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Основы судовой медицины, Чарова, 2009.doc
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Contamination with oil

Do not clean oil off the skin (except round the mouth and eyes) until the person is warm and comfortable. Survivors who have recovered from hypothermia can taken to a warm shower or bathroom and should have all their clothes taken off. Then their skin should be wiped with soft cloth and strong paper towels to remove as much of the oil as possible. Injured or burned areas should be wiped with care or not at all. Next, if a strong warm shower is available, it can be used to remove much of the oil. Hair-shampoo will remove oil from the hair and can be used to help remove oil from the body. Then, with time, patience, help, and wiping, and using good toilet soap to clean the skin, the rest of the oil can be washed away. Solvents, scouring compounds, kerosene, and other cleaners not designed for skin cleaning must not be used. It is, however, permissible to use jellied cleansing agents designed for the purpose. But the main cleaning-up is best accomplished by being patient and gentle, by mechanical removal of the oil by wiping and by a strong shower, and by using hair-shampoo and toilet soap.

Dehydration and malnutrition

Survivors who have been adrift for several days may be suffering from dehydration. If they have been adrift for several weeks, malnutrition may also be a problem. Caution should be exercised in trying to reverse either dehydration or malnutrition. Give oral rehydration salt solution or sweetened fluids in quantities that will produce a urinary output of one litre per day initially. In temperate climatic conditions (or air-conditioned accommodation), this will usually mean an input of about 2 litres a day. If the weather is warm and the skin is moist or sweaty, higher intakes may be permitted. Initially, a diet of nourishing liquids (sugar and water or milk or soup) will satisfy nutritional requirements and should be given for the first 2 days. Then small amounts of normal food can be given additionally. RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE should be sought. This diet should continue until either the survivor can be transferred to care ashore or medical assistance is given on board.

    1. Read and translate the text

    2. Give a summary of aspects to be paid attention in the process of medical care of castaways and rescued persons

Список использованной литературы

  1. Англо-русский медицинский словарь.

  2. Кролик Н.И. пособие по английскому языку для старших курсов лечебных факультетов медицинских вузов: Учебн. пособие. – М.: Высш. шк., 1983-128 с.

  3. Русско-английский медицинский словарь-разговорник. - М: Рус.яз., 1987.

  4. Справочниксудовоговрача. /подред.Лобенко А.А. – Киев: Здоров´я, 1983.

  5. International Medical Guide for Ships. WHO, Geneva, 1988

 Ирина Витальевна Чарова

Методические указания

к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе

по теме: «Основы судовой медицины»

для студентов направления 6.070104

специальности «Судовождение»,

«Судовождение и промышленное рыболовство»

дневной и заочной формы обучения

Тираж_____экз. Подписано к печати_____________.

Заказ №________. Объем 3.7 п.л.

Изд-во “Керченский государственный морской технологический университет”