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World Health Organization focus On Environment Pollution

Disposal of most of this biodegradable organic material without treatment pollutes environment with organisms that are highly dangerous to human health. But the main focus of World Health Organizationis on the increasing polluting environment, which leads to poverty, which in turn leads to environmental pollution.

It contributes to the spread of the disease, undermines the effectiveness of the health services and slows population control. After taking into account the dramatic global changes of the past 20 years and arriving at conclusions that in” sanitary conditions contribute to the spread of the diseases, World Health Organizationhas sent out a call for action to help those most in need of improved sanitation.

Summary: The functions of theWorld Health Organization are to direct and coordinate international health work, to provide technical assistance in emergency, to promote work and to eradicate epidemic and other diseases, to prevent accidental injuries, to encourage research in the field of health, to promote better material and child health and welfare, to promote improved standards of teaching and training, to promote reforms in nutrition, housing sanitation etc.

Exercise 9: Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the WHO founded?

  2. What are the most important achievements of the WHO?

  3. What does the WHO do for world’s ecology?

  4. What are the functions of the WHO?

Exercise 10: Make your own short report about the WHO.

Exercise 11: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Study the following words and word combinations:


case - случай заболевания; заболевание

acute case — острое заболевание

chronic case — хроническое заболевание

hopeless case — смертельная болезнь

lingering case — затяжная болезнь

terminal case — последняя стадия заболевания

advanced / neglected case — запущеннаяболезнь

case history — историяболезни

case - больной, пациент; раненый

case - клинический случай, псих

Part IV. Listening

Exercise 12: Nearly one out of every three people in the world has been infected by hepatitis B virus: More than half a billion people live with chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection.

Although viral hepatitis is one of the most prevalent, serious infectious conditions in the world, many people remain unaware of its staggering toll on human health. Hepatitis affects everyone, everywhere. Know it. Confront it.

Watch the WHO report and discuss it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FzkCUfhAoo

Part V. Self-reading

Выноска-облако 42

Exercise 13: Read the text, write down the key-words, make a mind-map and prepare a report in Russian and in English:

Hepatitis a

Fact sheet N°328 May 2008


  • Hepatitis A is a viral liver disease that can cause mild to severe illness.

  • It is spread by faecal-oral (or stool to mouth) transmission when a person ingests food or drink contaminated by an infected person's stool.

  • The disease is closely associated with poor sanitation and a lack of personal hygiene habits, such as hand-washing.

  • An estimated 1.4 million cases of hepatitis A occur annually.

  • Epidemics can be explosive in growth and cause significant economic losses: 300 000 were affected in one Shanghai outbreak in 1988.

  • Improved sanitation and the Hepatitis A vaccine are the most effective ways to combat the disease.

Hepatitis A is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The virus is spread when an uninfected (or unvaccinated) person eats or drinks something contaminated by the stool of an HAV-infected person: this is called faecal-oral transmission. The disease is closely associated with inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene. Unlike hepatitis B and C, hepatitis A infection does not cause chronic liver disease and is rarely fatal, but it can cause debilitating symptoms.

Hepatitis A occurs sporadically and in epidemics worldwide, with a tendency for cyclic recurrences. Worldwide, HAV infections account for an estimated 1.4 million cases annually. Epidemics related to contaminated food or water can erupt explosively, such as an epidemic in Shanghai in 1988 that affected about 300 000 people.

The disease can wreak significant economic and social consequences in communities. It can take weeks or months for people recovering from the illness to return to work, school or daily life. The impact on food establishments identified with the virus, and local productivity in general, can be substantial.

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