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1. Coffee-processing and food-packaging factory in Lagos.

2. Air-conditioning and generator Assembly plant in Ondo State, Nigeria.

* Aprofim has constructed three rice mills in rural areas of Nige­ria. The project includes designing, construction and commission­ing of the rice mills, as well as the training of stuff. And it is not a full list of course.

So we can see how Aprofim has found its geographical target market and how the firm operates there. For Nigerian economy and business groups Aprofim is beyond any doubt one of the most important investor and partners because Aprofim meets the current needs of Nigeria, the country with a tropical climate resulting agricultural problems.

Aprofim understands its competitiveness as permanent activities for increasing the number of life-important projects having been done in the region.

2. A few explanations to the text

  1. generator assembly plant—завод по сборке генераторов

  2. mass earthworks—большие объемы земельных работ

3. Key vocabulary / expressions

culvert—дренажная труба

generator assembly plant—завод по сборке генераторов mass earthworks—большие объемы земельных работ mill — мельница

4. General understanding. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What do you think the target market is?

  2. When a firm can be competitive?

  3. What competition is a real mechanism for free market eco­nomical system?

  4. Why does Aprofim work long and successfully in many coun­tries?

  5. Is it necessary to diverse a firm's activity to be competitive?

5. Read the derivatives correctly and translate thempay- - ing attention to the suffixes

compete—competence — competent — competitioner—com­petitive — competitor — competition — competitiveness

6. Complete the following sentences using a form of the word "competition"

1 .There is a lot of among chocolate producers.

2.Nescafe's main is Caferoma at present.

3. Vitek needs to at home and abroad.

4.To be successful in business one needs to reach a


5 .There were many for a vacant position.

6.Being is very important for any business.

7.A successful businessperson needs to assess of

his business on the market from time to time.

7. Read, translate and discuss the situation with your partner

Each business is rated in terms of two major dimensions: market .attractiveness and business strength. These two factors make excellent marketing sense for rating a business. Companies will be successful to the extent that they go into attractive markets and possess the required business strength to succeed in those markets. If one or the other is missing, the business will not produce outstanding results. Neither a strong company operat­ing in an unattractive market nor a weak company operating in an attractive market will do any good.


8.1. Forfurther reading on thegiven topic we recommend Supple- mentary text

Always be Certain To Watch Who's Gaining on You. p.p. 156-159.

  1. Conduct your own research to make a story about any world famous company you know.

  2. Share your information in a monological speech with your proupmates.

8.4. Make a written report using your data. It must contain not less 300 words (up to the international level).


  1. Vaults were cast on timber framework.

  2. A number of factors had a bearing on slow concrete adapta­tion for anything other than foundations.

  3. At the beginning of the 19th century concrete became a matter of great interest.

  4. Many people say that J.Mouier should be credited with the invention of reinforced concrete.

  5. The trees were sheltering the early people from severe north winds.

  6. Failure to control natural forces led to immediate disasters or gradual degradation of the enviroumental.

  7. Myths concerned with basic human need for water are wide­spread in various cultures.

  8. The oldest Neolithic settlement ever excavated, and the old­est conserved wooden boat are dated back to the 4th millennium


9. The bridge will not sustain heavy loads.

  1. Children need a happy home environment.

  2. The passengers were informed by radio about the flight being delayed for the nearest two-three hours.

  3. The wind had fallen, the moon was shining over the quiet sea.

  4. Pepsi-cola developed a one-way plastic biodegradable soft-drink bottle.

  5. The basic concept of the competition is responsiveness to customers.

  6. As you begin your competitive assessment, keep in mind that you need to evaluate only these competitors aiming for the same target market.

  7. One of the worst statements you can make in your business plan is "We have no competition."


1. Read and translate the text

Modern Management Practices