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  1. What position would you like to have:

  1. to manage people – manager

  2. to work for someone else - an employee

  3. to be your own boss – self-employed, businessman

  4. be responsible for everything – top manager, director

  5. to work for the state – state employee

III. Please discuss with your group advantages and disadvantages of your future profession.

  1. Do you think that your future profession is prestigious?

  2. Do you think it will be still prestigious and well paid by the time you will graduate?

  3. How difficult is it to find a good work in your field?

  4. Is there a competition in your group, school?

  5. Do you think that competition is a good stimulus to study well or it just makes communication between you more difficult?

Unit 4. Business correspondence

Learn the Words

order-letter — письмо-заказ

inquiry letter — письмо-запрос

claim letter (letters of complaint)—письмо-жалоба, (письмо-рекламация)

cover letter — сопроводитель­ное (препроводительное) письмо

letter of confirmation — пись­мо-подтверждение

letter of guarantee — гарантий­ное письмо

to type — печатать на машин­ке

to space — размещать, отделять

to fold — складывать, сгибать

heading — заголовок

salutation — приветствие

inside address — адрес получа­теля

body of the letter — текст письма

complimentary close — заклю­чительная формула вежливо­сти

signature — подпись

circular letter — циркуляр

registered letter — заказное письмо

dead letter - недоставленное письмо

letter of congratulation — по­здравительное письмо

letter of introduction — реко­мендательное письмо

registered letter with statement of value — ценное письмо

to renew correspondence— возобновлять переписку

addressee — адресат

sender — отправитель

receiver — получатель

statement — ведомость

remittance — денежный пере­вод

to be called for — до востребования

date of the postmark — дата почтового штемпеля

certified copy — заверенная копия

way bill — накладная

to send by parcel post — отправ­лять почтовой посылкой

to post - to mail — отправлять почтой

urgent telegram — срочная телеграмма

to refer to smth —ссылаться на что-либо

first-printed copy — первый экземпляр

copy on approval — конт­рольный экземпляр

in duplicate (in two copies) — в 2 экземплярах

in triplicate (in three copies) — в 3 экземплярах


  1. Read the text.

With the development of industry, technology, trade and economic ties among the countries and ordinary people a great volume of business is done by mail. It is true that the telephone, telegraph, telex and fax speed up transaction , but they also increase expenses to such an extent that practical businessmen and economic people use this modern means of communication only for matters requiring immediate action or for messages which can be expressed briefly.

Business letters concern us in our daily living, especially those of us who live abroad and deal with foreigners.

People write business letters in many situations: finalizing contracts, booking a seat in an airplane, reserving hotel accommodation, booking theatre tickets, writing order-letters, letters of inquiry, claim letters (letters of complaint), cover letters, letters of confirmation and letters of guarantee.

A business letter, like a friendly or social letter, should make a favorable impression. In order that a letter may create this impression, it should be neatly written or typed, properly spaced on the page and correctly folded in the invelope.

The Parts of a Business Letter

The basic outline for a business letter is that of any letter: the heading, the inside address, the salutation, the body of the letter, the complimentary close and the signature. If you forget something you mean to say in the letter, put it in a PS at the bottom of the page.

II Study the structure and examples of business letters and write a letter of your own: