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4. Complete the text by filling in the gaps with the words from the box The Academic Year

The 1………………….in the Unite States generally runs from late August or early September through late May or early June. Colleges and universities offer 2…………. throughout the academic year based on semesters, trimesters or quarters. The 3………………… system is most common, dividing the year in half. The term “4……………………” is used to describe one of three periods of equal length that the school year is divided into. Sometimes the academic year is split into four 5 …………… It is advisable to follow the 6…………………in order to meet all the important 7…………………of the institution.

Quarters academic calendar semester trimester deadlines academic year courses


5. Consider the following terms and their explanations

CREDIT - кредит (залік) - "залікова одиниця Карнегі". Залік, який виставляється студенту за курс, який він прослухав у школі чи ВНЗ. Задля отримання посвідчення про проходження курсу у навчальному закладі з певної спеціальності необхідно отримати певне мінімальне число "кредитів". Як правило, воно складає кілька десятків чи навіть більше ста.

CREDIT HOUR - кредитна (залікова) година. Одиниця виміру навчального часу, що дорівнює 50 хвилинам аудиторних занять (одна академична година) на тиждень протягом семестра.

Idiom Box

6 (A) Consider the suggested idioms and phrases with roll

    1. ready to roll

    2. a rolling stone gathers no moss

    3. roll out the red carpet

    4. roll in money/dough/cash/it

    5. on a roll

    6. call the roll

    7. Heads will roll

    8. roll up one’s sleeves

(b) Substitute the explanatory phrases in italics for the idioms from (a) in an appropriate form

  1. The dean was ready to make special preparations for the visiting professor from Japan.

  2. After months of planning, we were finally prepared to start.

  3. It's time to start doing a job even though it is difficult and get some work done on the project.

  4. It is not easy to find a freshman who has a lot of money on campus.

  5. All of you cheated in exam? You will be punished severely for this!

  6. The teacher said the list of names to check who was there.

  7. The master and I were having a lot of success with what we were trying to do, and it seemed that nothing could stop us anymore.

  8. “ You need to settle down. As they say, someone who often changes jobs, moves to different places is not able to have any permanent relationships or duties

Just for Fun

7. Witty college glossary continued... Are the definitions true to life?

MAJOR: (n) Area of study that no longer interests you.

OTHELLO: (n) Unless you're an English major, who really cares??

ABSENT: (n) The notation generally following your name in a class record.

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