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      1. Put the following nouns into Plural

        1. key → ______________

        1. mouse → _________

        1. box → __________

        1. German → __________

        1. watch → __________

        1. deer → _________

        1. postcard → _________

        1. table → __________

        1. apple → _________

        1. fish → ______________

        1. CD player → _______

        1. tooth → _________

        1. Frenchman → ________

        1. bush → ___________

        1. swine → _________

        1. camera →___________

        1. goose → __________

        1. diary → _________

        1. ox →________________

        1. actress → _________

        1. man → __________

        1. rubber → ________ ___

        1. woman → _________

        1. foot → __________

        1. photo → ____________

        1. leaf → ___________

        1. wife → __________

        1. child → _____________

        1. sheep → _________

        1. Englishman → _____________

      2. Put the following sentences into Plural

  1. This is a newspaper. → _____________________________________________

  2. That is a chair. → _______________________________________________

  3. Is this your pen? Yes, it is. → ______________________________________

  4. That is not his book. → ___________________________________________

  5. Give me that apple. → ____________________________________________

  6. This is my credit card. → __________________________________________

  7. Is that his dictionary? No, it isn’t. → _________________________________

  8. What is this? This is his car. → _____________________________________

  9. What is that? That is her computer. → ________________________________

  10. This woman is beautiful. → ________________________________________

Have got

      1. Complete the gaps with Have got / Has got. Make interrogative and negative sentences

  1. I _______ a computer.

  2. She _______ a cat.

  3. He _______ a motobike.

  4. They _______ good books.

  5. You _______ a mobile phone.

  6. We _______ a car.

  7. My friend _______ a big flat.

  8. His parents _______ two dogs.

  9. Mary _______ a DVD player.

  10. Tom and Angela _______ many friends.

      1. Give short answers

  1. Have you got a dog? Yes, ___ _______.

  2. Has it (your dog) got a name? Yes, ___ _______.

  3. Have they got a DVD player? No, ___ _______.

  4. Has she got a bicycle? Yes, ___ _______.

  5. Has he got a dictionary? No, ___ _______.

  6. Have you got many friends? Yes, ___ _______.

  7. Have your friends got good films? Yes, ___ _______.

  8. Have you got many books? Yes, ___ _______.

  9. Has your sister got a CD player? No, ___ _______.

  10. Have they got a big flat? Yes, ___ _______.

      1. Write sentences with the help of Have got/ Has got

  1. She / a computer.

  2. My computer / games and Internet.

  3. My parents / an American car.

  4. I / not / a pen.

  5. She / not / a CD player.

  6. We / not / a camera.

  7. They / a credit card?

  8. She / a comb?

  9. You / a watch?

  10. He / a mobile phone?

      1. What does 's mean? (is / has)

  1. His name's Paul. _____

  2. He's Italian. _____

  3. He's got many friends. _____

  4. His friend Mike's 23. _____

  5. He's from Canada. _____

  6. He's got a computer and a DVD player. _____

Possessive ’s and of

      1. Compose the sentences using ’s or of.

  1. The bicycle / my brother.

  2. The computer / my sister.

  3. The picture / their house.

  4. The car / her mother.

  5. The mobile phone / my friend.

  6. The dictionary / their teacher.

  7. The King / Sweden.

  8. The house / my parents.

  9. The roof / the house.

  10. The identity cards / Jack and Jill.

  11. The photo / Spain.

  12. The surname / that man is Smith.

  13. The CD player / my friends is new.

  14. The functions / this computer are numerous.

  15. The children / my brother are at home.

      1. Translate into English

  1. Муж Бренды — профессиональный футболист. У него отличная работа и потрясающая жизнь.

  2. Дети Хулио Иглесиаса от его первого брака с актрисой Изабель Прейсбер сейчас тоже знамениты.

  3. В субботу — день рождения Джейн. У тебя есть подарок?

  4. Патрик — студент Кембриджского университета.

  5. Сколько сестер у Елены? У нее три сестры.

  6. Вот мое генеалогическое дерево. Как видишь, я — единственный ребенок в семье.

  7. У меня есть фотоаппарат, мобильный телефон и телефонная карта, но у меня нет кредитной карты.

  8. Новая машина Люси очень удобная и в ней прекрасный проигрыватель компакт дисков.

  9. У моего двоюродного брата — потрясающий компьютер: в нем есть игры, проигрыватель DVD дисков и интернет.

  10. У вас есть часы? Да, сейчас 9.30.

  11. У вас при себе документ, удостоверяющий личность? Да, вот он.

  12. Этот человек — мой дядя. Он — брат моей мамы.

  13. Что это? Это мой дневник.

  14. Какой марки машина твоего отца? — Фиат.

  15. Майк — отец Билла и Сьюзан.

Module 3

Present Simple (I, you, we, they forms)

  1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. Give short (positive and negative) answers

  1. I like pop music.

  2. We study English.

  3. They live in a big city.

  4. You speak German very well.

  5. My friends study at University.

  6. I live with my parents.

  7. His parents come to work at 9.

  8. Helena and Pete go to the cinema on Saturday.

  9. We like watching TV.

  10. Most shops open at 9 in the morning.

      1. Compose sentences

  1. Children / go / to school / in the morning.

  2. Most British people / not /live / in flats.

  3. You / like / coffee?

  4. We /not / study / Economics.

  5. They / have / usually / a snack / at lunchtime?

      1. Give short answers

  1. Do you often get up at 7?

  2. Do you speak German?

  3. Do you have lunch at home?

  4. Do your parents live in a big city?

  5. Do your friends often call you?

      1. Answer the following questions using the words in brackets

  1. What time do they get up? (at 8)

  2. How do you usually get home? (by bus)

  3. Where do many people go at lunchtime? (home)

  4. What time do restaurants usually close? (at 11)

  5. When do they finish work? (at 6)

  6. How many languages do you know? (3)

  7. How often do you watch TV? (once a day)

Types of questions

      1. Make general questions

  1. Most shops close at 7.

  2. They live in a big house.

  3. My friends speak French.

  4. Her children go to school at 8.

  5. You drink tea in the morning.

  6. We come home from work at 6.30.

  7. His parents like coffee.

      1. Make special questions

  1. Most banks open at 9. (What time)

  2. We usually read books in the evening. (What)

  3. They often watch TV on Sunday. (When)

  4. My friends study English at University. (What subject)

  5. I have my English twice a week. (How often)

  6. You go to the cinema at weekends. (Where)

  7. We speak two languages. (How many)

      1. Make alternative questions

  1. We like skiing. (or skating)

  2. I get up at 8. (or 9)

  3. People usually eat a big meal in the evening. (or in the morning)

  4. In Britain children start school at 9. (or at 10)

  5. British children leave school when they are sixteen. (or nineteen)

  6. Most office workers start work at 9. (or at 10)

      1. Make disjunctive questions

  1. I like Chinese food, _______?

  2. We usually read in the evening, _______?

  3. They speak Italian, _______?

  4. You have lunch at home, _______?

  5. Our friends come home at 7, _______?

  6. We don't drink tea in the morning, _______?

  7. They don't go home after work, _______?

  8. You don't speak Spanish, _______?

  9. Your parents don't live in a big house, _______?

Have got / Have

      1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. Give short (positive and negative) answers

  1. We have got a dog.

  2. We have our English in the evening.

  3. You have got many friends.

  4. You have your Maths in the afternoon.

  5. They have their evening classes twice a week.

  6. They have got a nice flat.

      1. Make negative sentences

  1. My name is Susan.

  2. I am from London.

  3. I live in a flat in the city centre.

  4. They study French at University.

  5. You have your Spanish lessons on Monday and Thursday.

  6. I have got many friends.

  7. We often meet after classes.

  8. They usually go for a walk in the evening.

  9. He is happy to have such friends.

      1. Translate into English

  1. Я обычно не завтракаю. Я никогда не хочу есть по утрам.

  2. У моего друга чудесная квартира в центре города.

  3. Они учатся в университете? Нет, они работают в банке.

  4. Большинство людей не идут домой в обеденное время.

  5. Во сколько твоя семья обычно ужинает? Мы обычно ужинаем в 6.

  6. Дети начинают учиться в школе в 6 или 7 лет и заканчивают школу в возрасте 16 или 17 лет.

  7. Во сколько закрываются библиотеки? Они обычно закрываются в 7 вечера.

  8. В котором часу ты ложишься спать по выходным? В 12 ночи.

  9. В России большинство людей живут в квартирах в многоэтажных домах.

  10. Я не люблю поп-музыку. — Я тоже не люблю. Я предпочитаю джаз. — Я тоже.

  11. Какой у Джулии адрес? — Я не знаю. У меня нет его при себе.

  12. У нас большой дом и наши бабушка и дедушка живут с нами.

  13. Мой основной прием пищи — вечером. В обеденное время я просто перекусываю.

  14. Во сколько закрываются супермаркеты в России? — Большинство супермаркетов закрываются в 11 вечера, но некоторые магазины работают 24 часа в сутки.

  15. Мы оба не любим пить чай с молоком.

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