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21. Family matters: Career vs. Family.

The f is the most basic and ancient of all institutions, and it remains the fundamental social unit in every society. Yet there are many people today who predict the end of the family system as we know it. The f, it is contended (утверждается), is breaking down, the victim of moral decay (упадок), changing gender roles, or irresistible (непреодолимый) social forces.

Among the irresistible social forces it’s possible to point out the rise of importance of a personal career that exists not only among men but now also among women. The growth of possibilities to realize yourself in the career transfer the creation of the family, marriage, birth of children to a second level. On the one hand it’s understandable and has sense - people want to get the necessary basement for comfortable, not poor life for them and their children in the future, to realize their potencial being alone and then built the family life; but on the other hand, in my opinion, people that put off the creation of family at the right moment, to their opinion, are turned out to be not ready of this in practice (на деле) at that right moment, that’s why such postponed marriages finish in most cases by divorces, and usually have the status of preliminary marriages. This psychological feature concerned first of all men. As for woman the postponed marriage threaten first of all with unpreparedness to manage the household and women’s problems with having and carrying of a pregnancy that usually occur after 32-33 years, as a result birth rates decreases; and also difficulties generally with meeting a really good man for building relations because of the high demands and low possibilities.

In my opinion now women have such a position that capable to manage with all difficulties and obstacles in their life. We needn’t postpone anything for future because there is always danger that in future we won’t have such a possibility. We should do everything at present moment, live the present moment, but not the future. Women of 21 century finish high education, often even not one, we work and not seldom have the position higher then some men do, we give birth to the child and play the major role in his\her upbringing because not only spent more time with the baby, but also decide major questions in his\her life, and obviously manage the house, we find time for self-development going to the theatres and museums at the same time finding somehow time for ourselves, while all the spare time of contemporary men after coming from work engaged with TV and computer games. I’m sure that women of the 21 century much more strong then men. Usually not coping with their task they escape feeling subconsciously themselves weaker, that’s the main reason why they are afraid of responsibility and afraid of serious relations. I’m positive that women of 21 century can play successfully the role of mother and wife combining it with making an excellent career, just maybe postpone it for 2 years for too-little-kids-upbringing. We shouldn’t refuse from anything because the price of this can be too high, not realization of our potential, and as a consequence a feeling of regret about lost\missed opportunities. We obviously can and we should do this, anyway bear the name of women of 21 century. Therewith (к тому же) men didn’t leave us the other chance or because of not coping with the role of the strong part of generation after which women became stronger, or because of not bearing the competition with striving for the better (стремящиеся к лучшему) women. Nowadays most of men don’t even try to be the strongest part – after going away from parental home they search not for the partner sharing life with but for the mother to be taken care of, the first and most flaring (бросающийся в глаза) is that they do not give a sit anymore in transport not matter to whom to pensioners, pregnant women or passengers with little kids.

Certainly, as a person who gets second high education, the linguistic one, the first is the economic, I have a model of a successful career, the field where I want to work and circle. Now I bring my little son, he is 6 and a half months only, but recently I have worked as a financial analyst in foreign bank. As soon as I understood that I began to search some other occupation, that of course I could connect with the first one and I found - the field of learning and teaching languages interested me greatly. When I began to get the second high education, I knew that I wanted to connect my life with languages. I knew that from my childhood since learning at school with a profound studding of English and since upbringing that I’ve got from my family. The language is a inexhaustible field. But I understand that the profession of a teacher or a interpreter not exactly what I want to be involve in till the end of my life. (Maybe only as under working (подработка) for pleasure and money in my spare time). In my future I hope to make a career in the foreign department of some international corporation and to have the possibility to work and live abroad in European country.The knowledge of pedagogical and psychological theories I consider to be indispensable (необходимый) by reason of using them in common life and in my own children upbringing when you can look at them not only from the point of few of a mother, but also from the point of few of a teacher.

Anyway that’s not plans but just the preliminary outlines (предварительный план, намётка) for the future. I’m ready for everything new and give the destiny chance to correct it its own way.