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Unit 1. My future speciality

Овальная выноска 495

Выноска-облако 493

Part I. Speaking and vocabulary

Lead – in

Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and identify the duties of a pharmacist.

to compound drugs

to dispense drugs

to consult a customer

to fill prescriptions

to prepare solutions and vaccines

to make clinical tests …

EБлок-схема: типовой процесс 489xercise 2:Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases given:

  1. _____________________ are health professionalswho dispense prescription medication to patients.

  2. They also provide information about the _____________________ doctors have ordered for patients.

  3. Pharmacists may work in _____________________ _____________________.

  4. Pharmacists must have __________ aptitude and good ____________ _____________.

  5. Future pharmacists should study _______________, biologyand________________.

  6. Doctor of Pharmacy programs include coursework in _____________________ and pharmaceutical chemistry, _____________________ (effects of drugs on the body), toxicology and pharmacy administration.

EБлок-схема: типовой процесс 488xercise 3: Complete the text using the words and phrases:


Pharmacists are health professionalswho distribute prescription drugs to individuals. They also advise their patients,_______________, and other health practitioners on the selection, dosages, _______________, and side effects of medications.

Most pharmacists work in a community setting, such as a _____________ drugstore, or in a _____________, such as a hospital.

Pharmacists in community pharmacies dispense medications, counsel patients on the use of prescription and _______________, and advise physicians about medication _______________. They also advise patients about general health topics, such as diet, exercise, and _______________, and provide information on products, such as _______________ or home _______________. Some community pharmacists provide specialized services to help patients with conditions such as _______________, asthma, _______________, or high blood pressure. Some pharmacists are trained to _______________ vaccinations.

Pharmacists in healthcare facilities dispense medications and advise the medical staff on the _______________ and effects of drugs. They may make sterile solutions to be administered _______________.

Some pharmacists work for health _______________ companies, carrying out _______________ on certain drugs. Other pharmacists work for the government or the armed services. Finally, some pharmacists are employed full time or _______________ as college faculty, teaching classes and performing _______________ in a wide range of areas.

Part II. Conversation

Useful phrases: Support

Выноска-облако 486

Exercise 4: Find the right translation:

You could try these COLD BE GONE tablets. They work wonders.

Могу ли я Вам помочь?

Do you have anything for a sore throat?

Вы не расскажите мне о побочных эффектах?

What do you suggest for an upset stomach?

Что насчёт предостережений?

Could you please fill this prescription for me?

Можете ли Вы порекомендовать что-нибудь от головной боли?

Why don’t you try aspirin?

Вы не возражаете, если я оплачу кредиткой?

Can you recommend something for a headache?

Что Вы можете предложить от расстройства желудка?

You could try these antacid tablets.

Что Вы порекомендуете от простуды?

Would you mind describing the side effects for me, please?

Не могли бы Вы приготовить это лекарство для меня?

Do you mind if I pay by credit card?

У Вас есть что-нибудь от горла?

Yes, these throat lozenges should work.

Вы можете принять «Прощай простуда». Это лекарство творит чудеса.

What about precautions?

Вы можете попробовать эти антациды.

May I help you?

Почему бы Вам не принять аспирин?

What do you recommend for a cold?

Эти пастилки от кашля должны помочь.

Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases using the phrases from below:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]