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Part VI. Writing

Exercise 16: Read the following text:

What is advertisement?

Advertisements are all around us, they are located everywhere. No one can go anywhere without seeing at least one advertisement. They are placed in television, radio, magazines, and can even be seen on billboards by the roadside. Advertising is defined as a paid, mass-mediated attempt to persuade. Advertising can be done for a product, service, idea, person, or an organization. Advertisers’ main purpose is to influence the consumer to purchase their product.

Here are the essential items you will need to write your copy:

  • Description. Briefly, what is the product or service you are selling?

  • Purpose. What does this product or service do for the customer? How does it work?

  • Price. What is the suggested cost? What are you asking for it?

  • Features. What are the most important facts and specifications about this product or service?

  • Benefits. What do the features mean for the customer? What problems are solved? What needs are filled? Of all the benefits, which is the most important?

  • Competition. From the customer’s point of view, why is this product or service better than what the competition is offering?

  • Your Business. Do you have a special history, unique owner, awards?

  • Guarantee. How strongly do you believe in the product or service? How will you back up your belief? 30 days free trial? Money back guarantee?

  • Prospect. Who do you visualize as the ideal buyer? Male or female? Income? Job title? Interests? Concerns? Fears?

  • Objections. Why would someone not want this product?

  • Testimonials & Endorsements. Letters from happy users? Media coverage? Celebrity endorsements?

  • Objective. What do you want prospects to do when they see this ad? Ask for more information? Buy immediately? Come to your website? Request a demo?

  • Offer. What is the deal you are offering to prospects? Lower price for a limited time? Free information? Gift with an immediate order?

  • Deadline. When does the offer expire?

  • Required Copy Points. What information or legal copy must be included?

  • Taboos. What can never be said or promised?

  • Method of Payment. Credit card? PayPal? Installment Billing?

  • Method of Ordering. How should a buyer place an order? Phone? E-mail? Web form?

Examples of printed advertisement:

Exercise 17: What kinds of advertisement do you know? Chose one of the points and make an advertisement. It may be in printed form or as a video.

  1. You’ve opened your own chemist’s shop and now you want to attrect customers.

  2. You’ve created a new drug and it need to become famous.

  3. You are looking for a job and give an advertisement to a newspaper.

Part VII. Translation

Выноска-облако 34

Exercise 18: Before translation study the theory of translation – Foreign Words and Phrases.

Иноязычные вкрапления – это иноязычные слова или сочетания слов, передаваемые на письме и в устной речи графическими и фонетическими средствами языка-источника. Это, например, латинские крылатые слова: Dixi - said; Ergo - therefore; Pro et contra – the pros and cons; Credo - believe и др. К этому лексическому блоку примыкают также фразеологические обороты французского, немецкого и других языков, например: С' est la vie - такова жизнь (фр.).

Exercise 19: Find in the sentences Foreign Words and Phrases. Translate the sentences.

    1. For the sake of national survival, nonintervention became a Haitian credo.

    2. The first country to de jure and de facto abolish the death penalty was the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

    3. Several psychoanalysts attribute déjà vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past.

    4. My vacation this year is going to be two uninterrupted weeks of dolce vita.

    5. Her postcard included a reminder: nota bene, I'll be returning on the 11 o'clock train.

    6. Once I was cut out of the will, I became persona non grata among my relatives.

    7. When the conversation suddenly switched from contemporary fiction to medieval Albanian playwrights, he felt himself entering terra incognita.

    8. The plans for the party strike me as comme ci comme ça.

    9. By the end of the party, several of the guests had made a good deal of their private lives public, prompting the host to murmur to his wife, in vino veritas.

    10. The lecture seemed to drone on ad infinitum.

Exercise 20: Try to make sentences with the Foreign Words and Phrases below.

    1. annus mirabilis [ˌænəsmɪ'rɑːb(ə)lɪs] [Lat.]: wonderful year.

    2. a priori [ˌeɪpraɪ'ɔːraɪ] [Lat.]: based on theory rather than observation.

    3. au courant [ˌəuku'rɑːŋ] [Fr.]: up-to-date.

    4. beau geste [bəʊ ˈʒɛst} [Fr.]: a fine or noble gesture, often futile.

    5. beau monde [bəu'mɔnd] [Fr.]: high society.

    6. bête noire [ˌbet'nwɑː(r)] [Fr.]: something or someone particularly disliked.

    7. in medias res [ɪnˌmiːdɪæs'reɪs] [Lat.]: in the middle of a sequence of occurences.

    8. in situ [ˌɪn'sɪtjuː] [Lat.]: situated in the original or natural position.

    9. ipso facto [ˌɪpsəu'fæktəu] [Lat.]: by the fact itself.

    10. je ne sais quoi [ˌʒə nə seɪ ˈkwɑː] [Fr.]: I know not what; an elusive quality.

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