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12. Fill in the correct prepositions.

1. One word is derived … the Greek ethos, meaning "character," and the other … the Latin mores, meaning "custom”.

2. Aristotle divided practical wisdom … two parts: moral philosophy and political philosophy.

3. People are confronted … the need to make choices.

4. Ethics tries to introduce order … the way people think … life.

5. Computerization has created a number … environmental, health, and safety problems … the modern workplace.

6. Poorly designed seats, tables, and work-stations, which do not conform … ergonomic principles, have been blamed … headaches, neck and shoulder ache.

7. The future of the computing profession depends … both technical and ethical excellence.

13. Translate the text into English. Discuss. Give your “for” and “against”.

Термин «этика» впервые употреблён Аристотелем как обозначение особой области исследования «практической философии», потому что она пытается ответить на вопрос: что мы должны делать? Основной целью этики Аристотель называл счастье — деятельность души в добродетели, то есть самореализацию. Самореализация человека — это разумные поступки, которые избегают крайностей и держатся золотой середины. Поэтому основная добродетель — это умеренность и благоразумие.

Новую постановку получают этические проблемы у Канта. В области морали духовным отцом Канта был Руссо, который полагал, что нравственная ценность человека вытекает только из природного источника. Вся моральность, по Канту, заключается в доброй воле исполнить нравственный закон. Сам закон должен отличаться абсолютной всеобщностью. «Поступай так, чтобы правило твоей воли всегда могло быть вместе с тем и принципом всеобщего законодательства», — гласит нравственный закон Канта, который называют «категорическим императивом». Таким образом, нравственный закон делает столь же ценным и то существо, которое является его носителем и исполнителем, то есть человека. Кант провозглашает абсолютную моральную ценность — человеческую личность.

Grammar Tutorials: Modal Verbs

14. Could you use any other modal verbs in these 8 points?


1) must stand above all students, yet be on their level.

2) must be able to do 180 things not connected with the subject being taught.

3) must run on coffee and leftovers.

4) must communicate vital knowledge to all students daily and be right most of the time.

5) must have more time for others than for herself/himself.

6) must have a smile that can endure through pay cuts, problematic children, and worried parents.

7) must go on teaching when parents question every move.

8) must have 6 pair of hands.

15. Scan the Educator’s Code of Ethics, which was first used in June 1893 in graduation ceremonies at the College of Education at Michigan State University. Consult the dictionaries. Mark the statements followed with “Agree”, “Disagree”. Make the Educator’s Code of Ethics for your university either in Russian or Belarusian.


I affirm my dedication to the profession of education. With this affirmation I embrace the obligations of professional educators to improve the general welfare, to advance human understanding and competence and to bring honor to the endeavors of teaching and learning. I accept these obligations for myself and will be vigilant and responsible in supporting their acceptance by my colleagues.

I will be always mindful of my responsibility to increase the intelligence of students through the disciplined pursuit of knowledge. I will be steadfast in this commitment, even when weary and tempted to

abdicate such responsibility or blame failure on obstacles that make the task difficult. I will be persistent in my commitment to foster respect for a life of learning and respect for all students.

To perform faithfully these professional duties, I promise to work always to better understand my content, my instructional practice, and the students who come into my tutelage. I promise to seek and support policies that promote quality in teaching and learning and to provide all engaged in education the opportunity to achieve excellence. I promise to emulate personally the qualities I wish to foster, and to hold and forever honor a democratic way of life that cannot exist without disciplined, cultivated, and free minds.

I recognize that at times my good endeavors will be opposed by bias and defenders of inequality, and that I will have to confront arguments that seek to discourage my efforts and diminish my hope. But I will remain faithful to the belief that these endeavors and the pursuit of these goals make me worthy of my profession, and my profession worthy of a free people.

In presence of this gathering, I bind myself to this oath.


1. The oath expresses the sense of dedication and professionalism that educators feel.

2. The teaching profession would benefit perhaps from the code of ethics similar to the oath of physicians take when they enter the profession.

3. The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession indicates the aspiration of all educators.

4. The Code of Ethics provides standards by which to judge conduct.

5. The educator accepts more responsibility to adhere to the higher ethical standards.

6. All the engineers in the planet are looking forward to having a Code of Ethics of their own.

7. To learn the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession by heart is very easy.

8. To implement all the Code of Ethics instructions into life is impossible.

Additional Activities: Miscellaneous

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