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15. Religion

A religion is a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives (рассказ), symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power, deity (бог) or deities, or ultimate truth. Religion is commonly identified by the practitioner's prayer, ritual, meditation, music and art, among other things, and is often interwoven with society and politics. It may focus on specific supernatural, metaphysical, and moral claims about reality (the cosmos and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws, ethics, and a particular lifestyle. Religion also encompasses (охватывать) ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.

I can list many religions; however, there are five which have the most followers worldwide. These are: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Subsequently each one of the listed above religions has subdivisions within itself. For example, for Christianity these would be Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, etc. They all have different approaches to the religious practice and rules of conduct, while still holding belief in same God…

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism are unquestionably the largest religions. Christianity is predominant in the Western world (Europe, the Americas, Oceania. Islam is predominant in Middle East, Northern Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, Western Africa, Indian subcontinent, with large population centers existing in Eastern Africa, Russia, Europe and China. Hinduism (индуизм) is predominant in Indian subcontinent, Bali, Australasia, Northern America and Southeast Asia.

I think religiousness helps to live. But there are lots of different theories that argue for and against this statement. For the most part religion gives hope of the afterlife and yet it provides a set of rules which are stricter than the state laws… Religion can be used as a restraint and yet as an excuse… Religion adds meaning to life, and as long as it is not misinterpreted, it is helpful, in my opinion.

On the one hand no doubt religion is a significant part of life of many people and helps us to live and overcome many difficulties and troubles. It units, gives piece, appeasement and bliss. But on the other hand the thing that units at the same time separates this union against some other union, that’s why religion also can damage relations between people especially if the religion implies the existence of one religion and do not accept others. Unfortunately not in all religions war is unbearable thing. For example such religion as Islam justifies the murder of people if they are representatives of another religion. Usually these people have warlike nature and always are in the process of war. War is in their soul.

The religion gives the system of moral values. And also one of the most significant things that religion gives is strict rules of behaviour. Followers try not to break these rules because they are afraid of God’s punishment. Usually when there is no any danger of punishment people do not try to behave according with some rules. Unfortunately the people psychology is so: we do something only for something.

Can people live to the rules without being religious? - There are over 200 countries; they all have their own set of rules and laws… Citizens can obey state laws just because they are law obedient. Some state laws conflict with the religious beliefs of the majority of population, and yet, they are being obeyed…

Should religion stay away from state and education system? - Religion was and still is one of the key components of an identity; be it an individual identity or a state identity. Religion is an integrated part of history. Therefore it should always be considered in state matters, as well as should be freely available in the education system. Without it our understanding of the world and its happenings would be partial….

In my opinion not all religion rules and of course not of all religions are right and should be followed, but in common it is the good and stable basement to state and government to be based on. It shouldn’t stay away from the state. And I think like a system of knowledge religion should be taught at school and that’s the personal business of a person to be religious or not. It’s the personal choice of everyone.