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10. Environmental Issues.

Nowadays the condition of our planet becomes worse and worse from year to year. The development of the scientific progress lead the people far ever forward but at the same time destroys nature and reduces the human age. Now in the 21 century all the people forces should be directed on the maintenance of nature, it’s improving, preserving in a good condition; on the new technologies in the field of waste processing (обработка отходов), non-waste production (безотходное производство) and etc. People should understand that the life of future generations, of our children and grandchildren depends on the condition of nature that we pass to them.

To save our planet every person should:

- not to throw the garbage away on the pavement, on the green grass, into the rivers, but only into the strictly using places for this

- Use water and electricity efficiently,to economize water in our tubes remembering that in some countries people feel thirsty lacking it.

-not to kill animals especially rare one for fur, food and trophy, to hunter only in places strictly using for this with the license

- to be careful with fire remembering that even the spark of the campfire can become the cause of the fire that can destroy thousands of kilometers of the forest and evoke the ecology disaster

- Install energy saving windows, which help fighting heat loss.

- Use energy saving light bulbs.

- Donate money for green organizations.

- Drive eco friendly car, use public transport as much as possible.

That are the simple things that can do everyone, but of course there are people that have much more responsibility. I mean the directors of plants, factories and large corporations. They should think how to minimize the waste from their factories, about the non-waste production and etc.

In our days our generation faces the problem of global warming.

Gw is one of the main issues of the international relations of the 21st century. For a long time people viewed earth as an unlimited source of everything from trees to fresh water. Only in the 20th century, as our knowledge of the planet grew, we began to realize, that we are changing our world forever, there is no going back. Some species are exterminated; some are on the brink of extinction. Air and water are polluted; we pump way too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere…

One of the reasons of it is the destruction of the biosphere and atmosphere by the poisonous emissions (отходы). The problem is very dangerous because the ice began to melt and there is a danger that it’ll flood even the continent and destroy the ecosystem of many places depriving animals and birds of their homes. Now we try to fix something that was neglected for centuries, it is a tough job and we are the generation that has to deal with it.

Basically- to be green is to consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and to produce oxygen!

In human terms it means-to produce as little as possible co2 by all means.

Greenpeace is the best known environmental organization in the world which was founded in the 1970’s. Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization for the protection and conservation of the environment. Its activists organize communities all over the world. The main goal of the organization is to protect the nature. Greenpeace is currently transforming to an international political organization due to its influence and activity worldwide.

Greenpeace has a worldwide presence with national and regional offices in 46 countries, which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International. The global organization receives its income through the individual contributions of almost 3 million financial supporters.