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Основы судовой медицины, Чарова, 2009.doc
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It is an acute protozoa disease caused by malaria plasmodia. It is characterized with periodical attacks of fever, augmentation of liver and spleen, anemia and relapses. The source of infection is a sick person and parasite carrier. It is transferred via malaria mosquitoes of Anopheles genus. The parasite can be transferred via blood transfusions. Malaria is frequently occurred in the tropical and subtropical countries. At the beginning a sick person complains for weakness, headache, sometimes chill and fever. In a few days malaria acquires typical signs. At the fist half of a day the temperature increases sharply, the skin is pale and blue, dry and hot to touch. Tachycardia and hypotension are developed. In 2-3 hours the temperature raises up to 40-41ºC, the sick is anxious. Vomiting, loss of consciousness and hallucinations are possible. Then in 2-4 hours temperature reduces critically, abundant hydrosis is observed. Then the state is improved. Attacks repeat in 2-3 days. The total amount of attacks is 8-10. Malaria may provoke complications: anemia, coma, acute kidney failure, mental disorders, etc.

Special treatment is prescribed. All the persons with high temperature should undergo the blood examination for malaria. All the persons supposed to work in malaria-suspicious areas should take anti-malaria medicines 2-3 days prior to the visit, during the visit and afterwards for 4 weeks.

Yellow Fever

Prevention. – This disease is caused by the bite of the mosquito Stegomyia fasciata that has fed on infected persons. All the crewmembers should be vaccinated prior the voyage. All fresh water receptacles on the ship should be protected.

Symptoms. – The incubations period is usually three or four days, as a rule; the onset is sudden and in the early morning hours. Chilly feelings are common, followed by high fever. The eyes become red and the skin feels hot, dry and yellow. Nausea and vomiting are common. The bowels are usually constipated. The face is flushed and the throat is sore. The first stage of fever lasts two or three days, then is followed by a calm when the fever goes down. This stage lasts two or three days and in mild cases recovery begins but in fatal cases the fever rises and remains constant or goes higher than in the first stage.

In the third stage vomiting increases and the vomit may contain large amounts of blood. This altered blood gives it a dark colour and is commonly called black vomit. It is not a fatal symptom, but occurs only in severe cases.

Treatment. – The patient should be isolated in a well-screened room. The bowels should be opened by a purge. Plenty of alkaline water should be given and the diet should consist only of thin fluids. Cold baths or ice packs may be used to reduce the fever.


This disease is due to bacteria taken into the system through water or food and usually occurs in tropical and semitropical countries. This bacteria cause severe inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the intestine.

Symptoms. – There may be slight attacks of diarrhea for several days and possibly chills and fever. Then stools increase in number and consist largely of blood and mucous. This is usually accompanied by cramp pains. As a rule the temperature is not high.

Treatment. – Rest is essential even in mild cases and the patient should be given enzymes and astringents. The diet rich in vitamins and proteins are recommended. On reaching the port the patient should be taken at once to a physician as the bacteria causing the disease is sometimes very hard to destroy, and relapses are frequent.

Prevention.– The early indication of the disease, strict control over the galley, health and hygiene by all the crewmembers, especially those who are in contact with water and food.


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