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Part II. Conversation

Useful phrases: Knowledge & Learning

Exercise 4: Find the right translation:

Environment is not only our life, but also the future of the Earth. Everybody knows about it.

Без сомнения, еще одна область, вызывающая серьезное беспокойство и оказывающая влияние на различные части нашей планеты – проблема отходов

It’s well-known that climate changes are resulting in an increase in the number of worldwide natural disasters like floods and hurricanes.

Я прекрасно осознаю тот факт, что загрязнение воздуха не является проблемой окружающей среды первостепенной важности, по мнению большинства людей, так как она не представляет непосредственной угрозы для многих из нас.

Why are people all over the world so much concerned about environmental problems and at the same time do nothing to solve them? It’s anybody’s guess.

Этот вопрос является вопросом чрезвычайной важности, так как оказывается воздействие на многие аспекты окружающей среды. И к сожалению, большинство людей не очень хорошо осведомлены об этом.

Without any doubt, another area of grave concern that impacts many different parts of this planet is the issue of waste.

Окружающая среда не только наша жизнь, но также и будущее нашей планеты. Все об этом знают.

I’m fully aware of the fact that air pollution isn’t an issue that most people consider to be of primary environmental concern since it doesn’t seem to pose an immediate pressing threat for a lot of us.

Хорошо известно, что изменения климата приводят к увеличению числа стихийных бедствий, таких как наводнения и ураганы во всем мире.

The question is overwhelming because there are so many different aspects of the environment which are being impacted today. And,unfortunately, most of people are not very knowledgeable about it.

Почему люди во всем мире так серьезно озабочены проблемами окружающей среды и, в тоже самое время, ничего не делают для их решения? Об этом можно только догадываться.

Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases:

You and your friend are discussing the ecological situation in your city. Discuss the following ecological problems and choose the one you both find the most serious:

Case 1:


Case 2:


Case 3:


Case 4:


Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make a similar one:

- Why are people all over the world so much concerned about environmental problems and at the same time do nothing to solve them? It’s anybody’s guess.

-To begin with they are the problems of all peoples and nations. Environment is not only our life, but also the future of the Earth.Everybody knows about it.

- If someone asked you what the biggest concern for the environment is today, what would you answer?

- The question is overwhelming because there are so many different aspects of the environments which are being impacted today. And, unfortunately, most of people are not very knowledgeable about it. There are problems with overpopulation and problems with deforestation and problems with many different types of things that ultimately lead to the devastation of the natural environment and to concerns that impact all of the people living on this planet.

- Why is water pollution so dangerous?

- We need to be concerned about water pollution as well as about the increasing scarcity of drinkable water in this world. People who are aware of this issue should start helping out by reducing water waste as much as possible.

- How does water get polluted?

- Ships let trash into it, sometimes oil flows from broken ships. The temperature of the World Ocean grows slightly but it results in enormous growth of some water weeds which absorb oxygen and pollute the water with the trash of their vital activity.

- Is air pollution dangerous?

- I’m fully aware of the fact that air pollution isn’t an issue that most people consider to be of primary environmental concern since it doesn’t seem to pose an immediate pressing threat for a lot of us. However, air pollution causes serious health problems and threatens the natural environment of the planet which means that this is actually one of the most important areas of environmental concern that we can start working to change today.

- What are other environmental dangers that demand special attention?

- Without any doubt ,another area of grave concern that impacts many different parts of this planet is the issue of waste. Toxic waste, such as the placement of electronics into landfills on a wide scale basis, is a major issue but all areas of waste are of concern. All waste ends up leading to the other types of pollution and causing problems for the environment in addition to taking up much-needed land space.

- Do all the problems mentioned by you affect our climate to a certain extent?

- Of course. All of these different types of pollution and waste end up contributing to what is probably the biggest threat that we have for the planet – the changing climate. Climate change is a major environmental concern because of the fact that even small changes can cause significant problems for large portions of the world. It’s well known that climate changes are resulting in an increase in the number of worldwide natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. These things devastate society and wreak havoc on the regions that they hit. Global warming will only cause an increase in these issues along with additional problems that could ultimately end this civilization as we know it.

- You have given us much food for thought; you are an expert in the sphere of ecology, thank you so much. Good-bye.

-You are welcome. Good-bye.

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