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Основы судовой медицины, Чарова, 2009.doc
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A fracture is a broken bone. The bone may be broken into two or more pieces or it may have a linear crack. Fractures are described as closed if the skin remains unbroken. If there is a wound at or near the break, it is said to be an open fractures.

Careless handling of a patient may change a simple fracture into a compound one, by forcing jagged bone-ends through intact overlaying skin. Compound fractures accompanied by serious bleeding are likely to give rise to shock, especially is a large bone is involved.

The following are indications that a bone is very probably broken:

  • The fact that a very heavy blow or other force has been applied to the body or limbs.

  • The casualty himself, or other people may have heard the bone break.

  • Intense pain, especially on pressure or movement at the side.

  • Distortion. Compare good with injured limb or side of the body to see if the affected part is swollen, bent, twisted, or shortened.

  • Irregularity. The irregular edges of a broken bone can sometimes be seen in an open facture. They may be seen or felt under the skin in closed fracture.

  • Loss of use. The casualty may be unable or unwilling to use the injured part because of the pain. He may also experience severe pain if an attempt, even a very gentle, one is made to help him to move it.

  • Unnatural movement and grating of bone-ends. Neither of these symptoms should be sought deliberately. A limb may feel limp and wobbly, and grating may be felt when an attempt is made to apply support to the limb. Either of these indicates that the bone is certainly broken.

  • Swelling. The site may be swollen and/or bruised. This may be due to internal bleeding. Swelling almost always occurs immediately and discoloration of the skin may follow.

General treatment

RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE should be sought early in the case of a compound fracture or a severe type of fracture (skull, femur, pelvis, spine) because it might be necessary to evacuate the patient from the ship.

Unless there is an immediate danger of further injury, the patient should not be moved until bleeding is controlled and all fractures are immobilized by splinting.

2. Remember the following expressions Types of fractures

Closed (simple) fracture – закрытый перелом

Combined fracture – сочетанный перелом

Comminuted fracture – оскольчатый перелом

Сompound fracture - открытый перелом

Сompression fracture - компрессионный перелом

Depressed fracture – вдавленный перелом

Impacted fracture - вколоченный перелом

(Intra)articular fracture – внутрисуставной перелом

Incomplete fracture, crack - неполный перелом, трещина

Multiple fractures – множественные переломы

Oblique fracture – косой перелом

Spiralfracture– винтообразный перелом

United/consolidated (non-united) fracture – сросшийся (несросшийся) перелом

Site of fracture - место перелома

Bone fragments (splinters) - отломки кости

Lateral displacement of fragments – боковое смещение отломков кости

Displacement of fragments longitudinally (at an angle) – смещение отломков кости по длине под углом

Repositionofbonesplinters– сопоставление (репозиция) отломков кости

To reset / replace bone fragments in normal position – сопоставить, репонировать отломки кости

To unite, to consolidate, to knit, to join - cрастаться (о переломе)

To put a plaster bandage on – наложить гипсовую повязку

To change a plaster bandage – сменить гипсовую повязку

To remove a plaster bandage – снять гипсовую повязку

Splint, frame – шина

To hold a limb in a splint- держать конечность на шине

To splint, to apply a splint – накладывать шину

3. Translate from Russian into English