the car new or old?

a. was

b. were

  1. Where _______ you yesterday?

a. was

b. were

  1. Why _______ you absent on Wednesday?

a. was

b. were

  1. Mark _______ always present at the lessons.

a. was

b. were

  1. They _______ very active at the lesson.

a. was

b. were

  1. My parents _______ at the theatre last night.

a. was

b. were

  1. Paul's brother _______ his best friend.

a. was

b. were

  1. There _______ three girls in the yard.

a. was

b. were

  1. How many children _______ there in the room?

a. was

b. were

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