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Адреса на конверті

Багато листів не доходять до адресата внаслідок недбалості в оформленні адреси відправника. Щоб забезпечити повернення листа тому, хто його послав, якщо, скажемо, адресат не знайдений, необхідно вказати прізвище й адресу відправника в лівому верхньому куті або на його зворотному боці.

Прізвище й адреса того, кому направляється лист, пишуть у нижній половині лицьової сторони конверта. Нижче приведені зразки оформлення адрес на конверті.

C.T. Long




Mr James Monroe

635 Beacon Street

Boston 2


A.B. Aims

216 Summit Avenue

Cleveland 6, Ohio


Drand Calvin Jones

1144 Monringside Drive

New York 49

New York

Види ділових листів.

Informal letters

Write your

address, but not

your name.

Don't put the

address you are

writing to.

Angel Acuna 1020

3301 Posadas-Misiones


16th December

Dear Suzi,

Thanks for your letter It was great to hear from you I’m sorry I haven't written sooner, but I’ve been very busy.

So what's new? Well, as you can see from the address, I’m not living with my parents any more. I’ve moved into a flat nearer my job. It’s got a spare room, so you can stay with me when you come and visit next summer! I’ve also just had a pay increase at work. Great isn't it? I was really surprised because I’ve only been working there for six months.

What else? Well, I went to a party last week where I met this great guy. We spent the whole night chatting and dancing I'm meeting him again this weekend! Who knows - maybe a new romance!

Guess what? I got a letter from Toshi yesterday. You won't believe this, but he's getting married!

Well, that's all my news. Let me know how you are doing I'm really looking forward to hearing from you!



Write the date


like this:

16Th December/

December 16th.

Add the year if

you want.

Use Dear + name to begin, not Dear friend.

To introduce

and add new

Information, use

these words and


An informal

letter is like

an informal

conversation, so

use the first and

last paragraphs

to say 'hello'

and 'goodbye',

and use contractions.

To end your letter, use:

  • (All my) love for very good friends and family;

  • Take care for close friends;

  • Best wishes for friends and people you know less well.

Useful language

  • First lines:

How are you doing? I'm fine.

How are you? I hope you're well.

I'm sorry I haven't written for so long.

  • Giving advice:

If I were you, I'd + verb

I (don't) think you should + verb

  • Last lines:

Hope to hear from you soon.

It'd (would) be great to hear from you.

Keep in touch.

  • Requests, invitations and suggestions:

Could you ... ?

Would you like to ... ?

Do you fancy + -ing?

How / What about + -ing?

Formal letters

18 Fleet Street

Dublin 1


Ms S. Jones

West Coast Apartments

2000 Neilson Boulevard

Santa Monica


14th January 2002

Dear Ms Jones,

I am writing as I would like to rent a holiday apartment. According to The Five-Star Travel Guide to California, you specialise in luxurious holiday apartments and that is what I am looking for.

I would like to rent a fully furnished, five-bedroom apartment with private pool in the Long Beach or Santa Monica areas of Los Angeles during the month of July.

Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information:

  • First of all, I would like details of all the apartments you have available in July, including information about the facilities which are provided, such as a laundry service, sauna, private tennis courts etc.

  • In addition to that, I would like to know if you are able to arrange car hire and if it is included in the price of the apartment.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan Fitzpatrick

Write the name

and address of

the person you

are writing to.

If you don't

know their name,

write their job

title (e.g. Sales

Manager, Managing


Write the date

in full (either

14th January 2002

or January 14th

2002) under both

addresses, either

on the left or on

the right.

Write your address,

but not your name, in

the top right corner.

Use Dear Ms/Mr

Jones to start.

If you don't know

the person's

name, write

Dear Sir/Madam.

Use the following to introduce a list and First of all and In addition to that to list the different information.

Don't use


(I would instead

of I'd). Try to use

formal vocabulary,

e.g. supply instead

of give.

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