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      1. Give short answers

  1. Are you from Spain? ― Yes, I _______.

  2. Is he a teacher? ― Yes, he _______.

  3. Are they friends? ― Yes, ___ _______.

  4. Is this a chair? ― Yes, ___ _______.

  5. Are you seventeen? ― No,___ _______.

  6. Are they married? ― No, ___ _______.

  7. Is it a table? ― No, ___ _______.

  8. Is she French? ― No, ___ _______.

  9. Are you good friends? No, ___ _______.

  10. Is Mary a student? No, ___ _______.

      1. Answer the following questions

  1. What is your name?

  2. What is your surname?

  3. Where are you from?

  4. How old are you?

  5. What's your address?

  6. What's your phone number?

  7. Are you a teacher?

  8. Are you a student?

  9. What's your mother's name?

  10. How old is she?

Question words What, Where, Who, How

      1. Complete the following questions with What, Where, Who, How

  1. _______ is your name?

  2. _______ are you? ― I am fine, thanks.

  3. _______ are you from?

  4. _______ is his name?

  5. _______ old are you?

  6. _______ is her full name?

  7. _______ is she now? ― At home.

  8. _______ is your phone number?

  9. _______ is that man? (= What is his name?)

  10. _______ is that man? (= What is his job?)

Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives

      1. Write the appropriate personal pronoun (I, he, she, it, you, we, they)

        1. Jack → ____________________

        1. Mary → _____________________

        1. cat → _____________________

        1. Ann and you → ______________

        1. students → _________________

        1. Sally and I → ________________

        1. sportswoman → _____________

        1. actor → ____________________

        1. dogs → ____________________

        1. my friends → ________________

      2. Choose the right variant (a personal pronoun or a possessive adjective)

  1. This is Jack. ____ is a student.

a. he

b. his

  1. This is a student. ___ name is Jack.

a. he

b. his

  1. Mary is a doctor. ___ sister is a doctor too.

a. she

b. her

  1. This is a student. ___ is a good student.

a. she

b. her

  1. My friends are actors. ___ job is very interesting.

a. they

b. their

  1. ___ have got 2 children. ___ children are 5 and 6 years old. ___ names are Mark and James.

a. we a. we a. they

b. our b. our b. their

  1. I am a teacher. ___ name is Lucy.

a. I

b. my

  1. Our car is very nice. ___ colour is red. ___ is new.

a. It a. It

b. Its b. Its

  1. Where are ___ from? ___ are from Japan.

a. you a. we

b. your b. our

  1. Where is ___ friend from? ___ friend is from China.

a. you a. we

b. your b. our

      1. Put in a personal pronoun or a possessive adjective (I/my, he/his etc.)

  1. He is a student. What is ___ name? − Bruno. Where is ___ from? − Poland.

  2. This is an actress. ___ name is Marie. ___ is from France.

  3. Is this ___ car? Yes, it is my car.

  4. John and Jack are friends. ___ are students.

  5. These girls are sisters. What are ___ names?

  6. This is my dog. ___ name is Snoopy.

  7. I’ve got a flat. ___ is big. ___ flat is comfortable.

  8. Have ___ got a sister? − Yes, I have. How old is ___ sister? − ___ is 15.

  9. Where are you from? − ___ are from New York.

  10. We’ve got many friends. ___ friends are very good.

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