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4. Coping with teens

A number of problems are frequently associated with teenagers, and may give teachers particular concern. Parents are often afraid the transformation that takes place in their children during the teenage years (awkward age - at 14-16 years), but for teachers coping with teens can be especially challenging. Every teacher should remember that it’s very difficult to be a teenager. Everyone has different problems, but teenage problems are special.

They are on the way to become adults. But this way is so hard. And teens usually stay alone with their thoughts, because it seems to them that nobody can understand what is happening around them. There are a lot of problems – and problems are everywhere and they cannot expect why and where they come from. It’s hard for them to stay quiet and calm. Generation gap awakes misunderstandings with parents who often interfere with their life. Adults always say that they are lazy and can’t do anything except rest. And there is one more great problem: parents also always doubt teens’ independence.

At this period of their life at 14-16 they have to choose the profession, usually that’s difficult to make a choice, because our teenagers have a lot of hobbies and occupations, besides choosing the profession is the decision that defines our life and our future. Also this period connects with school finishing, with finals and entering exams in the universities. The busy schedule opposes the desire to enjoy, entertain and amuse with friends.

One of the worst teenage problems is schooling. Sometimes one feels bad because of teachers’ or classmates’ attitude to him. He is tired of studying, that’s why he doesn’t have energy and time for doing other things. A lot of teens like to look older, that’s why they obtain bad habits like smoking, drinking and taking drugs.

Teenagers experience this period differently: some retire into themselves; some strive for freedom and even go away from parental house trying to begin independent life; some have problems with misunderstanding among older generation (teachers, relatives, neighbors). This period can be long or short, harmless or ruinous, problems can be different but the result of the awkward age is the same all the time – the teenager enter the adult life, gaining the feeling of responsibility and stability.

Teachers must understand young people’s feelings about important life events and help them to develop a strategy to deal with them. There is little that an adult can do to influence their behaviour: they are at an age where they now have to find things out for themselves. It's totally normal for teens to create their own opinions, thoughts, and values about life; it's what prepares them for adulthood.

We can outline 3 main qualities that a teacher should have to assist the learning process. They are seeing things from the students' viewpoint, being yourself and acceptance of students' ideas and opinions.

It's really difficult for a teacher to choose the activity or topic that will interest a whole class of 30 very different teens. But maybe we need to get the kids to express their personalities more, to let them use the E-h to talk about people they like or things they like or want to do, to make the E-h truly theirs, some special E-h just for them.

The problem of coping with teens can reveal at school and at home - so parents and teachers are those who can face with not understanding of teens. The recommendations to those who face this problem can be different, but first of all it’s the patient attitude to teens even if it’s very difficult and sometimes is almost impossible. This problem is of temporary nature and passes in a few years, sometimes a little bit longer or shorter. Only the surrounding people can help to prepare children for this period and help teens to survive in it without ruinous consequences.

Therefore, when dealing with teenagers, it is advisable try to accept them the way they are – and to support and encourage them as much as one can.

Well, this is just something to think about and it's always good to remember when talking to the teens.