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Учебник английского.doc
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2. A few explanations to the text

1... .pyramid of Khufu ['ku'fu:] — пирамида Хуфу

2. ...to withstand the Thames current. — ...чтобы противостоять течению Темзы.

  1. .. .but mention was made of it in the writings of architects from time to time — но время от времени можно встретить упоминание об этом в работах архитекторов.

  2. They were the first to use... — они первыми использовали 5 . . . .on a pretty large scale— в довольно широких масштабах

5. Key vocabulary /expressions

art of building — искусство строить brick [brik] — n кирпич

borrow ['borou] — v (from) занимать, заимствовать concrete ['konkrit] — n бетон, dome [doum] — n купол

dwell [dwel] — v жить, проживать embody [im'bodi] — v олицетворять, воплощать erect fi'rekt] —v возводить, строить find jfaind] — v (out) обнаружить, найти kiln [kiln] — n обжиговая печь, сушильная печь pile [pail] — n свая, столб pillar fpils] — n столб, колонна remains [ri' meinz] — л pi остатки, руины tribe [traib]— n племя

4. Phonetic drill

4.1. Read the words paying attention to deferent pronouncia-tion of letter combination ea [e] weather, measure, health, ahead, leather, instead [ei] great, break, steak, streak [i:] team, means, beam, cheap, easy, weak, leave [i э] theatre, realize, appearence, weary, dreary [i'ei] permeate, create, delineate

4. 2. Mind the pronunciation of the following words with the italicized silent letters

tomb[tu:m], bomb[boum], lambpasm], limbflim], р1итЬ[р1лт] listenflisn], christen['kraisn], fasten[fa:sn], often[o:fn], soften['sofn]

thistle[0isl], mistletoe ['misltou], castle[ka:sl], apostlefa'posl] gnome[noum], gnujnu:], gnarled[na:ld], gnashfnaej], gnawerfno: з]

4. 3. Explain the pronounciation of letter combination wh in each line

which, why, whelm, whammy who, whole, whom, whose

5. Translate the extract into Russian

The term "civil engineering" is usually applied to such activi­ties as the excavation and then the construction of different build­ings, bridges, roads, docks, harbours and embankments as well as to the water control by dams and reservoirs, canals and aque­ducts, pipelines and the reclamation of land. By the way: What does the international word "reclamation" mean here? Explain it in the most detailed way in Russian.

6. Learn to recognize international words. Give Russian equivalents to the following words without a dictionary

harmony [Ъатаэш]

reservoirf rezavwa:]

tradition [tra'dijn]

manufacture [manju'fsektjs]

decoration [deka reijn]

fragment [fraegmant]

aqueduct ['aekwidAk]

method [rme03d]

idea[ai 'dis]


tank [tasrjk]

strusture ['strAktJa]

position [ps'zijn]

arch ['a:tj]

7. Find the corresponding Russian meaning of the interna­tional words given above in ex.5. Start compiling your own vocabulary of international words.

ex. business [Tbiznis]

  1. бизнес, торговля, коммерческая деятельность

  2. коммерческое, торговое предприятие, фирма

  3. (выгодная) сделка

  4. дело, занятие, профессия

8. Explain in English the meaning of the following words:

sun-dried mud bricks

timber piles

pseudo concrete

the ruins of Pompeii

harmony and pure beauty