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Основы судовой медицины, Чарова, 2009.doc
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Следует как можно быстрее распознать, чем вызвано отравление (яд) и стремиться удалить яд (или его остатки) из организма. Для этого необходимо вызвать рвоту путем щекотания глотки, промыть кишечник сильнодействующими слабительным и клизмами. Использовать обильное питье для вывода яда через почки. Если больной пить не может внутривенно ввести физиологический раствор, а также 4,5% раствор глюкозы. Источники пищевых отравлений: бактериальные, ядовитая рыба, грибы. Признаки пищевых отравлений: недомогание, тошнота, рвота, понос, озноб, одышка, головокружение, боли в желудке и кишечнике.

Первая помощь: промывание желудка водой, водной взвесью активированного угля или слабый раствор марганцево-кислого калия. Внутрь активированный уголь по 2-3 таблетки в день, солевое слабительное.

Additional texts (Home Reading) Headache

A headache is a symptom of an illness and not a disease in itself. Some of the more common causes of headache are listed below.

Common causes

  • Onset of an acute illness, when headache is almost always associated with fever and feeling ill. Examples are influenza and infectious diseases such as measles, typhoid, etc.

  • Common cold with associated sinusitis

  • Over-indulgence in alcohol.

  • Tension caused by worry, work, or family difficulties. Headaches of this kind are not associated with fever or feeling ill; they are sometimes associated with eye-strain.

Less common causes

  • Migraine, which usually occurs only on one side of the head and is associated with vomiting and visual disturbances such as flashing lights.

  • Brain disease; acute as with meningitis and less acute as with raised blood pressure (by no means a common symptom) and stroke.


Always take the patient's temperature and if it is raised, put him to bed and watch for the possible development of further signs and symptoms. Otherwise, give two acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol tablets, which may be repeated every 4 hours.

All cases of persistent headache should be referred to a doctor at the first convenient opportunity.

    1. Read and translate the text.

    2. Give a synopsis of reasons for headache.

Heart pain and heart failure

When the caliber of the coronary arteries becomes narrowed by degenerative change, insufficient blood is supplied to the heart and consequently it works less efficiently. The heart may then be unable to meet demands for extra work beyond a certain level and, whenever that level is exceeded, attacks of heart pain (angina pectoris) occur. Between episodes of angina, the patient may feel well.

Any diseased coronary artery is liable to get blocked by a blood clot. If such a blockage occurs, the blood supply to a localized part of the heart muscle is shut off and a heart attack (coronary thrombosis) occurs.

Angina pectoris (pain in the chest)

Angina usually affects those of middle age and upwards. The pain varies from patient to patient in frequency of occurrence, type, and severity. It is most often brought on by physical exertion (angina of effort), although strong emotion, a large meal, or exposure to cold may also be precipitating factors. The pain appears suddenly and reaches maximum intensity rapidly before ending after 2 or 3 minutes. During an attack, the sufferer has an anxious expression, his face is pale or grey, and he may break out in a cold sweat. He is immobile and will not walk about. Bending forward with a hand pressed to the chest is a frequent posture. Breathing is constrained by pain, but there is no true shortness of breath.

When the attack ends (and never during it), the patient will describe a crushing or constricting pain or sensation felt behind the breastbone. The sensation may feel as if the chest were compressed in a vice, and it may spread to the throat, to the lower jaw, down the inside of one or both arms - usually the left one - and maybe downwards to the upper part of the abdomen.

Once the disease is established, attacks usually occur with gradually increasing frequency and severity.

General treatment

During an attack, the patient should remain in whatever position he finds most comfortable. Afterwards he should rest. He should take light meals and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and exposure to cold. He should limit physical exertion and attempt to maintain a calm state of mind.